Did anyone ever figure out why this shit was appearing on Sup Forums?

Did anyone ever figure out why this shit was appearing on Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

rbt.asia/g/search/text/"femanon here"/filter/text/

some ad agency or something
there's a new one now

What is the new one? also I found these being filtered by the included lists

probably because there's a greedy chink running things


Botnet that now runs on regular Sup Forums domains

I never saw this on my umatrix logs.

Botnet on your side. I never seen it.

it was real at the time you fucking retards, check the archives

No I remember it. I just wasn't able to see it which I consider a good thing. It might be because of my umatrix setup.

It was on your side only, you idiot. On yours and a few other idiots. Fuck knows what kind of malware you retards have had installed in common. I never seen it.

can it still be disabled somehow?

Behind the scenes is just harmless stuff like images.

this is a troll don't respond to it

I have these in my filters from a long time ago
! > shady shit
||s.4cdn.org/js/extension.min.1050.js$script,domain=boards.Sup Forums.org
! > ||*.ekansovi.com$domain=boards.Sup Forums.org
boards.Sup Forums.org##script:contains(window.upManager)

Hey!! Watch the way you talk to her buddy!

Sup Femanon


Some porn ad agency I guess.

Hi :3

Look on archives, I posted proof that it was not present at all on my system. It's only retards that got some malware from ""g-approved"" shitware.

A lady wouldn't use such foul language

I think it's my duty to inform people how retarded they are.

You're a guy pretending to be a girl

I'm a woman

Prove it, post picture

no you aren't

but in the off chance you are, you're probably ugly


you cant hide from us.

just cause you wear a dress doesn't mask the fact that you have a penis

I'm not her, I'm her whiteknight, you faggot

Done it already. I won't post a pic for evey retard asking for because you're too fucking stupid or new.

What did they mean by this?



found this

i could have sworn there was a "femanon" in Sup Forums who posted in /spg/ or /csg/ with some tranny looking pics with a fedora or someshit but i can't find it


those shoulders are the manliest ive seen on a woman

rbt.asia/g/search/text/"femanon here"/filter/text/