These prices are getting out of hand. I swear to god the cunts are just colluding and just like HDDs, prices will never ever return to normal no matter how much their "capacity" grows.

Other urls found in this thread:


yea, they should make rams expensive like 1080s


people dont buy ram like they used to, so the easiest solution is to increase price.

Im mean I have 16gb and I never capped so why should I buy more.

I can't believe 16GB of DDR4 RAM is going to be fucking £200 by the end of this year.

That's not how supply and demand works.

>people don't buy computers anymore

Yea the prices have gotten rather nuts. I have 32GB (4x8GB) of ddr4-2400mhz from Corsair I bought when DDR4 first launched. I spent $90 per 16GB kit. These same kits are now $160-$180.

so is it phone fags that are causing this or what?
when will they go down?

>Chinese silicon prices rise 19%
>Japan (60% global export) expected to raise by 20% in 2018 and a further 10-15% the year after

>tfw you bought 8GB DDR3 for $25 years ago

>tfw you bought 16 GB $70 a year ago

>$380 for 16gb 14cas ram in Aus

I bought 16GB 3000MHz for $129 in August right before the huge spike and I thought that was a ripoff.

Good fucking Lord.

16 gb kits are already hovering around $200, so we're there already, but just recently prices from various brands have dipped. Just a week or two ago I bought 16 gb of 3200 MHz gskill rgb ram for $150 or so, which was going for over $200 just before then. Subscribe to pcpartpicker's daily price drop email list. You can tailor it to specific components you're interested in. I do memory, storage, and PSUs notifications and that's how I spotted the lower cost gskill ram I got. Also, Samsung has stated they're ramping up ddr4 production which should have the effect of lowering cost in the market soon.

I got the same for $100 and thought it was too much then.

Just wondering, why is this happening? Crypto ram minnets?

I spend $270 on 3200 ddr4 16gb.

Feels fucked, feel like i was molested by the asians.

The world isn't a libertarian fantasy. If supply and demand worked like kn econ 101, diamonds would be much cheaper. Corporations are a thing, and there are industries where new competitors can't form.


chinese consumers

Are you really fucking trying to say HDDs never returned to normal? Get the fuck out of here, you literal child. Before the plants and storage facilities were wrecked by flooding and the prices went UP, the normal price was $100/TB for internal, $150-$200/TB for external. You can buy a 4GB external for $99 right now.

100% because the 3 RAM manufacturers are colluding and price fixing.

>I swear to god they are just colluding
They did it before.



fucking eternal kimchi at it again

Micron, Samsung, AND Hynix. Want to guess who is in the current top 5 NAND manufacturers?

Intel, Samsung, Micron, Hynix

is the last one Crucial?

Oh, I forgot about them. WD and Toshiba make up the remainder.

lol fucking bullshit, 3tb drives were $130
you need to sleep more

Crucial is owned by Micron

>bought 8gb of perfectly functional value priced ddr3 last year
>mobo dies
>new intel boards only accept ddr4
>fell for the 16gb meme and had to spend $250, not to mention the $270 on a new cpu since the old one was also incompatible with modern boards

All these years ive made fun of consoles but the pc kikery is really getting out of hand. Its hard to recommend buying a gaming computer over a psqudruple now.

My ddr3 ram was $150 I missed out and now that I want to expand from 16 to 32 I may have to shell out $190 ffs

Trump needs to get that manufacturing back in the US, Onigger sold us out

no china outbid you, fucking hick

Sure it is. There is a reliable floor demand underneath a discretionary filler demand, the discretionary market decreased, so RAM manufacturers lower supply, pricing discretionary spending out of the market, but the fixed floor of people who need RAM will pay whatever you're selling them for. You end up making more money by deflating supply.

You didn't think that supply was some inscrutable "given", did you? Suppliers can tweak supply just as consumers can stop demanding.

You're still here? When will you move on? It hurts me to still see you here.

The games arent even good enough to be worth "top tier pc performance" these days anyways. Likely wont even upgrade until star citizen beta in 2020

>not knowing about the retarded trade deal we signed with SK
China is a problem too tho, yes.

Guess I'm the one laughing now. Bought 32GB DDR3 back in the day when most people were still rocking 4GB mostly. 8GB was considered good for gaming. Anything past that and people thought you was crazy. Got the 32GB paired w/trusty Phenom II x4 955. Don't see that combo much around here.

VMs really are whats making more RAM worth having

on the flip side you you can get hyundai cars on the cheap!

i have a 24gb 8120 for a kvm server idk lol

It's still going to rot and self-destruct. Probably more liable to since it's higher density.

I ain't worried, got a spare mobo/ two 8GB DDR3 sticks, and another Phenom II x4 955 stashed in a closet. Also got a Tri-core 3 ghz am3 spare cpu for my server in case it's FX 8300 dies. Both Desktop and Server use the same mobo

What u talkin about boi

Current system has 32GB of DDR3, Have another with 16GB DDR4, and have another w/ 32GB DDR4.

Have my last couple of parts orders coming in soon and one purchase set for black friday and then i'm hunkering down user-kuns. Wish you guys the best. Should have been dialing in your systems for some time now

Trying to avoid upgrading until ddr5 is a thing

Can confirm

I like that my 6 core CPU and 16GB RAM can dedicate 4 threads and 4 GB's RAM to a virtual machine and I can run both VM and desktop without any noticeable slowdown.

There'll probably be even greater adoption of virtualization to sandbox programs and ensure system compatibility even with really old software. No need for Windows to maintain backwards compatibility if you can just run a virtual machine mimicking older windows to run old windows programs.

I'm betting videogame DRM shit gets done through virtualization as well.

MOAR COARES and 16GB+ RAM are the future

I think 6 cores is ideal for the next 4 years.

AMD did 8 cores wayyy to early.

I bought a 4 TB Seagate HDD from Tiger Direct in Wilmington in 2012 for $85 where's your God now

>Im mean I have 16gb and I never capped so why should I buy more.

What is caching and paging? Fucking moron. My system with 4gb never caps either

On a system with 64gb of ram I've seen my usage reach ~55gb.

thread related
DRAM high demand was only the beginning, Silicon wafers will increase the price too, driving the other PC components prices on a higher price!

If the limit is just over 5 million wafers/month where does the rest of the wafers come from?

user said £200, not $200.

I'm not sure you understand the ever increase CL times and power utilization associated ... GDDR5,5X,and now DDR6 are a thing.

There's a reason why RAM is stuck on 4.
Also, you're forgetting about CPU architecture and tie-ins therein. There's reasons why things are staying locked in at DDR4.

But yeah, things are comfy now and will be until things fundamentally change. I'm not upgrading on the next wave of hardware.. I'll be riding things out until 2020.

>Was looking into buying RAM yesterday
>Prices seem way higher than I remember
This explains a lot...
Now I'm not sure whether to buy asap or wait it out.

You can buy 8GB ram for $14 , stop falling for ram memes

Wait what, where can I get it for that price?

One stick that is , it's $7 on ebay/aliexpress , it's
4GB ddr2 800 and they say it works on amd only. That aside it's pretty good

Just posting some RAM prices :)

I got my 16 GB for 70 euros in 2016. They will probably never be that cheap.

>These prices are getting out of hand
Not for DDR3 at least.

maybe now you smug fucks won't say 'it was the same price so i bought 16gb instead of 8'


I think ddr5 spec is out its just a matter of manufacture?

the fuck is that?

I'll sum up this thread
>tfw you didn't fall for the 16GiB meme

>mobo dies
>buys new mobo cpu and ram AND complains
you could have bought a replacement mobo

>Have my last couple of parts orders coming in soon and one purchase set for black friday and then i'm hunkering down user-kuns. Wish you guys the best. Should have been dialing in your systems for some time now

>Paid $170 back in 2014 for a decent 16GB kit.
>2011 chipset just released
>Still don't think I got ripped off


Kek I paid $190 for 64GB of DDR4 2400 RAM in 2015.

It's now literally $400.
Am I sitting on gold?

I unironically need 8GB more of DDR3 but it's fucking 65 bucks!
I have some 12800U memory but I don't know if it's compatible with regular 12800.

>it's manufacturing volume we swear!
>meanwhile warehouses are overflowing with hundreds of RAM packages of each colour and flavour, literal tens of thousands per capacity per brand.

Just give it a try.

But user, "if it's such a problem just start your own RAM company, you damn communist"

Yea wait til second half of 2018 for RAM price drop

mfw I paid $100 for 16gb ddr3 used 2 months ago.
mfw I paid $35 for 8gb ddr3l for my thinkpad a month ago.


The freq increase is negligible in real world, also lower timings matter more . The only real benefit is efficiency and higher capacity, search up benchmarks.

yes, in fact, supply and demand barely works at all

Welcome to brazil.
Where everything costs double the price it should.

Because 4-8GB has been plenty for average home use for about 10 years now, so only professionals and enthusiasts need more, so you pay professional and enthusiast prices.

They don't on average. It's either smartphones or laptops at a push.

They don't tho, my normie friends either have an almost 10 year old computer or don't have one at all.

Man your retarded, its not about "professionals and enthusiasts" its about the same RAM a year ago was half the price that it is now for no other reason than price fixing by the big 3 DRAM fabricators.
8GB of RAM should be cheaper now than a year ago now its almost twice the price.

That's funny, I bought 16GB 3200MHZ for $80, but this was 2-3 years ago.

>mfw was thinking about bumping my ram up to 32GB, purely because I have the extra slots to do so
>see that price has doubled
Glad it's not just me going crazy, jesus christ. Is there any indiciation it'll come down? Should I buy now before it increases another 200%?

Because the only people who are looking to buy it are professionals and enthusiasts.

I thought it was kinda steep when I bought 2x16gb ddr4 @ 3.0 GHZ for $250 usd.. the same kit is selling for almost $500 now.

Why would this price hike be permanent?
Because we are actually finally running out of rare metals?

I don't know what you define "professionals and enthusiasts" to be but this shit is affecting anyone that even just wants to build a basic PC
Hell its hard to even build a decent $500 PC anymore with RAM and SSD prices like they are

Sell half of it.

I paid £210 for my 16GB of DDR4. And that was after spending 3-4 hours trying to find the lowest price online. Not only are the prices high but availability is low as well- most sites were out of stock, or had low stocks, or whatever. The average price was like £250, it was fucking rediculous.

I thought I got absolutely raped with the prices I paid, since they were already like 80€ higher than they used to be.
Now I'm glad I bought that thing.
These are going to punch at least 150€ higher in the next year.

>500 dollarydoos

Jesus fucking Christ

That's 588$
The RGB version already costs 529€, which is 622$
Got to love these Finnish prices.

Samsung loves to fix prices. They've been convicted of it like 10 times over the years but since they are based in ROK and are more powerful than the government nothing happens.

Got 2x 16gb DDR4 Crucial sticks for 185 socialist union credits half a year ago, feels good man. Those prices right now are ridiculous.

Is this the death of custom made PCs?

are the prices expected to keep going up?

I'm planning to do a new build in 3-4 months but I'm wondering if I should just buy the RAM now.

Show your buenas purchases.

It's going to be worse than the Phoebus cartel. And this time no one is going to find out about it like last time.