How does Sup Forums choose a cpu
How does Sup Forums choose a cpu
I post a thread about it wait for a bunch of people to respond and then do the exact opposite of what they say
I let the dudes at microcenter decide whats best
good Idea
I ask each one if they want to meet their biggest fan. If they say yes I walk over to the cooling aisle and we have a long conversation about each others needs and wants in a relationship. I tell her that I'm a family man. If all goes well, she invites me to meet her mother. If she seems compatible, then we take a trip down memory lane to reminisce about past relationships. If I feel like we have the power to make this work, I make my case for her hand in marriage. I tell her that I would make her happy and promise to keep the mice out with the other peripherals. The last step or rather first step on our journey together is a walk down the aisle towards the registers. We say our I dos with the cashier as witness. The scenic route she says, with a smile I oblige. I gently carry her inside like the princess she is. Then I lock her up in a dark room for the rest of her natural life.
that is lewd
CPU are mostly overated unless you're a power user and need every single drop of ressources you need.
I use a Core 2 duo for my daily use of internet and it more then enough.
Get an i5-2500, or 2500-k if you want overclocking
i make multiple threads on Sup Forums and reddit. let them fight it out for a day. then go with whatever the guy at geek squad tells me.
Based off their Motherboard.
>Sort by most expensive
>Buy first result
What are your need in your daily basis?
18 core Xeon, $11k
I let the scheduler decide.
I pick whatever seems to win the most shit-flinging shitpost duels on Sup Forums
1. AMD
I wait until they release a CPU that is at least 3 times faster per core than the current CPU i have.
Ivy Bridge here.
i3 for office shit.
i5 for gaymen
i7 for muh projects (90% people will never use it)
The same goes for Ryzen.
Best instruction set, best pipelining, best branch prediction. THAT's how I choose.
has to be at least 6/12 or 8/16 cores in this current year. better if moar cores like 16/32 or 18/36.
stay away from quad core below, except budget build
no more dual cores, quad cores are minimum
He means normie-tier daily basis: browse the web, play some light games, watch 1080p 144hz interpolated hardcore/bdsm porn, work on some office/libreoffice docs, read some manga.
That being said, if you are on windows 10, at the very least you need a quad core and 4+ gigs of ram for light usage and keep things smooth.
look at single thread performance
look at default clockspeed
look at max 'turbo' clockspeed
look at amount of cores
use various benchmarking sites to compare it with other cpus.
I basically need 'the best of the best' since I do a fuckton of shit on my computer. This can range from archiving TB's of data, encoding thousands of videos or some other huge cpu expensive task.
check gigaherts, thats all that matters. above 3 is solid
2-core 5ghz cpu or 10-core 3ghz cpu
please answer.
failure to choose correctly shows you have no idea what youre doing
yes sir, you are right.
Baby don't hurt me
fucking retard detected!
>says i3 is only good for office shit when core 2 duos can handles 1080p video editing
By asking if it's libreboot compatible