Windows 10 dumbed down

I cannot be the only one who notices, and is slightly infuriated by how simple and dumbed down the prompts are in Windows 10 right?

Some examples are;
"Getting things done"
"Back in a moment"
"Working on things"
"Something went wrong :("

I want my computer to be a machine, not try and be my friend.

>inb4 linux
I just might.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's almost like it's made for dumb people. :-)

I felt the need to reply to include the crown jewel of stupid prompts.

"You need some updates"
>need some updates
>some updates

Pretty much this. It's like watching Dora the Explorer and getting pissed off that it tries to teach you basic shit.

But OP the botnet want's to be your friend?

this is a pattern limited mostly to the UWP side of things

I find it very comforting and helpful. It's very non-aggressive and tries not to talk above me.

once you get dropped into the regular desktop, everything is right where it's been since 1996

>Giving you the actual (error) information is "talking above" you

This is the treatment you deserve

Ok I'll bite. What's wrong with that sentence? It's informal but it doesn't sound incorrect.

I want my computer to be my friend. I really would love it if I could have complete conversations with her.

Maybe one day

I wouldn't mind if there was an option to show the error codes and so on instead of the non scary to normies "ooops we have a problem :("

Windows 10 really fucked up badly.

You're just like that mean guy at Best Buy asking for this stuff. Luckily I found a pretty cool African American employee who helped set me with a MacBook and Beats. Now I don't have to worry about "errors"

This isn't anything new. Take a look at how Windows handles installing programs. Pretty much since Windows 3, and probably before, everything came in an installation wizard that just put things into your system. You don't know what's being changed, and you probably only have an idea of where the base files are even going.

Below the "something happed :)" it actually gives you the error code and sometimes a qr code


ex's grandfather was updating his desktop and thought these messages were a virus. royally fucked his hard drive

what the fuck is with the lack of progress bars as well, I've noticed programs coming without them now, and no timers anymore. Everything is just

"installing" - no details, no visual fucking reference in case something goes wrong. No idea how long somethign will take. Wtf is 'long' when a program is stuck in a loop? 1 minute, 5 minutes? Something could be at 99% installed with 2 minutes left and I shut it down and restart thinking its fucked.

This is where we are heading due to 'dumbing down'.

>"whats wrong with that sentence"

Wow well spotted you are so observant. Windows went from ERROR 8X00003 to HEY DUDE JUST REINSDALL :DDDDD

>Some examples are;
>"Getting things done"
>"Back in a moment"
>"Working on things"
>"Something went wrong :("

user, all the info is out there properly logged and stored in the actual system - exactly as it was previously with Win7, XP, or even 95.
If you don't know where to look for it and aren't capable of solving this trivial task via googling - you won't really get anything out of the PC throwing excessive information in your face.

As much as I hate this, the old progress bars were often completely wrong or misleading. Went to 52% then stayed there for an hour, then rapidly jumped to 99% and stayed there for 10 minutes. Then when you thought it was done it starts a new progress bar for "part 2 of the installation".

>You need some updates.
Updates are a collection of things, and there are some of them that you need. "You need some updates." I don't see a problem.

Windows 10 is the last joke I was ready to work with
Went full Unix this year
Do the same OP, really. Can't stand this child OS anymore

How many updates?
Do I need them or does M$ want me to have them?
How many are critical? How many optional?

"You need some updates" can be simplified to something better, like
"12 Updates available"
"Windows Update has detected new updates"
"6 Critical updates and 4 optional updates avaliable"

Literally anything is better than you need some updates. It sounds like a god damn text message.

>let me fuck ur picture

user, just install your fucking updates. You are an idiot anyway.

one day I hope I can make bait this good

Im so glad linux insults me when I mistype my sudo password


>windows 10 setup
>okay, now set your password
>make sure it's secure!
>make password the letter "d"
>hit next
>just fucking moves on without batting an eye
what in the actual fuck microsoft

If you were doing this in an AD environment the admin can enforce stronger passwords. What you saw only happens with local accounts tho which your average person isn't using.

It's not like windows 7 anymore where you have to download a million updates. It's pretty much one big update now.

What's wrong with this? I thought Win10 was babysitting its users enough already to be honest.

How abhorrent

Hello sir can u please deleting this thread?

Yeah well now it's truly made for the masses. Windows 10 took away the last bit of control users had but that userbase is a very small percentage.

Hello poojeet

>using windows 10

>he doesn't want Cortana to watch and listen to him fapping to cuck porn
Grow up

faggot takes bait ep. 3

>can't tell a joke from being cereal
The true face of autistic windows users

Why would a normie need to know that? You don't understand how normie brains work at all.
There are countless way to update like a pro.

I completely agree. I like to have proper error message to investigate. Actually an even more in depth report would be useful since even Microsoft engineers thing windows runs on magic these days due to all the legacy code and bootstrapping...

Also before when you got BSODed you knew you really fucked now this oops and sad smiley shits don't give you the feeling of the extent of your fuck up just because the snowflakes can't handle it...

I never understood Microsofts issue with error messages. Why not incorporate an expandable error message that shows an excerpt from the event viewer or something instead of either 'oops sorry guis' or some massively technical message.
On top of that the event viewer has a million error code numbers which never really get explained without having to go on google it. Microsoft has them all documented on their website so why not incorporate a minimal explanation into the eventviewer itself? What a fucking mess.

Holy fuck that image cracked me up, thanks user.

If you want a srs bsns OS, install Linux. Windows has been getting simplified since it's conception, and there's nothing wrong with that. You should be upset about other shit Microsoft is doing with windows, not the way it phrases information for you.

>Holy fuck that image cracked me up, thanks user.
Windows produces some lulzworthy errors.

You mean GNU/Linux right?

>You mean GNU/Linux right?
No, Richard.

my personal favorite

Telling you you are trying to run a 16-bit program on a 64-bit system is apparently too much information now. It merely tells you to contact the developers for updates. I mean they wouldn't run on 64-bit Windows 7 either but at least they you WHY it's not working.


I hate it because it's too vague and it's smug about it.

"Oh don't worry, this is all complicated stuff so we'll sort it out for you ;)"

I know. Though pic related is somewhat due to how the devs titled the game runtime.

Exactly. So unprofessional, sometimes downright disrespectful. I own this fucker and it berates me as it automatically shutdown or accuses me of 'not keeping it safe'.

I wonder if Japanese Windows 10 retains its Teneigo or if it talks to you like a casual schoolchild now.

>>inb4 linux

This made me rage hard


I hate that screen senpai. Just means I royally fucked up.

>"Look at this non-gendered piece of shit trying to MACHINESPLAIN me stuff"

> create a debug/rescue shell
> don't include a 'help' command

what kind of pervert does that?

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, Grub/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Grub plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Grub system made useful by the Grub corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the Grub system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Grub which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Grub system, developed by the Grub Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the Grub operating system: the whole system is basically Grub with Linux added, or Grub/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of Grub/Linux!

>kernel32.dll loaded near the bottom of the address space
>app relocated above 4MB line
you what

Thats why linux distros have fucking wikis with step by step instructions on how to install them?

Installing most distros is no harder than winblows faggot.

Then why do you faggots need handholding wikis for that failed os

>you faggots
Okay senpai you can stop projecting now. I don't need handholding wikis.


If you treat users like idiots, only idiots will use you.

Having proper documentation =/= for dumb people
You dense retard

Just having a verbose output of what it's doing/file operations is a lot more helpful than a bar
Thankfully on Linux all you need is -v

Ahahahahahahahahahs7rncndjeiskn bf fehskkz ehejdjehwhzbehdhd


would you prefer it if it just spat out a bunch of random numbers instead?

If previous versions were giving info0rmation about errors at glance and in current one you have to dig to get it, it's a regression.

Memory addresses are useless, but if it would output a call stack with name of dll for each function in the stack, yes, that would be immensely useful: you could with great ease find other people who had this problem and look at solutions they used.

That's a cute girl (male).
What distro do you think she uses?

That website... There is nothing worse in this universe then that website.

I fully understand your frustration with progress bars and I know what you mean when you say that it may go to 10% and sit there for 30 minutes and then jump to 100% in 10 seconds - leaving you wondering if it's frozen or what's going on.

I just don't like solving it by showing nothing. Make a better progress bar and combine it with a small text window that shows what's actually going on or being done instead. That would actually be .. useful and even helpful it it does freeze - now you now where it froze.

>1/3 of nips cant computer
The hell

Probably all old people
Their population is incredibly old

>people outside the major cities
and, ultimately, the IBM PC platform simply wasn't designed with the internationalisation meme in mind

Even indians learnt english through their usage of computers
>open bob
>show vegana
>bitch lassagna
All of those sound like programming commands

>>open bob
>>show vegana
oh man that brings back memories

pls delete is of offens bitch of son whore

if people didn't get it by now, windows 10 fully proves that it treats the user like shit. it simply refuses to give you any detail, anything specific, hides the whole thing from you. this is gonna be a turning point, either a lot of people will switch to linux or mac or microsoft will seriously have to get their shit together in the upcoming years.

>a lot of people will switch to linux or mac
Simply won't happen any time soon.
>microsoft will seriously have to get their shit together in the upcoming years.
Has been said for a fucking decade. They won't.
Lube up m8.

>using the smiley with the carat nose
>using a picture of the smiley with the carat nose

>pointing out someone using the smiley with the carat nose
>pointing out someone using a picture of the smiley with the carat nose

Something happened
>Something happened


what do you expect? it's for old people. and gaymers.

>African American
we really need a Nigger word filter

it's fine, user
in fact, i feel like they're going in an opposite direction - or both at the same time, creating discrepancy between their 'easy and clear' tone, 'terms and conditions' tone and 'marketing this bitch DOWNLOAD WINDOWS OVER 3 BILLION DOWNLOAD' tone
>10 is a dissonant piece of shit
this is nothing new though

by the way, is it just me or did the user-facing text in 10 become somewhat less approachable than it was before, in 8/8.1? especially when it talks about anything related to user's privacy, it feels like it just goes on muttering in half-legalese or something, confusing you more than actually explaining what's going on.
see pic, for example

>he thinks linux is 'more serious' somehow
oh wew lad
for a fact there are many more quirky people around linux, and since it's open sores distirbutsion their quirkiness can bleed into it in much, much bigger amounts
microsoft's 'friendliness' feels like cardboard in comparison

I'd rather have that quirkiness if it means I'm the boss of my PC

does smartphone count as computere

boss? in the age of 'i guess you have to decide if you are a DE_0 user, DE_2 user or DE_3 user'?
your boss is open-source cunt flavor of the week who decides what feature to break on your computer today

The infantilization of Windows started with XP.

Windows 2000 was the last one aimed primarily at professionals. Starting with XP Microsoft began their adventure with catering to the lowest common denominator: women, niggers and children (ever wondered why videogames like it so much?)

With every release they've been taking it a step further but only slightly.
Win8 was the first breakthrough.

well you better catch it!

Yeah I remember how cartoonish XP looked. First thing I did was use classic theme straight away for a start. I miss windows 2000 mang.