Can we please do something about this?
Ajit Pai: the man who could destroy the open internet
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Ajit Pai, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission a 44-year-old Republican attorney, is spearheading the Trump administration’s regulatory rollback of net neutrality protections.
Net neutrality, which some have described as the “first amendment of the internet”, is the idea that internet service providers (ISPs) treat everyone’s data equally – whether that’s an email from your mother, an episode of House of Cards on Netflix or a bank transfer. It means that cable ISPs such as Comcast, AT&T or Verizon don’t get to choose which data is sent more quickly and which sites get blocked or throttled based on which content providers pay a premium. As the comedian John Oliver puts it: “ISPs should not be able to engage in any fuckery that limits or manipulates the choices you make online.” In February 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to more strictly regulate ISPs and to enshrine in law the principles of net neutrality. The vote reclassified wireless and fixed-line broadband service providers as title II “common carriers”, a public utility-type designation that gives the FCC the ability to set rates, open up access to competitors and more closely regulate the industry. But Trump’s FCC, with Pai at the helm, wants to repeal the rules.
"open internet"
what does this mean
The FCC will soon vote to kill net neutrality. But Congress can stop them if they hear from constituents now.
All of mine are republican corporate cunts who won't listen to me
The Federal Communications Commission Open Internet Order is a set of regulations that move towards the establishment of the internet neutrality concept.[1] Some opponents of net neutrality believe such internet regulation would inhibit innovation by preventing providers from capitalizing on their broadband investments and reinvesting that money into higher quality services for consumers. Supporters of net neutrality argue that the presence of content restrictions by network providers represents a threat to individual expression and the rights of the First Amendment.[2] Open Internet strikes a balance between these two camps by creating a compromised set of regulations that treats all internet traffic in "roughly the same way".[3] In Verizon v. FCC, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit vacated portions of the order that the court determined could only be applied to common carriers.
Sometimes referred to as "net neutrality," "Internet freedom" or the "open Internet," these rules protect your ability to go where you want when you want online. Broadband service providers cannot block or deliberately slow speeds for internet services or apps, favor some internet traffic in exchange for consideration, or engage in other practices that harm internet openness. "AKA Do what you want when you want"
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people.
ISPs can't play favorites with content providers, nor can they restrict access in any way (including throttling) to legal content. Essentially its leveling the playing field for content providers on the internet to compete regardless of spending power.
i.e. Comcast can't make you pay more to access Sup Forums or throttle your access because Sup Forums refuses to pay for a 'fastlane'.
Eh not really "fuck white people" more like fuck the corporate cunts, the democrats have a lot of those too. The main problem is the corp money in politics, we have to fix that.
Sure as soon as you get a fucking job you fat disgusting neckbeard NEET.
>democrats have a lot of those too
and you wanna know the funny thing? They're all white, if it weren't for white people there wouldnt be money in politics
i admire your ambition
>if it weren't for white people there wouldnt be money in politics
fucking white people man
thats not proper logic. the main thing you can say they all have in common is that they have a lot of money, not that theyre white. besides, practically every government on the planet is bought out by corporates, and theyre of all kinds of different races, both homogenous and mixed, which means theres no real correlation with race and corruption.
Guys i know bitching at each other is "fun" but this is a HUGE problem if something is not done say goodbye to the "free net"
Bribery is free speech. It can't be fixed.
72015 here, wasn't really trying to bitch at anyway I just pointed out what the main problem is. I did also point out that even if I did contact all my local reps (2 senators and 1 congressman) that they don't give an honest fuck about what I would have to say about this issue which is the sad state of things. They even voted for this:
I wish you good luc.
But I think we might need countries other than the USA to just keep net neutrality between them.
It's not like burgers can influence their politics. Okay, real richfags maybe can, but not normal burgers.
>Reputation of hating internet, open source, privacy and free market capitalism
>Married to a white woman, has two turdlings with her
>Is rich and hired by Dumbnald Plumpf
Deport him immediately.
i just hate the fact that even if 3/4 the country says no the fat fucks are just going to say "lol, more money for me and all you lowlifes can work even harder in life to get even less."
Thanks M80 trying to stay strong
Bump because OP is lobbying for my campaign
Yeah they can't even do things the overwhelming majority support. Makes me feel so hopeless and lost sometimes but I know there are some groups out there doing their best to fight it all.
I don't live in the US and I don't give a FUCK what happens to you fags. The internet will be improved without americans shitting up the place with their politics and self centered babble.
>net neutrality
>open internet
Not today jew
>72015 here
you have to go back
Learn some economics. Why the FUCK would you want the government having control over such a critical infrastructure as the internet? Obama and the leftists brought in net neutrality to try and squash rising right-wing movements like the tea party and Trump.
Internet has been a terrible invention as usual. Once hijacked by normies and then businesses who follow them, it lost all its merits. I support shutting down all non dialup based internet, we need a return of sanity and morality. All children are now autistic because of estrogen contamination, screen usage, and vaccines. All adults are all hyper sensitive children and mentally ill. The reason? The internet. I support the Trump administration in its first step in dismantling the cancer of internet.
I hope you yanks can stop this issue
The battle for net neutrality has been "won" at least two times already. The problem is there's no limit to how many times they can try to repeal those protections, and at some point it's going to succeed, and it's harder to set up new regulations than it is to repeal them.
OP here i dont give a flying fuck about politics i dont watch the news and i just play fucking videogames watch porn/youtube and work 30-50 hours a week on minimum wage to live in some shitty apartment where some curry smelling cunt can say now you cant even have reliable fucking internet.
i know its been "won" before but it seems to be getting pushed harder this time
>liberals reveal they're control freak manics who want to censor the internet and pass laws to ban free speech
>p-please hhelp us get control of the internet from those big meanie corporations
i'll take my chances with the ebil corporations who don't have incentive to censor the web
>As the comedian John Oliver puts it:
How pathetic. Who in their right mind would think quoting a comedian in a tech-politcal issue is the right thing to do?
Yeah, honestly I couldn't give a shit about this. Anything that threatens the centralized internet is fine with me, especially if it kills the social media titans. We could make our own internet if we had the motivation to do it.
Plus, I think a pure HTML internet with a tiny footprint would be cool. Web dev in the modern day is bloated as fuck. Almost nobody needs their web page to poll Twitter every second to post tweets.
>They're all white
no they are all jews
Net neutrality has nothing to do with "open internet", it's about who pays the bandwidth bills (it's you either way).
You already fucked up when it comes to "open internet", USA gave jurisdiction over ICANN to the UN not long ago, so the Internet is compromised beyond repair at this point.
The UN is a fascist organization for strict control of information.
Franken turned the Net Neutrality meme against big tech. Now they are against it. Apple really likes being not neutral. Otherwise, they'd have to let you play games with confederate flags in them. So much for your internet. Big Tech would rather not be neutral after all.
>whether that’s an email from your mother, an episode of House of Cards on Netflix or a bank transfer. It means that cable ISPs such as Comcast, AT&T or Verizon don’t get to choose which data is sent more quickly and which sites get blocked or throttled
If that's what people care about NN should die.
You should also understand that streaming video and email shouldn't receive the same priority routing, for obvious reasons.
If I was an ISP I'd also charge more for using services like netflix during rush hours as they are responsible for the majority of traffic in that period, and I need to have infrastructure ans servers which will be idle around 20 hours a day only because some numale wants to watch his latest episode of softcore porn from HBO
Good on him. Not a democrat but I appreciate him easing the fears of the right.
>Ajit Pai
>Pai Ajit
>P. Ajit
Memes are real
The best part of that article:
"tech firms have still been resistant to supporting the bill in its current form. They say that they’ll work with the lawmakers to tweak it towards something they’re more amenable to."
Basically admitting that congress will do whatever the tech companies tell them to do. By the people, for the people? hahahahaha
lol right. they don't any fucking authorization from tech giants
>and free market capitalism
Are you retarded? Net-neutrality is anti-free market because it forces certain types of business to interact with other businesses in a particular way
choose one
it's sticky. It ends the free market for ISPs, but it creates a free market for everything run on those ISPs.
The internet is the new roads, and ISPs are turnpikers, road-access unions.
You don't have a free market when the road-owners impose their own rules on the market. Similarly, if the ISPs impose their own rules on the market, the market is not free, but subject to a private government.
The internet should be treated like infrastructure. A common, reliable and controlled system for telephones, electricity, GPS services, clean water, police services, fire services, banking system, transportation systems, etc. produces a better environment for businesses to thrive in. The internet should not be sold like cable TV.
As much as the internet is for porn, there are other things that are done with it that aren't strictly entertainment.
That's not what a free market is. In the first place "public roads" are antithetical to the freemarket because the government controls allowances for land to be used in the creation of roads. It's a monopoly seized by threat of force, created unnaturally through non-financial means, it's one thing to protect the sanctity of private property and another to be the owner of most of it. To have a truly free market you would only have private roads and each business would have to negotiate with each other for access, whether that's individually or in groups is irrelevant.
You can't just go an decide that someone's private business now has to be regulated as public property. And if you intend to bring up government funding the tech companies complaining about this shit were literally seeded and funded by the government to even start, so if at the very least it should be applied fairly so there is "neutrality" for those tech companies' services. A bias like that is definitely anti-free market and is just unashamed favoritism by the government.
I fucking hate these low IQ mouthbreathing burger cucks. They ruin everything.
We should just have a dictatorship desu
>You can't just go an decide that someone's private business now has to be regulated as public property.
I mean, you can with the threat of the government. But you can't also call it free market. You can do anything if you're holding a gun under the table
ISPs wouldn't have traffic problems if they stopped using copper
Sorry friend, this is your future: Unlimited brown corporate shills destroying everything you love and you can't criticize them because racism.
Diversity is our greatest strength.
What's the matter libcunt? Did you think all browns were going to be for muh freedumbs like you wanted? Did the brown vote-slaves you imported not do right? Oh no! How tragic!
>By the people, for the people?
What people? Your country is an open sewer for anyone who manages to hop the border or invest a few hundred thousand dollars and you like it that way.
Net Neutrality is a regulation that applies a band-aid to a longer term problem like the fact that we let lobbyists and telecoms actively kill competition by heavily regulating and restricting pole access to where you can have only one or two ISPs in most areas. Places like South Korea let pretty much anyone have pole access, and you have insanely cheap internet with multiple providers cramming tons of connections into cities. Net Neutrality is only so important because Comcast can change 5 words in their TOS and instantly fuck over half the U.S.
>that's not what a free market is
a free market is dog eat dog, and it degenerates as the successful have fewer sources to make benefit of, until they're left as much a savage as anyone else. A truly free market says the guy with the biggest guns wins every negotiation. That's free market, there's a reason we avoid it.
>by threat of force, created unnaturally through non-financial means
libnuts, I swear.
A deal made with military force is no different to one made with financial force. Either way, an agreement is reached.
the fact that you're stuck in a system where military force tends not to be leveraged against you speaks volumes for the benefits of a mixed market. If you were in a free market, I'd be offering you a deal: I take your capital or your skull.
Fact is the "free market" you libertarian shitheads love to tote on about is entirely sandboxed in a protected environment, there are givens in this environment- and yet they must still be paid for.
The real free market is understanding that you could raise enough military capital of your own and overthrow the current system.
But you don't want that at all, because you're getting a pretty good deal out of it. You're consenting.
Your move.
Fuck white people, republicanbabbies on suicide watch
Essentially all American liberals. At least here in Europe the shitleft pretends to have read philosophy. American shitleft simply regurgitates a bad joke from some late night talking head and pretends as though they've just quoted Shakespeare.
Quite honestly your country is doomed my friend. You have no hope. Just let the shitleft win and have their brown pets bash their skulls all over the pavement. Come home to Europa and help protect the motherland.
>burgers getting jewd
Wow what a surprised
And that's just a symptom of a larger problem where bribing politicians is completely legal and is now fully integrated into the american political system with the policy that 'the more money you have the more free speech you have'.
Politicians and tech companies both love Net Neutrality, because it's a flashy show that distracts you from the real problem and makes you feel like you're fighting for freedom. Wouldn't surprise me if Ajit Pai is in on the scam, playing the bad guy, so when NN stays, people can feel like they "won" and they've just been playing into the puppet show the entire time.
And that's not a symptom of anything. Prole opinions don't matter. Even Stalin knew this.
What's to say in the future the government also tries to apply net neutrality over the consumer. No more ad blocking you filthy commies.
Here comes another story about Pajeet
The social medias would profit from it though.
Bye americucks
America, where people destroy the greatest achievement since toast
nothing of value
This shit only applies to America tough.