>these are the people that benefit from the technology engineers create
just end it all
These are the people that benefit from the technology engineers create
Man and I thought people that are on Sup Forums were bad
Who fucking cares?
Why does everyone seem either really fat or really lanky? Where are the in-betweeners?
tinder, instagram, facebook, whatsapp, etc, etc, etc.
the benefit from app developes, android developers, hardware developers
all that brain invested to serve this shit
same as television
Why are we here?
>that landwhale with the pet monkey
>That guy with the beard on the left trying really hard to make the camera explode with his latent psychokinesis
Most of them probably can't even post a picture of themselves online without being made fun of.
That fat woman,Jesus fuck niggers really have no taste.
is that redit staff?
>even the dog is fat as fuck
Absolutely fucking disgusting
Give them funny names Sup Forums
>someone actually fucked that hamplanet in the front
Jesus fucking christ, no self respect
>holding some negroid baby
We need to create a new internet
>what am I doing here?
>God, I wish I could skip this shitty meating of ugly people
Like pottery
You have to think on long term OP.
They won't exactly benefit from technology for long.
10-15 years tops.
You guys seem to not understand the american culture.
You see, that's her lunch, not kid.
>eating coco pops for lunch
Sup Forums is an order of magnitude worse. Just fewer women and lower social skills.
It's tastey!
Le 56% faces n bodies
Even doggo is fat as fuck.
that screencap really hurts
well sniff my pickle and call me schlomo, this is fucked up
They all eat way too much but some have genetics to not store any fat (they crap it all out before it gets absorbed)
>even the dog is obese
oh no ):
What the hell is a 'pede?
> can’t stump the trump vids
> main theme song is centipede
> r/the_cuckold identifies trump supporters as “centipedes”
It makes no sense if you haven’t seen the can’t stump the trump videos
It's how Sup Forumstards signal to each other outside of Sup Forums.
I see. I think I understand.
How do we convince hiromoot to delete Sup Forums?
someone turn this into a roll pic
Sup Forums was right YET AGAIN
>pictures with words are memes
oh dog
also nuke pol and make a secret board so no redditors are allowed, maybe something that displays gore when you enter
l-like Sup Forums?
she's overweight too
b has threads with gore, i mean like a full screen display of disgusting gore
you're wrong, it's literally reddditors only, and i think that about 75% of what you see from pol is actually reddditors trying to be edgy
Yeah, but at least she doesn't look Taygetus positive
it's french for "faggot"
even the dog is fat
>>these are the people that benefit from the technology engineers create
What kind of kike do you have to be to rather want to see people have a hard time rather than better their lives?
On the contrary, the "technology" these people use everyday is a detriment to their well being, not a benefit.
This is why it's a spooked\cucked thing to be idealistic about being a "tech wizard" or "tech entrepreneur", those were just roles we were socialised by roasties to pursue because it suits roasties to have lots of sexless guys working away furiously to make their lives easier.
t. UN research nigger
Where's there's money, people will serve anyone. It just so happens these fatasses are a source of money who buy the apps that are made
I fucking hate fat people.
the long hair neckbeard in the back went to the trouble of rearranging his facial structure for this photo.
i, personally, think that deserves our respect. Don't you Sup Forums?
Sup Forums was a mistake
I thought niggers liked fat white womyn
I don't know why other burgers don't find that funny, and instead get triggered over some bantz