If sexbots looked like this how much would you pay for one?

If sexbots looked like this how much would you pay for one?

I'd rather integrate my consciousness into her instead.

well, £100/h for a pretty good escort, so.. a tenner for an hour? Just to try for laughs

All you'd get is a copy of yourself, not you yourself in her body.


I want a 10 yo kawaii Asian robot girl as my waifu

with $70 bucks I can actually get a real warm whore

>spending money on new sexbot
>not saving a lot and getting a used one

$70 will get you a middle aged mexican

If we had the tech to do that why would we copy filthy 3d women? I wouldn't pay for that.

Brain transplant, Ghost In The Shell style.

So this depends on how you do it. If you can transplant your physical nervous system into a different "host" without complications, you could arguably be the same person. Hormones would change you, just as time changes us all, but you're not the same person you were yesterday.

>what are college towns
you get prime college pussy for $50

less than I'd pay if she was looking like my mum

nothing. i want a female (male) model

The same as if they looked like a sockpuppet.
I wouldn't get one.
I don't see the point.

Ewwwww, make one look like miki hatsune and then you'll have my attention.

That's the general idea behind sex bots: All the warmth of a 3D woman without any of the filth, given that the machinery is self-cleaning.

I'd rather have a sex doll of a 2d girl.

Get me this model and then we talk.

If sexbots looked like this how much would you pay for one?

If the sex industry makes affordable robots I am okay with it, just let them be cheap. I don't care about extra functions, I only want my house cleaned.

All of this sexbot stuff is a joke, right? No one really envisions themselves living with a doll that has a hole in it and spouts pre-recorded messages from a shitty speaker, right?

Assuming it's some top tier, self cleaning, damn near human AI bot? $10k. More if I can load sub routines for it to do household tasks like cook, clean, etc. $10k-$15k is cheap compared to the cost of keeping a real woman around. Plus no headache from dealing with their stupid nonsense.

>he thinks a meatbot is better than a siliconbot
Dumb meatbot.

haha, of course not

Wow her breasts grew even more. That or she has a padded bra. In her topless pics she js around a C cup but here it looks at least a D.
>tfw big breasted sexbots will cost more
>tfw sexbots that automatically wash out sperm will cost more
>tfw I will probably have to buy a cheap chink sexbot that leaks oil and is flat chested

People bought google homes didn't they?

And? Think of a quality sexbot as an investment.

>posting the live action movie

How about renting it?


Biosluts are the same,they just have more pre-recorded messages.


what if a few of us Sup Forumsentoomen work out a timeshare deal?


I'd rather save the money for something more interesting. In a world of free porn and slutty women, spending money on sextoy seem a bit unnecessary desu

Depends on the list of features. I'd need a spec sheet first. If it's just sticking my dick in her, then I could just as easily pay a real woman to pretend to be a sexbot for way less and get to pick one that's better looking.

Captcha related: quipos dismount

>hag bot
I will pay you $100 to burn it.

This. It looks old enough to be my grandmother.

What if it cooked really good and cleaned your house?

Copy and delete each neuron individually while maintaining neural network integrity. Then you're still robotic, but still maintain consciousness throughout the procedure.

I feel like I die everytime I go to sleep

>I only want my house cleaned.
....and my dick

nice sheets, but how is that related?

Any in Pennsylvania? Near Pittsburgh.


Depending on how good the robotics and AI are, and how long it lasts/ what the maintenance is, $10k to $100k.

If it's basically a sentient android girlfriend replacement that can help me improve my life, and that I can also fuck, and that is mostly self-maintaining, or even helps me around the house, then $100k.

If it looks and feels lifelike, but has minimal AI and good enough robotics, then /maybe/ $10k. If it doesn't even look and feel lifelike, then I would not buy it.

hmmmmm, then I would just replace my mom with it

very fringe case it would be...

She was born with six fingers. Genetic freak.

What about ex-machina type robots?

What keyboard is that you cia nigger?

>one off of quads

>optical stealth

what are you but the amalgam of your memories and brain structure?

>a used female sex robot in her 30s

it should look underage whilst being officially modelled after barely 18 grills to save appearances. Otherwise the whole concept of sexbot is moot. I'd rather get an escort

It's not really a sexbot anymore also would you allow homeless guy to your house if he cook and clear? I wouldn't.

Fuck is highly over-rated until and unless you dont do it
Pajeets and Virgins only chase girls

does it clean itself or house?
can it basic AI response?

Cooking and cleaning are skills every person, male or female, should know how to do.

You're mistaking instances of yourself with yourself. 3/10.

I'd rather change myself as well

This thread reminds me that Sup Forums is nothing more than the technology branch of /r9k/

Well, of course you have to make a copy while unconscious, and then kill the original.

roastie spotted. all men will get sexbots to replace like you like they got cars to replace the horse

maybe $50 because that's not my type of look.

Millennials drink soylent for breakfast, lunch, dinner and with their parents who do laundry for them and clean their rooms.

Personally I blame the parents. A few more beatings instead of spoiling them so much might have made them into half decent adults.

>sexbots thread
>people want to transfer themselves into a robot
>trapbot or lolibot
Nope that's Sup Forums, /r9k/ would cry about no gf and no money for waifubot.

>not already fucking one in 2017.

here is future president 2020 ivanka, if you like her more.

somebody should've beat you some more. if you need to be beat to learn then you're trash to begin with

Literally every sane parent outside the west beats their children for misbehaving, shut up rootless city dweller

There is no "you", it's just an illusion. There is a brain with arrangements of neurons and such that thinks somewhere inside it exists an indivisible self, but such a thing odes not exist.

You cannot change bodies, you can just make a different body think it's someone else

We're all trash to begin with who go through le edgy autistic teen phase. It's a job as a parent to keep that shit in check until they mature to adults for the good of their future lest they be stuck in that phase and make you their bitch.

no they don't you dipshit. parents don't beat their kids cause they misbehave they beat them cause they're low iq retards and so are their children. the most common reason why parents hit their kids is cause they ask questions you faggot soyboy larper.

>kids asks why is it that we have to do this or this???
>dumb fuck parent can't answer so they hit them and scream shutup and listen to me
women are the ones who hit kids the most and they do it cause they're dumbshits who can't explain stuff so they get angry out of shame


>all men
You mean coping beta cuck.


>not realizing real attractive women will go even higher in value

Who said I can't do either?
I just don't want to.

and much more expensive

I'm not attracted to lesbians.

>sexbots will cost more

>soyboy larper
youre throwing out random insults now or is this projection? Youre a soyboy faggot for wanting parents to be weak. Beatings should be something every good parent does, theyre not your friends parents are there to prepare you for the world if you cant take a beating then the child will end up like a sensitive bitch like you

Going to have to agree that the reason beatings happen is because of a dysfunctional family and a low iq frustrated parent.

k, kys

you're not special roastie. a sexbot can do everything you can do and infinitely more. it's also better and smarter than you'll ever be too. it'll always clean, cook, and take care of you while a shitty roastie like you gets fat, boring, and doesn't even have much intelligence or the ability to have a conversation.

the ai in a sexbot will be more cleaver and better than anything you can ever do.
artificial wombs will replace women too. do you think the rich and brilliant people are going to use
a. artificial womb and genetically engineered genes so their offspring is a superhuman
b. fat, stupid, slob roastie who has 90 iq and no personality

t. humanity

You must be one ugly fucker to be that delusional, SAD!

Youre far reaching. If you have punk immoral 10 year old son you wont be able to reason with him at such an age. Theres no real substitute for a physical beating to tell the kid you've messed up big time

nobody respects you. even children know you're an incompetent faggot retard. kids don't listen to their parents cause they know their parents are human garbage and have low intelligence. they ask questions but the dumb fuck parents can't explain anything properly so they instantly lose all respect for them.

words are what teach children to become proper adults. hitting them doesn't do shit except prove you're a low iq piece of trash who can't use words. i'm not a sensitive bitch you idiot i think violence is just fine. hit your kids and hopefully they'll take a rock to your head while you're sleeping since they're smaller. i believe in eye for an eye trash

Not far reaching at all. At 10 years old they should have pretty much a fully developed sense of responsibility for their actions and an understanding of basic social expectations.

If they don't its because they are poor and stupid.

Also beatings aren't a corrective action, they are a form of aggression and intimidation. Atonement is how you get kids to develop normally, not slapping the shit out of them.

You remind me of me when I was 16. Look I dont defend careless beatings I defend it as a severe punishment when its necessary for a child who thinks he can do whatever he wants. The type of abusive parents who use kids to relieve their anger are trash and im not defending that. I was hit for being an aggressive little punk lots of times and damn well deserved it. Its on the parents to know when physical punishment is necessary and thats where you draw the line between good or bad parent

and play messages you don't want to hear, like "what are you thinking?".

0 dollar.
this on the other hand I'd pay everything for

>You remind me of me when I was 16
lmao, kid, you're probably 16 right now. however much time has elapsed you haven't grown at all. if you can't raise your kid properly without hitting them you're an incompetent piece of trash and your genes are garbage. i don't doubt you need to be beat cause you're like cattle and learn like cattle. i'm talking about the actual humans and how they raise their kids.

Somebody never studied operant conditioning lol.

I hate how human memory works
i watched so many movies and tv shows and i barely remember them
I did so much stuff I barely do
its like im not the same person anymore
its disturbing

You have a liberal untested view on parenting I have a traditional tested view on parenting. Since neither of us will change our opinion lets just leave it at that

I have, everyone learns that in their first psychology class

you're not only stupid, but also a numale soyboy. no amount of hitting me would ever change what i did you dumb fuck. i'd simply cave your head inside while you're sleeping. men don't cower when they're hit and obey you faggot numale. i think you're as dumb as cattle since you actually need to be beat to learn and also submitted to the beatings.

Then why do you propose people "beat their children" when every study that has been conducted shows that it is bad for children because it just makes them hide what they are doing instead of change their behavior?

It also doesn't make sense if you understand even a small amount of ecd, children basically mirror what they are taught to an extebt so by hitting them you are showing them that is the best way to get someone to do what you want.

Looks like shit, if it was a good looking model I'd at least be willing to pay up to 3k. Everything more would be entirely scale-able depending on the feature it has that actually make it a bot compared to a doll.

>you gutted the cat, it's bad, you know
>maybe you're trying to tell us something
>maybe I've done something wrong
>how about getting you a sex change and a new puppy?
>would that prevent you from turning into a devilish weirdo?

The response of someone without an argument.