My sister bought an iPhone 8

My sister bought an iPhone 8.

She isn’t concerned with superficial things like bezels. I asked her if she was concerned about no headphone jack and she said it has one. To her the lightning port is a headphone jack because she got lightning headphones in the box.

People on Sup Forums are far more fussy than the general consumer.

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7/10 boobs


veiled Sup Forums thread 0/10

Of course. People on Sup Forums sometimes are people who aren't tech illiterate and have a certain overview concerning tech products. The general consumer is an idiot who doesn't know what's on the market. They can't even grasp how much bullshit they're fed via marketing. They don't spend time on what bought. They don't know they're being cheated so they're perfectly fine with it.

Sup Forumsentoomen who hate the iPhone usually start with the core belief that software should be FOSS if possible. It's possible. From there, we go to the more simple arguments of "oh my god what chimpanzee would design a phone to suddenly lose an audio periphery standard older than most iPhone users?" and "how many bricks to the skull does it take to design your entire operating system around a giant misshapen black chunk in the screen for the sake of smaller bezels?" The iPhone 8 is not the latest iPhone that we all currently target for ridicule and entertainment purposes, because it's already going to be destroyed with OS updates and left behind in the dust by newer, more demanding software. sage
Also, nobody in the world looks like that or even wears those earings without being AT LEAST middle eastern, if not black.
and sage

Found your problem.

FOSS is cancer and causes depression

True story

Good stuff user

Your sister is a dumb cumdumpster and you have failed as a brother. Kill yourself.

Imouto or Onee-san?


Thats not bad Jamal, dont feel bad. We are all something in this world.

How the fuck does somebody get over the age of 5 and not realize "wow I sure do look a lot like these black women"?
What an absolute dipshit

it's almost like autistic people complain and focus on silly dumb shit. I've never heard a normie mention coil whine or micro stutter lol.

7/11 imo

>To her the lightning port is a headphone jack because she got lightning headphones in the box.
This. The average smartphone user either uses the wired headphones that came in the box or a Bluetooth headset.

You can't have a baseband modem without a second, separate SoC with full unrestricted memory access. Fuck, you can't even have a CPU without it running OS completely inaccessible to the user.

sage is not a downvote


hello newfriend
>What is "sage"?
>Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page. Contrary to popular belief, a _sage is not a downvote_, and should not be used as one. "sage-bombing" or announcing that you've saged a thread may result in a ban.

I know what sage does. I never realized that downvote did something nor that it was an option.

Sorry, if I can't plug in MY $30 walmart earbuds, without any fancy meme gear, into MY fucking phone, it isn't worth buying

of course you can't downvote a thread; this is not reddit.
sage should be used when your post isn't contributing to the discussionn. only shitposters think sage is an insult and that's the reason it was made invisible

I still don't know what downvote is, but thanks for trying your best, user-kun.