Are computers too fast?

Are computers too fast?

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They can be. I always make sure to cut out the red LEDs to slow them down.

not really but they're not slow either


I dunno man, write some graphics shit that does millions of calculations every loop and see if you can fathom how fast your computer can do it.

>not having a turbo button

where did things go so wrong lads ?

w o a h

Every time I read/hear "Too Fast!" I think of this video

kill me


reminder to remove the spoiler to slow it down

throttling is now fully automated

more like software is not written to run in time based on a hardware clock ie doom doesnt run at 200% speed because you're @ 266mhz rather than 133, has nothing to do with tuning CPU speed and more to do with how the software relates to real time regardless of system clock speed.

Computers got too fast too quick and it enabled a bunch of shitty programmers and their shitty practices and now everything runs like shit.

that's like saying the dmv lineup is moving to fast... fuck off

Computers are too fast for software developers. They no longer care about optimization. For consumers computers are not too fast. They are just fast enough to keep up with shit software


I bought an msi laptop 5 years ago and it had a turbo button. I figured it would OC the cpu, but actually only added 20 mhz to the gpu core clock. Never used it because I could easily add 100mhz with afterburner. MSI is such a fucking retarded company.

I test all of my web based projects on my shitty ass LG Leon phone. If it's usable there it's usable on anything.

>tfw all of Sup Forums knows Sam Hyde but nobody knows Alan Resnick
no taste

If we had to step back to 1Ghz and maxing out at 2 cores then we would make amazing strides in optimization.

I want to say no but I used my dual 867 MHz G4 Power Mac with 1 GB of RAM running OS X 10.4 recently and it was more responsive than most modern computers.

that's what the turbo button is for

That should make it a bit slower for you

Reminder that he spergs about guns

>Are computers too fast?
what did he mean by this?

this guy's great, he helped me use my computer better

wait is this the fucktard behind that idiotic too many cooks thing?

>not living forever as you are now

Nailed it

under rated kek

not so fast

Because the latter is pretentious and painfully ironic yet lacks self awareness. Sam is equally obnoxious, but at least he owns it. Plus, Alan writes proprietary software. MDE distributes their videos under Creative Commons.

Sam Hyde is starting to be rick and morty level type cringe. I also lean right.

Hey there tutorialheads!
