Android users “undateable” according to new study

You have 10 second to explain yourself.

>According to a recent survey of more than 5,500 singletons aged 18 and over by dating site
>The survey, which was released ahead of the 10th anniversary of Apple’s iPhone this week, found that iPhone owners are 21 times more likely to judge others negatively for having an Android. And those who have older models of smartphone are 56% less likely to get a date.

Other urls found in this thread: Pro revolution/type/op/'ve used android and windows since/type/op/

Good thing I already have a perfect waifu irl

>survey in dating site
Because the entire world thinks like some random ass slut generator

Modern women
^ the explanation

I'd rather not date someone shallow enough to judge me based off if my text messages are green or blue

Women were a mistake, even the bible acknowledges this.

I don't use Android or any smartphone so I'm in the clear.

Here's the archive for those that don't want to click on that shit.

>You have 10 second to explain yourself.
You mean the iNiggers acting like their toy phone bought with a carrier plan is a luxury device?

Freezepage is an archive site as well you dumb nigger

Apple is a luxury phone maker

What's so hard to understand about that?

Are they really?
I wonder how often do vertu owners get laid.

Apple products are just overpriced because of the name. You're not rich just because you can afford an iPhone.

so ifags are shallow, got it.


I like, and so should you.

>w-why doesn’t she like my terminal emulator
>doesn’t she know I can play pirated games (I would buy them if I had money honest)
>doesn’t she know my custom rom is completely loo free with rajeets custom turbo poo kernel

Many niggers who live off welfare and food stamps and who also happen to live in the projects think it does.

They won't even associate with Android users because they think that's how much their iPhone separates them in terms of social status, when in reality most of them are going to get gunned down in the streets by an officer like the degenerate, brain-dead niggers they are.

>iPhone owners are 21 times more likely to judge others negatively for having an Android.
and this a surprise to who?
just don't even bother with vapid bitches who get iphones thinking it's something worth showing off

>This advert was brought to you by Apple Assembled in California™ and Match - 'Where Herpes Finds You' Inc.

wow great technology thread, phoneposters, sure glad more of you wonderful fellows show up every day

> Federal census data pegs black and hispanic households at median income (and ergo spending) levels tens of thousands of dollars below their white peers—and statistically, those same households are going Android at higher rates. A full 12-percent more black and hispanic smartphone users are Android users compared to Apple customers

Sorry pajeet , iPhone Is for white people

>iPhone owners are 21 times more likely to judge others negatively for having an Android
So you can use an Android phone to filter out shallow people, eh?

You're not rich if you can afford a BMW, Mercedes, Audi, or Ducati either.

But they're all examples of luxury brands.

>You're not rich if you can afford a BMW, Mercedes, Audi, or Ducati either.
You are at least somewhat rich if you can afford those.

Really thinking about getting a virtu phone. Talk me out of it Sup Forums. I think that they're ugly as fuck, but maybe a luxury phone would get me laid more.


Girls literally started liking me more as soon as I got an iPhone

>I can iMessage them
>my snapchats aren’t grainy
>I can be on FaceTime for hours without needing skype (which is shit)
>I can take mirror selfies and feel confident knowing that people respect me
>my Instagram followers have gone up
>easier to pick up in bars

This has nothing to do with phone choice or OS, it's about money. Apple and new models = more perceived wealth. That's all women look for.

this is Sup Forums not buzzfeed you shill, now go give yourself a facelift with a shotgun

>(I would buy them if I had money honest)
Faggot. If I had money I'd still pirate literally everything.

> iPhone owners are 21 times more likely to judge
That's fine and good news, it's like an automatic idiot-filter.

This, you don't need an iPhone to get a gold-digging slut, if you have a nice sportscar then it makes zero difference what phone you have.

What about ladies who use Android devices?

> dismisses the source rather than addressing its content and producing an argument

Oh dear Rajesh, you have committed a logical fallacy.

I win this one. Nothing personnel.

Why are you talking to girls user? You don't belong here.

>iPhone owners are 21 times more likely to judge others negatively for [doing something they don't do].
Wow I am dying to date judgmental hive-minded assholes, tell me more about them.

Old news

I mean that's basically the entirety of the female species.

>dismisses an argument based on a fallacy

Oh dear Pajeet, you have committed the fallacy fallacy.

Nothing personnel, kid.

y-you mean, wimmin are actually materialistic gold-digging cunts?
>at least we'll have lots in common

Why should I date someone who would reject me based on something as shallow as the phone I use?

There was no argument. You just put gizmodo in green text.

Try again.

The Galaxy Note 8 costs as much as an iPhone Plus.

This, I could easily afford all the games and shit I want to use but it's hard to break habit of pirating everything for past 20 years.

There is probably something wrong with them. Maybe keeping body parts in a freezer or something. Everyone on Sup Forums is mentally broken in some way.

They're the only option you have because they're the only option that exists.

Is the fact that 100IQ isn't enough new to anyone?
>inb4 tips fedora

>>blah blah blah Apple rox i LUV them blah blah blah Pro revolution/type/op/'ve used android and windows since/type/op/

Just sage, report, and hide you dipshits. How many times do we have to keep explaining basic apple shill thread protocols?

>Everyone that exists is mentally broken in some way.

Nope just people that come here.

also this

Daily reminder that iToddler blah blah Apple Rox yadayada britfag Muhammad doxxed poorfag iFag Tim Cock pajeet rajesh rajeet poo2loo

Here’s a list of 1000 archive links because I spend all day on Sup Forums waiting for anything Apple-related to be posted.

Also here’s some shitty memes and debunked Webms I cooked up etc etc

A[?]toddlers btfo
>I will also ignore this was already fixed in 11.1.1

lmao get a life imagine being this assblasted iPoor LagOS how will ever recover suicide watch

Humanity was full of broken miserable shits long before Sup Forums became a thing.

This. Good filter.

And now a lot of them come here.
Come on do you really think people that come here aren't broken in some way?

Take Sup Forums for example. There is no reason for a programmer to come here. There are plenty of valuable forums out there.

>There are plenty of valuable forums out there.

the chart unironically got me to buy an iPhone in 2011.

imagine being so assblasted you actually waste your time replying to him

also fyi there are ways of being alerted on certain types of threads being posted without actually having to do shit

If you have a fucking alert set up just so you can reply to a 4chin thread you have no fucking life and have no right to complain when people with lives want to talk about something.

Defeated by your own post. Good job.

did it work?

Irrelevant, to women it's only the image that counts. They'd buy a brick of shit if their lifestyle magazines told them to.

Iphone owners are sluts then

Yes, lots of gay sex

not really. I only hooked up with one girl since then... though I did meet her using my iPhone.

Now that I think of it, I got laid far more back when I used a flip phone back around 2004.

>I got laid more back when everyone had flip phones


Because real straight men don't need online services to get laid unlike iFags dicking around on grindr all day...
Also if someone is judging your character based on your choice of mobile OS, that just means the person is too shallow and pathetic anyway.

>all women are the same shallow celeb-pop-culture-obsessed socialite Stacies
>every single one of them

That is not reality.

>implying you wouldn't be offended when a Tumblr radical feminist says "all men are the same"

if you think having an iphone is going to make you all of a sudden dateable you're deluded

No, you’re just a virgin

>, found that iPhone owners are 21 times more likely to judge others negatively for having an Android.

so douche bags thinking less of other people...

mind blown.

>I get my idea of women from Mean Girls

Not quite, it's rather because I have a life that I have alerts. Anyone who's not a brainlet can easily do it and avoid actively browsing through the filth that is this site these days. Why spend time actually browsing when a simple program can monitor it for you? I do it for almost every site I used to "browse". I don't have the time to waste wandering the internet these days.

Sup Forums is a waste of time.

I accept and acknowledge it. Why won’t you?

Because it doesn't have to be

It increases your chances though


I don't need to go out of basement or even watch movies to know that there's something wrong with women, and society as whole. If things worked the way i wanted i wouldn't be in my basement in the first place. Girls have the right to slut away the way they want and i have right to hate them for it. Luckily, i'm not american, and i only have to deal with a very less degenerated version of what you guys have, and probably still have chances to find the type of person i want for partner without getting out of my cunty.

I wish technology, and the world, went back for the future the 80's imagined. Since there's no hope for that and everything else has failed, i guess i will continue to work for my VR future while i larp being in the place i wish i was.

>iphone owner
Likes buying ridiculously expensive stuff.
Like being bought ridiculously expensive stuff.

What's more to say..

blue is psychologically stimulating color, it comes from our evolutionary drive to look for drinkable water, it induces peace

green is a dull color resembling that of grass, something that is not uncommon or rare to find

>3 out of 4 are
>the other one will just do what the group does because women are a hivemind

He was CEO
she served coffee

what more could I say

Lagdoid damage control the thread.

As if anyone would fuck an android using beta

Very often

Get out of that buble, hit the gym, make some friends.
I'll give you two years to drown on depression if you don't change that mindset user.


>Caring about impressing getto niggers
This guy.

>As if anyone would fuck an android using beta
Ur mum does anal for itunes credit.


>Thinks that being single is a bad thing
user, could you be, dare I say it, 10 years old?

Water is also not uncommon and not rare to find. Do you think it's that simple?

of course you'd be the one to post anime, next you'll be telling us you have a waifu


Take it to the loo rajeet

>tfw you get a used iphone 5 to exclusively online date
always makes the poor bitches super mad when i pull out my chinkphone



Is looking at the blue sky uncommon?

What even is it with niggers and social status phones?
Phones aren't nearly expensive enough to be a class barrier.
the iPhone 5 is like $90 lightly used
the iPhone 6 is $200 lightly used
the iPhone 7 is like $300 lightly used
not to mention carrier discounts

>make fun of poor people
>always overdrawn and in debt

Ahh I was waiting for this one. Thanks for taking the bait. You completely invalidated my point

Nice 6 year old article rajeet

Like iPoors can get out of debt within six years

It's prob cuz of imessage, can't use it on android

>Having an android automatically filters out vapid sluts