I plan on putting Linux on my Laptop to make it entirely a work machine. That is, light web browsing, and writing...

I plan on putting Linux on my Laptop to make it entirely a work machine. That is, light web browsing, and writing. Which OS should I go for? Default will be Ubuntu.

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Fedora Workstation
Just werks

Why throw linux on it when you already own windows?

Ubuntu for its ease of use and friendly environment

it depends on what write and with what software

also the specs of your laptop

>implying windows is good for web brownsing
The botnet consumes a lot of your bandwith and unnecessary cloud services add even more bloat

Chromium OS

Ubuntu is the most widely used, so when it breaks (weekly) it'll be the easiest to find help fixing.

You mean the easy-to-disable features?
Linux is all well and good if you don't want to buy Windows, but if you already own it, it's kindof pointless unless you need something very specific.

The only reason I use Windows is because of video games. I'd never touch it regardless.

For specs, I got the cheapest laptop I could find.

In the same boat, I am testing out Linux mint cinnamon. so far i like it but is there any reason i should use Ubuntu over Mint?


>Windows spies on users
>Isn't open source
fuck off stupid nigger

I'd recommend PCLinuxOS

Ubuntu Mate or Mint would be my recommendation.

Mint and Ubunto are funcionally not any different.

I am running this on a 2007 laptop with less than a gig of ram. Will that make a difference?

>2007 laptop with less than a gig of ram.

I'd recommend going for a super efficient low end Linux OS rather than Mint/Ubuntu.


Yeah, try disabling MSOffice click-to-run or telemetry

Thanks user! I will test some of these out tonight!

Also I am running mint live off a usb, if I install it do you think it will run slower? Because so far its been decent and usable in terms of speed so far.

If it's working fine, then it's probably fine.

mint is pretty friendly, but still consider a lighter distro, maybe xubuntu/lubuntu if you liked how mint works


This. Love fedora


Any reason not to go with cinnamon for Ubuntu?

Cinnamon is GNOME based shit. Might as well use GNOME with a few addons to tweak it's looks. Xfce and KDE are only good DEs.

I run Xubuntu on my Chromebook(tm)(c) instead of ChromeOS, got a N2940 and 4GB RAM, it works fine. No stuttering of any kind when doing basic tasks. It sucks for emulating though, which I've been doing a lot of lately in a system developments class, but I do most of the work on my desktop anyway.

KDE is ugly as shit lol

Just put linux mint. Its like ubuntu but better, and free from amazon.

You have 3 desktop tastes for mint so choose one you like (Xfce if you need lightweight, cinnamon if you like comfy, mate if not sure you want comfy or lightweight)

>free from amazon
So is Ubuntu.

I use Debian with i3 on my laptop. It's great. Something like i3 is amazing for working on a laptop imo, since using the touchpad is inefficient and annoying.

If you haven't used lincucks before then ubuntu is fine, though.

>not downloading KDE version.
Just kidding. Currently installing mint cinnamon this very second.

You won't get much work done with just a kernel. I think you're referring to the GNU operating system which uses the Linux kernel, or in short, GNU/Linux (which I've recently taken to calling GNU plus Linux).

To answer your question, Ubuntu is fine. Mate is often recommended but they had security issues with their download site (iso download was replaced with compromised iso), I don't know if that's fixed. My personal favorite is Xubuntu, it's lightweight and user-friendly while still being very customizable.

Windows 10 Enterprise you stupid cunt

linux is an advanced gaming operating system so it will not just be for work

Hows that 50 pentabyte database coming along?

I knew microshit shills are lurking here.

your best choices for being begginer friendly and powerful are Mint / Manjaro / Deepin

either Ubantu or Fedora, all desktop linuxes are identical now, but these two have the most support. Just make sure to disable updates for Fedora until the next major release, weekly new kernels can break your system.


>I plan on putting Linux
>Which OS should I go for?
What are you asking?

All DEs look ugly by default