Linux Mint is fantastic

>like ubuntu you can easily switch from systemd
>mint team works hard to postpone updates that interfere with cinnamon desktop so super stable
>fast(er) release cycles than ubuntu

>also stop bitching about "security" flaws, they fixed most of it and you can easily tweak what you want updated in the settings

it's fucking brilliant. what are your opinions on mint, Sup Forums


Don't try sysv on it because it will be painful. Just install a distro that has no systemd by default.

it's literally 2 commands in the terminal to switch from systemd lol

>fast(er) release cycles than ubuntu
>ubuntu based
what do you mean by this? Does mint releases new distribution, based on newer ubuntu release than ubuntu releases it's distribution..?
I mean, we get mint based on 18.04 ubuntu faster, than ubuntu 18.04 itself..?

>they fixed most of it
Sounds incompetent. I'd rather use GNU + systemd + RedHat Linux + NSA than mint. :^)

I really like linux mint. Most of "cons" are mostly Sup Forums memes what in most cases wont affect your linux mint experience ("bloat" meme and "ancient packages" meme).

Actually mint team in october news said they plan to implement flatpak so you will have acces to bleeding edge version of some software without cost of mint stability itself. Which is an awesome idea from mint team.

Well i dont give a shit abouit systemd meme anyway.

are you this fucking braindead? can you not fucking do 30 seconds of research?

What are you referring to? NSA part or "mint faster release cycles than ubuntu"?
If it's latter then you should have worded it differently. Because release to me associates with mint based on newer ubuntu version, not an update. If you said something like
>mint updates it's packages/repositories faster than ubuntu
Then it's OK in my dictionary.
Anyways, these updates might mean that mint devs just fuck up something and need an update to fix it. :^)
I still see mint devs as incompetent.

is there a verison without the mint necklace and the text on the side

I don't give a shit about systemd meme. I use Debian, one of the oldest Linux communities. I rely on their opinion than on an opinion of some nihilistic Sup Forums schoolkids. If Debian decided to use systemd then it's worth it.

2 commands in the terminal switches an entire init system

linux is fucking amazing, not just ubuntu!

Ahhhhhhhh. Looks like someone got bootyblasted in the last Mint shill thread. Good luck with this one sweetie!

They had to suicide Ian to get NSA/systemd into Debian.

I'm kinda getting convinced here. Can someone post a better anime distro mascot?


Why would you ever go with a heavier, less stable and buggier version of Xubuntu? Mint is based on Ubuntu, so you should choose the latter one if you really want to go with a normie-friendly distro. Also Cinnamon sucks huge BBC.

for learning linux its pretty excellent (especially if you come from a windows background, in which case cinnamon is the best choice)

i think unity will be more intuitive for a mac user (though ubuntu uses gnome now).

personally I no longer use it because of systemd (though i used it first knowing this) and have switched to manjaro XFCE (my favourite DE)

just play around user. distro hop, try different DEs, and develop a preference that makes using linux worth its downsides

asshole thinking his opinions are facts

>comparing linux mint to xubuntu for some reason
you must be very new to linux

cinnamon shills will defend this

>using the smiley with the carat nose

Not using mint, but the NSA has nothing to do with systemd.

Mint > ubuntu and any of its flavours.

Ubuntu doesent have mint tools. Ubuntu doesent listen to community, ubuntu is amazon spyware.

> ubuntu
Who said Ubuntu? I compared Mint to Xubuntu. Fuck Ubuntu. And fuck Mint, Xubuntu is way superior than both of them.

Whatever, xubuntu doesent have mint tools also

> mint tools
Nobody cares about them.

Actually people who want to get best driver for their OS by 1 click actually care

Wait, other distros don't offer this? Lmao

Do you know that you can do it the exact same way on Xubuntu, right? Or have you been living in a cave for decades?

No, he just doesn't know what he's talking about.

Xubuntu version of driver manager kept crashing on my PC while mint one worked perfectly.

> it doesn't work on my machine then it's worse
Flawless argument.

Windows people don't have to worry about keeping up with what every distro offers next month.

They don't worry about that because they are too worried getting spied on.

>it works on my machine so it's good
Flawless argument

Let's conveniently forget about the fact that it's security is dumbed down despite being an Ubuntu fork (Mint doesn't come with apparmor profile by default)

And the recent fiasco with their webserver being attacked, installation ISOs and hashes replaced with maintainers realizing this after like 3 weeks.


What’s to worry about? You install an LTS version and have support and updates for years.

I gave a copy to Grandma 'nonny about a year ago. Helped her get Firefox and Thunderbird set up.
She loves it. She still come to me with questions, but I haven't had a single complaint about the system.