I have a very low IQ. Please explain wtf this is all about

I have a very low IQ. Please explain wtf this is all about.

the best browser is the best again!!

please no bully



Furries getting an update.

i'm running FF57 and i had no problems yet.

it'll run proprietary javascript botnets more quickly

I feel I have insufficient replies.

Is there a quantum beta? I haven't used FF in many years.


I've been using it for a couple weeks, it feels way faster to me for general use which is mostly simple sites like Sup Forums

still gets clobbered by Chrome in the one probably shitty benchmark I ran though (basemark)


Lots of extensions will no longer work.

However the best extensions are getting upgraded already

i don't understand the filename.

apart from the well known meme line "back the fuck off!?", i also love how he says the girl is his girlfriend, but then he calls the other guy a pedophile for trying to hit on her.

All I want is a fast browser that power users can use, debotneted FF57 is my only hope.

Google Ultron on steroid

Trying to lose weight here


yes there is, but the quantam release comes on the 14th.

It's good news user, it'll remove a fuckload of jank and shit from firefox and make it run faster and better.
Rejoice in the good news!

It means you shouldn't upgrade:
>appchanx still doesn't work even if upgraded
>stylish skins don't work
Firetrash 57 must NOT be downloaded

Sup Forums-x does not have this problem.

It's silly synthetic benchmark which means nothing in real life usage.

>Facebook fipename
Fuck off Zuckerberg, return to your shithole.

Fuck off mobilefag, return to your shithole.

If anything a typo means I'm not typing on a phone, dipshit.

It means that soon your benchmark factory will be able to crank out benchmarks twice as fast as before with the same hardware.

fbid=10155132154178054 nice profile cunt
not himbtw

I bet you can't find mine.

Why Firefox does it?
The page just werks with Chromium




Btw, the OpenSuse website is fucking cancer and it represents everything that is wrong with today's web design.
Note to self: never try to use that garbage OS.

i use it! blazing fast. 4chanX breaks a little but not much

always gets me at "Im trying"

I installed it the other day, because my SeaMonkey build is making some weird freeze when i open any jewtoob video
the freeze is gone in this shit... so I will be back to SeaMonkey once they fix their shit

to be fair: the GUI tweaking is back for good

>SeaMonkey build is making some weird freeze
>SeaMonkey build is freezing

that looks weird.
almost furture scifi startrek macbook teir
Cant say I dislike it though.

that sideways Sup Forumstechnology banner is weird though.

even the 32bits official release does it
and I checked in two different machines
the jewtoob wizards has done some shit to the video preloader or something like that
it is gone in 57

pic related: pretty happy I can tweak the new firefox windows
it is just the default 4chanx+stylechan
i can confirm I lost my Sup Forums rice in here, so I still have work to do

xi'an famous foods
good shit

Now onto the funny stuff
same page (this thread) opened in both browsers
just this fucking thread
check firefox ram

Your slav English hurts to read.

>implying Sup Forums got anything to do with intelligence

You should watch some Rick and Morty

Honest question: why? Is it because of the animations?

the thing that strikes me the most is not event he 3x ram increase but: why is bloatfox using 1.4% of cpu time while displaying a static page on such a small viewport when it's not even focused
is all of this the power of rust?

seems like a problem on your end. I don't see any difference in ram usage between 56 and 57.

the other one is seamonkey (aka firefox before they started fucking it up on v3 or something) you blind fuck

Two sentences on a monitor. That doesn't seem right. Their entire main page could have been well condensed in order to have no scroll at all. If that's their idea of a good website (which is completely against mine) then their software definitely does not fit me.

>2x faster
>graph shows the "longer" one as faster

>runs final fantasy 57 as a browser
fucking gaymer shits

from cold boot

why don't you take a proper screenshot instead of coloring with mspaint like a retard. your image is quite literally edited and therefore can not be trusted.

I posted 4 screencaps already, and just wanted to give more info

If you want to give more info go to about:memory where there's actual info. Your screenshot is useless.

>Your screenshot is useless.
for you

It has 34 more!

Can't you fucking count?

it means install opera or gtfo

Is it still a slow laggy resource hog that memory leaks out the ass though?

If it takes that much willpower, you are probably doing it wrong. Main exception is intermittent fasting

>still using 1% of cpu time on a static page
what cpu is on your machine?


need dl link nao1

>Still forcing pocket
just make an inline reading list for fucks sake
why chrome and firefox haven't copied this feature from edge yet I have no idea

opinion discarded

hehe I work v close by this place

Firefox is great again.

>using SJW software

All the improvements go down the drain by using gtk3

Sounds like Firefox is now 2x faster than it used to be, making it about 1/5th as fast as other modern browsers.

Female Gabe?



basically Firefox fixed their shit.
A lot of addons died but it's already got more useful addons than Chromium because even Firefox webextensions give more freedom to developers.

What are you running?

Probably chrome, I'm getting 175 with a Skylake quadcore


Still slower than Chrome with half the useful addons working. RIP.

I like Firefox but holy shit do we need this many threads about Quantum.

I running the test on my laptop. was done with an i7 4700mq 4c/8t 2.4ghz base 3.4ghz boost.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

You should use stylus, fucking degenerate

Whenver you save a picture from funnyjunk it saves a piece of whatever comment the original poster made like so.

>2x faster on speedometer
>still half as fast as Chromium on my PC

I will upgrade only after they will fix Adblock Plus
(yes, I tried version 3, but then I switched back to 2.9.1)

arch release when

>Not using ublock
come on

>try liveuamap
>it's still choppy as fuck moving the map around

Pathetic. Back to chromium master race

what website is almost perfect in your opinion? i genuinely would like to know


>lots of missing extensions
>still slower than ungoogled chromium
>ui looks like Edge, the visual embodiment and constant reminder of how bad windows 10 is

meh, ill check it out in a year or two maybe if it keeps improving, but I have no reason to switch



fuck speed.

i had strong problems with browsers writing so much on HD that they could freeze my craptop for a minute straight.
firefox in particular had it, but chrome did too.
does this version fixes it?
i don't care about anything else, it could sell pictures taken from my webcam while i am masturbating for bitcoins. i don't give a shit.

Shitty interface, barely noticeable speed difference, awful font rendering, scrolling even laggier than your chrome shit... rused by Sup Forums again.

what kind of toaster did they run it on?

literally oppisite for me. Firefox is just as fast as chtome while also having more options and privacy.

dude, this has been easy to fix for years. search how to do it in about:config