Why did this shit just randomly stop working?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Using a botnet add-on in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Seventeen
>not using stylus
Because update 3.0.1 is a piece of shit.
Stylus looks like shit and can't touch the ui/xul stuff making it useless
Go to "See all versions" It's in the "More information" tab on the main addon page. (Use ctrl+F if you can't find it)
Then install Version 2.1.1
Then restart Firefox
Your styles should all be back.
Same happened to me and it say is because of webextensions, FUCKING SHIT.
Go back to Stylish 2.0.7 you dumb fuck.
That's the last version on Firefox before Stylish was sold to a shitty company which:
a. Is data mining.
b. Still hasn't fixed the userstyles website after months with their new design overhaul still broken.
>be an organization which provides a service to customize websites in an easy and flexible way circumventing any needs for website overhauls
>proceed to overhaul the website instead of just releasing your own featured userstyle upgrading your own site to serve as an example of what can be done with userstyles
>proceed to break the site during the overhaul
>proceed to waste months not being able to fix flaws and bugs that your userbase often fixes for other sites through your stylish service
>while you were incapable of fixing a few bugs, your userbase overhauled whole websites using Stylish by the hundreds in the meantime with thousands of times more work to do than you
If there was a law banning exceptional stupidity and issuing death sentences for it, the new Stylish management deserves the death sentence 10 times over.
or use Stylus
>Stylus looks like shit
The UI is almost the same
>UI is almost the same
Maybe if you compare 3.0.1 Stylish then you would be correct they both look like shit.
Still can't touch the UI/xul retard
>Still can't touch the UI/xul retard
>Stylus looks like shit and can't touch the ui/xul stuff making it useless
WebExtensions can't touch the browser UI.
You have to wait until the new theme API is finalized.
>WebExtensions can't touch the browser UI.
No duh retard hence why Stylus is shit.
>You have to wait until the new theme API is finalized.
Or just use Stylish. Mozilla will probably fuck it up too knowing them, make it more restrictive or just not do it.
>can't touch the ui/xul
>what is UserChrome.css?
>unorganized single file
>gotta restart to change anything
>single file
REMINDER: Stylish was collecting user data!
Yeah it only takes a shit ton of scrolling to get where I want to be. Real organized!
Well, that's your own doing moron. Learn to organize your files. Jesus...
>Learn to organize your files
>literally hundreds of lines of text in total for all the styles
>organize into one big messy file
you really are dense aren't you?
>all the styles
Literally I have multiple ui/xul styles you dense fuck
>multiple ui/xul styles in 1 file
>unable to organize them
>calling other people dense
You can't organize them properly you stupid fuck. They will be one right after the other in a clusterfuck of a file. They are "organized" but doesn't make it that much easier to navigate. The readability of separate files is a hell of a lot better.
>I can't organize them properly because I'm a stupid fuck
This update is fucking irritating. I want my custom scrollbar back not this eyecancer default scroll bar. It's ugly as sin.
Fuck Firefox and fuck Stylish.
You really can't read can you?
because of muuu progress
Downgrade then. And also install Waterfox
Sure I can, what's more, I can organize my files properly. Try sperging less.
Yeah that worked a treat, thanks.
Well I sure as shit wont be updating to new versions of firefox unless I know for certain I can customise the browser. It looks like stylish/us wont be allowing that anymore. Fucking hell.
what the fuck, so stylish is dead?
>You have to wait until the new theme API is finalized.
When is this supposedly happening and what will it allow?
No you can't and you can't organize that single file properly. It's hundreds of lines that makes browsing awful with them being grouped one after the other when they really should be logically separated into different files just like how I am currently rolling in Stylish. Try being less retarded next time
>unless I know for certain I can customise the browser
Hence why I recommend Waterfox. The scope is to keep xul/legacy addon support and thus our current level of modification. It's pretty solid, worth checking out.
no but it sucks now on 3.0.1+
>When is this supposedly happening
Probably never because Mozilla is incompetent.
>No you can't
You keep mixing you and me up. You are the one who can't, I am the one who has no trouble with it. You're not very bright, are you lad?
>I am the one who has no trouble with it.
You're lying to yourself, the efficiency is better with multiple files. A single file is not on the same level of organization as multiple. You're probably an inbred britbong. Enjoy your wife and daughter getting raped by sand niggers
>If I can't do it nobody can!
Go back to plebbit kid
>when Sup Forums insults fail, resort to calling people plebbit
>Implying both aren't accurate
Interesting. It sounds good on paper, but like all things modern-Firefox, I'm not holding my breathe. The survey results were somewhat amusing. It's always interesting to see how simple the thoughts of the majority are.
>interesting to see how simple the thoughts of the majority are
This is why ((the majority)) should mostly be ignored.
>can't figure out how to install styles with Stylus
firefox killed it