/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux

CloverOS GNU/Linux

Official homepage: cloveros.ga
Current ISO: cloveros.ga/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20171107.iso
Libre ISO: fr.cloveros.ga/CloverOS_Libre-x86_64-20171108.iso
Git: gitgud.io/cloveros/cloveros
Package count: 3135 cloveros.ga/s/packages.html
Official IRC channel: #cloveros on Rizon
Previous threads: warosu.org/g/?task=search2&search_subject=cloveros
GPG: 78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805
License: WTFPL
Mirrors: useast.cloveros.ga uswest.cloveros.ga fr.cloveros.ga uk.cloveros.ga nl.cloveros.ga au.cloveros.ga
Current CFLAGS: CFLAGS="-Ofast -mmmx -mssse3 -pipe -funroll-loops -flto=8 -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"
Validate ISO:

gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key "78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805"
wget cloveros.ga/s/signatures/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20171107.iso.asc
gpg --verify CloverOS-x86_64-20171107.iso.asc CloverOS-x86_64-20171107.iso

Other urls found in this thread:


New mirror: au.cloveros.ga (Australia)

Ok real talk on CFLAGS. I know -Ofast is probably for the memes, but what is the actual ideal optimization level?
Personally, I think it might be -O3. These benchmarks seem to show that you start to get diminishing returns going from -O3 to -Ofast. Shown with 3 different GCC versions.

Not everything builds with -Ofast


I just personally like -Ofast because it's a collection of other optimizations. The CFLAGS are actually pretty simple (Ofast, LTO, graphite)

>no PGO fox maximum ultra performance

Imagine a team doing pgo on 3135 packages

Autism is paying off. I just wish these threads didn't die so fast.

I'll show my desktop CloverOS tomorrow, too sleepy.

I really need to make threads not hours before i sleep

My install wont boot
Did I get memed?

>ded thread
>ded OS
>ded website

What's the benefit of this that isn't provided in another distro?

So is this distro actually usable as a daily driver? How often do updates come along? I'm intrigued and I'd like to try it.


It's gentoo, but with USE flags that reduces bloated software, lower memory usage thanks to the lack of systemD and Pulseaudio, and it has a binary host for fast installations, but lets you compile anything else on your own as you need.
I've been using it on all my computers as a daily OS, since it came out in last summer.

Is the shutdown button still broken

Is libinput still not configured for touchpads

Is there still no Plymouth screen

had the same issue when i tried in the summer
check the integrity of your iso

Take out the install medium. It doesn't boot drives for some reason.

I've been using it daily since 2014, before I turned it into CloverOS.

>Is the shutdown button still broken

It doesn't run X, a display manager or a window manager as root. The only way to shut down is sudo shutdown.

I'm wasn'trunning it as root, I ran it as a separate user with xfce and xorg.

Exactly, regular users can't shut down without sudo.

>Is libinput still not configured for touchpads

There's enable tapping in cloveros_settings.sh, I'll have to check out stuff like edge scrolling and put the settings somewhere.

..why? That sounds retarded.

Welcome to Unix


CloverOS is works like the old UNIX timeshare systems, where root and an administrator controls a host machine, while normal users connect to the host machine from remote terminals. Of course the admin wouldn't allow any remote user to shutdown the host, so the option is restricted to root/admin.

>based on gentoo

automatically makes it shit. gentoo is a source based distro and should not be used by desktop users. it's designed to be a server OS and a server OS it will remain

i run cloveros on my servers though

CloverOS is designed for desktop austists who want to also have server software available to use.

All desktop distros are designed to be a server OS, they just have a desktop manager/environment installed.

The stats.sh crashes on my desktop. Does the script have checks to see if parts of it aren't working?

No, stats.sh really needs to be redone.

>CloverOS is also 100% fresh, free range and ethical and we care about africans and shit.
>most things dont actually do anything
i like this website design

It probably needs some if statements that checks for null in the variables.

You can change this by using similar permissions to FreeBSD just set /sbin/halt to rwsr-xr-- owned by root:operator then add users who you want to be able to shutdown to the operator group.

Make sure your .xinitrc looks like this
ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session xfce4-session so that you can shutdown using consolekit.

Woah, Sup Forums actually managed to make something beyond just the logo?

yes, and it works

>lewd desktop wallpapers
Why user

I sat around all summer making a fuck ton of anime tiddy wallpapers for the CloverOS booru, just so I could stare at anime tiddies, while looking at some god awful PHP code.

tldr because I can, get over it.

>pic related
genuine question, why Pulseaudio?

who made pulse audio

i've tried this 3 times and have been kind of disappointed by the lack of functionality and documentation, but i'm willing to give this one more try.

My only question is whether or not you still can't use a tradtional display manager? I didn't like having to constantly do it through the cli.

dude I'm asking you
what you want me to google it or something

can i, in theory, remove all the cloverOS repos and basically make this pure gentoo? i'm worried that the project might die and i might end up with a bunch of dead repos and errors.

Edit /etc/portage/make.conf

Change EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--keep-going=y --autounmask-write=y --jobs=2 -G"
EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--keep-going=y --autounmask-write=y --jobs=2"

Wikipedia is like the first result on google
yes, you can switch to source and it won't use the binary repo anymore.

poettering is a controversial figure so everything he makes is questioned
the site mentions it because there are people who go out of their way to avoid his shit

oh, thank you

If i'm not mistaken, doesn't gentoo already have binary repos as well as source ones (emerge vs portage)?

Or am I getting mixed up with Sabayon?

There are separate binary repos available, you will have to change your make.conf to point to those in order to use them.

I see. Duly noted.

oh, okay. I can probably just go into the repos.conf and # out all the clover ones and paste in the binary repo, I guess. Thanks for the help.

It's in /etc/portage/make.conf

Seeing as this is mostly an install script for a preconfigured Gentoo the Gentoo wiki should apply as documentation most of the time.

emerge is just the cli interface for portage the package manager.

Sucks that Gentoo doesn't have torbrowser or icecat in the repo.

i get a command not found when I run "cloveros_settings.sh" but i can open it in nano fine

how do i start it?

use ~/cloveros_settings.sh or ./cloveros_settings.sh

nvm, didn't realize it was right in my home folder


whats the difference between libre iso and normal iso?

That's FreeBSD. Although, you can say Gentoo has binary repos now: PORTAGE_BINHOST="cloveros.ga" emerge -G firefox

normal iso has linux firmware and some non-free software available. libre should be completely free of any non-free software. Someday we'll get Icecat into portage and use it as default for the libre iso

CloverOS Libre doesn't have the sys-kernel/linux-firmware package.

The kernel is the same thing but with linux-libre.fsfla.org/pub/linux-libre/releases/4.12.12-gnu/deblob-4.12 ran on it.

You can turn CloverOS into Libre by doing emerge -C linux-firmware and using this kernel cloveros.ga/s/kernel-libre.tar.xz or building it yourself.

emerge gentoo-sources genkernel
cd /usr/src/linux/
wget linux-libre.fsfla.org/pub/linux-libre/releases/4.12.12-gnu/deblob-4.12
chmod +x deblob-4.12
PYTHON="python2.7" ./deblob-4.12
wget liquorix.net/sources/4.12/config.amd64
genkernel --kernel-config=config.amd64 all



I just switched from Arch, i'm a lot happier than I was before with it


Nice wallpaper, pic unrelated.

Looks clean and simple, good job. Did you make that yourself? Because I don't know how to make i3-gaps look that good.

I did make it myself. I can post my config if you like, I don't much mind. I do warn that it's a bit messy and I have some of my own shortcuts in there.

Does it use the same programs as stock CloverOS?

I use nitrogen for the wallpaper and mate-terminal, but those can be changed in the config pretty easily. I also use polybar rather than i3bar, but I can explain the configuration to you pretty easily, it's in the gentoo repos and not hard to set up.

I use nitrogen, but I prefer urxvt. But yes please explain, so I can figure this out.

okay, so with polybar, you just copy my config file a.pomf.cat/sofzam , rename it "config", paste it to /home/yourname/.config/polybar and then also paste a.pomf.cat/ioepyg.sh in there as well

from there, all you need to do is restart i3 (mod+shift+r) and it should show up on top of the screen.

and to change the urxvt as the mod+enter terminal, just find the part in the i3 config that says "mate-terminal" and change it to urxvt.

do I need to rename the link on the .sh file to something?

nope, keep the sh file as is.

thanks, I'll see how I can customize it. Maybe I'll make it a general CloverOS theme for i3.

oh, sounds like a cool idea. could even make an entire seperate i3 flavour, maybe.

maybe, I think the installer should give users the choice for DE/WM, and there should be some CloverOS themed defaults to work with each choice

yeah, that would be nice. I'd personally like there to be a display manager and boot splash as well, seeing as openrc spits out so much text on startup.

I personally don't mind the cli, but I know it confused my mom when I installed CloverOS on her old laptop.

>user shows his mom gentoo

kek, that sounds entertaining

It was, she got used to it, but she hasn't used a terminal since win3.1, writing shit in BASIC.

Convince me to switch from Void to Clover.

Void doesn't have systemD correct? Depending on your use case, CloverOS will ensure pulseaudio and avahi isn't installed either.

I don't have either of those installed.

its gentoo

If you want to use CloverOS, it can install binaries from the repo and compile from source. Void may suit your needs already, so it's up to you. Try it in a VM to see how it runs

Will apps that run on Ubuntu also run on smaller Distros like puppylinux or Alpine? Will emulators work on the smaller distros?

Wallpaper please

>Official homepage: cloveros.ga

Lmao, that website is funny. Is it real though? I've always been curious about using Linux, especially now that Win10 is trash.

Is this a real OS? Good for new Linux user?

>Is this a real OS? Good for new Linux user?

here you go
yes it's real

Thank you, user.

The jurassic park thread mentioned motif window manager. Add that and FVWM to the repo.


Better website: useast.cloveros.ga

Why the fuck does it make an obnoxious beep when I boot the iso? (other linux isos don't beep on my machine)