Are you using /ourbrowser/?

Are you using /ourbrowser/?

>chrome clone part 9849383938373

Just use Chrome or Comodo Dragon.


Herro I am asian little benis haha kawaii desu UwU onee chan hehe lolis anime

What the fuck is your problem?

>comodo dragon
The same one that shipped with ssl interceptor and injected ads from "reliable parties"?!? FUCKING KYS!

shill your shovelware somewhere else, faggot

trash. probably botnet too. most likely.

>dragon logo
I found the furfag

why should I use it instead of anything else?

Made by japanese, for japanese.

> Only available on mac and pc

Into the trash it goes.

sleipnir is also made by japanese for japanese, and has better font rendering.
what else does kinza offer to me?

Do they offer deb/rpm/tar?

Dragons don't have fur

>the mighty Negro Lion of web browsing
Datum boi u got me hu hu

They're like gods.

They don't exist.

Kill you self weeaboo scum. Saged and reported to Common Filth

Does kinza offer it?


The hell? On their website the only feature they list that can't be done on any other chrome rip off is "muh anime logo"

>Comodo Dragon
It's better then chrome