>it says here you dont have a github profile, care to explain why?
It says here you dont have a github profile, care to explain why?
That's not my CV, you must have brought the wrong one.
I'm a computer scientist not a programmer
>it says here you dont have a arxiv profile, care to explain why?
>It says here you have a tumor, care to explain why?
I'm a professional. I only use lab or company git repos.
If you are good at something, never do it for free.
>it says here your dick is under 6", care to explain why?
Why am I getting interviewed by the help desk? The fuck/
sir i believe you're mistaken im here for the janitor position
I am a theoretical guy myself, if you look at my cv you can see my google scholar profile is linked with over 1 research papers
I'm not a commie. Gpl is cancer.
Because I'm not a SJW!
Because I’m alt right and github is owned by feminazi kikes
the current state of tech gave me brain cancer a while back, it's going into remission however
"I use github as a platform for making contributions to existing free software, all of my own code is stored elsewhere, and should be listed in the CV that I handed you."
i just fucked up an interview covering babby tier shit because i got nervous. people get too hung up on inane shit covering what they requested in the posting + having good interview skills is what is relevant.
>it says here you have a tripcode on Sup Forums, care to explain why?
>it says here you dont have a github profile, care to explain why?
Your HR department obviously suck at their job, as not only do I have one, I put my link to it on the résumé. I think we are done here, I can't with good conscience work at a place where they mix candidates up like this.
Post it here
>>it says here you dont have a github profile, care to explain why?
I've never been asked this question. Is this real or just recreational shitposting
I've seen employers asking to review code that I wrote though. (BOSH, Audi and GE)
My github?
No, your dick.
I am not a programmer. Check you white privilege.
It's a blue board, so no.
I use TFS
Hahaha yes yes very well very well, but before I procede do you mind telling me who is your hairdresser sir?
Who needs shithub if you're a rockstar programmer? Am I right?
doesn't look blue to me