Anyone else smoke while programming?

Anyone else smoke while programming?



I do morphine while hacking.

Only when i'm fingering my butt

Yep. Half pack of Marlboro Reds per day.

wew lad

Winston Blue

yea my walls are all yellow.

how can i fix this without repainting?


move out

>not speed


I go out of my way to find places where I can smoke indoors for this express purpose

If you're going to keep smoking there then there is no point. Alcohol should work though

If you do end up repainting, use a glossy paint.

Next time smoke outside

Just drink bleach.

Tobacco is disgusting. But weed is fine.

Yeah, Marlboro ice blasts. Got to stop...

cant be fucked

im going to quit soon anyway

i thin i'll just get the whole house repainted when i'm moving out.


no, you degenerate fuck
why the fuck would anyone ever smoke?

Well unfortunately I can't smoke WHILE I'm programming because of Australian nanny state laws, so I have to go outside and smoke there. Also tobacco tax goes up 12.5% every year, I swear my country hates me.

I wish I could, but I'd probably die from bronchitis

If I wanted to look like a smelly, yellow-teeth hobo who coughs constantly in public places like he's the patient zero in zombie apocalypse, I would start smoking. At the moment I don't want that nor understand why anyone else would either.

you'll need to do a lot more than that m8

If I catch you smoking indoors then I'll beat your ass.

I always do that


like what?

>Not vaping instead

comeone you want to be cool?

>Inhaling non FDA approved liquids

Anything besides parliament aqua blue is pleb tier

I wish, but I live in an apartment.

I heard that bleach and amonia helps with everything. Is this true?

match everything else in the room with that shade of yellow and claim it was a design decision

quit (seriously you should) or at least pick up a vape

then you only have to repaint once

If you wanna make chlorine gas and choke to death, sure. Just stick with the ammonia.

>Inhaling fda approved cigs

How is an addiction cool? If anything signals weakness. Maybe not among other smokers but I as a non smoker I see it as a weakness

Work from home. Or have they banned smoking inside your own home there too?

He wasn't serious and smoking to be cool has been a meme for years..go outside sometime, talk to a couple of people and make a friend. Eventually you'll be exposed to things like that

>vape all I want inside my house
>doing shit on the computer while vaping
>dont have to worry about permanent damage to my furniture and shit
Feels good

Actually no your country is protecting you and your coworkers health from your insanely stupid health decision. You smoke outside so you don't damage your companies property, and you don't damage your coworkers lungs with second hand smoke. You have higher taxes in a hope that it will make your habit so unsustainably expensive that you might quit, and so expensive that others don't pick up a habit that has been proven to be deadly so many times that it's not even funny anymore.

If cigarettes were outright banned tomorrow millions of lives would be saved.

Deep cleaning every non-porous surface, replacing any fabric. Might have to hire one of those disaster cleanup companies. Smokers don't appreciate how much smoke permeates everything. Unless you're willing to take a major hit on your home's value, or you're selling to somebody who plans a major remodel, repainting is like closing your toilet's lid to hide a turd instead of flushing it.


>If cigarettes were outright banned tomorrow millions of lives would be saved.
Yeah, it's not like the millions of addicts would just resort to the black market.

repaint once every 2 years, it's literally the best and only way to clean a house

No, I quit smoking over two years ago.

Not sure if pleb or shitposter

>banning a deadly vice
why even live then

I do morphine while doing sweet fuck all.

>smoking while programming
>mods status: dont delete the thread relevant tech related thread

>wearing programming socks
>mod status: bazongalasted DELET THE THREAD IMMIDIATELY

Even if a fraction of those millions of addicts quit using legal replacements like vapes or the plethora of nicotine delivery devices, millions would still be saved. Not to mention heavily reducing the amounts of future smokers, through prevention saving millions more.

And you know that the prices on the black market will be absolutely exorbitant compared to what they are now, you'll have to go from an expensive habit to a choosing between smokes or food habit overnight. That's enough motivation to make most quit.

i dont own it, just rent

No, I don't fucking want to be cool. I don't want to have cancer, heart disease, and lungs blackened with soot so filled with tar that I barely function with 20% of my lung capacity!

>You have higher taxes in a hope that it will make your habit so unsustainably expensive that you might quit.
Or maybe it's because the only thing holding up our economy at the moment is chinks buying our property with money they don't even have and the gov is desperate for tax?

you russian?

I hope you get cancer

I just smoke can't programming yet.

redpilled ausfriend

you probably aren't getting your deposit back then lmao

Yep, pic related.
Serious concentration booster when I need to concetrate for 12 hours at work.

No but I'm drinking alcohol...

just imagine what your lungs look like on the inside

Smokers are vile people

Luckily ---if you already love it, like I do--- increasingly yet-another-good-reason-among-others is "normies have taken to despising it".

I also enjoy coughing way less, practically never, compared to ALL the non-smoking but alcohol-drinking, carb-eating soy people around me, of all ages incl. the allegedly "young & fit" tweens --- and that as a smoker of nearly 19 years now. People will never even remotely entertain the idea that a multiple daily doses of salad greens and birdfeed might be more detrimental to a healthy human than a very regular smoking habit. Whereas to any goucho or cowboy ~150+ years ago, it would have been a no-brainer.

That said, I utterly despise industrial ciggies, but self-rolled, ALWAYS a pleasure every time --- to taste, or just to smell.

You see, there is literally only one mildly plausible reason to quit, and a gazillion not to. Easy decision.

You don't cough because you smoke so much that your lungs have no time to recover aka cough.

Smoke outside, it gives you little time to stretch our legs and to take a "break"

>Doing something harmful as opposed to something else harmful is good for your health

LOL what fucking century is it neckbeards

It's not the fact that you destroy your body that annoys people, the fact that you can destroy theirs through your shit smoke.

>pulls out the 'sitting' on a desk is worse than smoking card

I get up and stretch every 30 mn and walk around for a minute or two, it may seem small but it helps your spine,legs, and feet.

>inb4 vaping sissy

>smoking == being an addict smoking pack or more a day

Why do people have this mentality? I only have like 3 cigs tops a day, and I can stop smoking if I want to. I just enjoy smoking from time to time.

I smoke [spoiler]weed[/sdlpoiler]

Just turned 21 and started smoking reds, it's taken me a month to smoke these shorts, and I doubt I'll buy again , cause I rather buy a cigar. I'm probably more of a cigar man desu.

>breaking news, people are different

>I only have like 3 cigs tops a day, and I can stop smoking if I want to.


Please share your thoughts and opinions, I'm considering getting one of these.

>i swear i can stop smoking guise

The lamest one in ages, kiddo. The sanitary-clean-PC-normie century. Puffin' in yer face, soymilk boy!

Tastes way better than real cigs and doesn't really smell. Don't forget to charge it though, or you're fucked. Also after using it for a month I can't stand cigs at all.

I agree and I occasionally indulge in a cigarette, though nobody would know it.

wtf is that

t. fat fedora neckbeard that smells his own farts.

Good to know, I don't smoke often so this would be a nice alternative.

Surely Google could answer your question.

or the file name

i dont use search engines because botnet


We had to clean all the walls when my grandparents finally quit. Once you quit you'll need to scrub all the walls with warm soapy water then you might still have to repaint. If you have carpet though you'll never get rid of the smell if you smoked in that room without replacing it and if you do that I'd repaint after you clean anyways.

I vape, I'm not trailer trash.


I get stoned and code/hack

>bad for your health
>costs a shitton
>smells bad

>is mentally retarded, low test beta