Is this any good?

is this any good?

Newbie here. Ex-distro hopper.
Fucking rocks.
Try Antergos first.

Yes if you're a terrorist or a pedophile

no its a meme OS specifically designed for ricing

any good for what


Very nice.

no it's bloated and gay and sucks ass
The only thing good about that shitty distro is their shitty wiki with vague ass shit

Can I get that img?


Sure, the wiki is great.

Apart from Systemd its pretty good


weebs should be restricted to using ubuntu.

Very good, truly amazing

I like your style guy

as a fellow apple fag how do I change my themes and font?

>is this any good?
judging by the logo, no

sudo rm -rf / in terminal for dakr theme

also, wtf is this, every day I get Calle in fucking captcah

yes, try it out.

read more carefully

*forgot calle

I thought your gf was ushijima

>round corners
is that black magic?

Meme distro for "Arch haxxors" not having any social life or job so they need to kill time fixing confs over and over.

Just use linux mint(for desktops) or debian(for servers)

install gentoo

>fixing confs over and over.
stale meme is stale
pacman manages conf perfectly now.
>not reading changelogs
>not reading pacman warnings
>not reading distro news
literally no reason for it to break other than kde breaking itself

yes it is! you can do the same shit in Debian, Ubuntu or Arch Linux, is up to you.. try alpine and learn to blow the shit up