>privacy focused windows 10 build
can someone give me a quick review? How does this compared to LTSB?
Windows 10 AME
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well since LTSB is still packed to the brim with privacy intrusions, if it does anything to prevent data collection it's already better than LTSB in that department
>concerned about privacy
>installing pajeet's custom windows 10 install
>I don't want to provide anonymous data about software and OS behavior at the lowest telemetry level so microsoft can't improve the OS and release bugfixes as fast and effectively as if I did
I'm sorry you suffer from sociopathy.
>well since LTSB is still packed to the brim with privacy intrusions, if it does anything to prevent data collection it's already better than LTSB in that department
>tfw it was me, ranjit and krishna that were inserting keyloggers to "PATCHED XP" isos back in the day
u fuckers are retarded
>ever delivering effective timely bugfixes
gtfo underage
I didn't say it WAS more private retardio, I was saying LTSB has no meaningful privacy improvements over using regular win10
This thing is a scam and a botnet. Do not use it.
People who generally used cracked versions or even had the capability to retrieve and install were youngfags though so I never expected any card# but I sure did make $ from RS accounts I took via RDP screencaps and keyboard input.
Retards never set recovery emails.
>no cortana (i.e. no keylogger/voicelogger/searchtermlogger)
>can be put at the lowest telemetry possible
>no ads
>no new "apps" such as the new calculator
>no meaningful privacy improvements
this in addition to all the W10 privacy tweaks and W10 has less botnet than a fresh W7 install.
Prove it.
This. Otherwise, if you want secure computing, use a secure machine? Autists at problem solving lmao
looks good.
Why the fuck would you use any version of Windows for a secure computing session unless it was, embarrassingly, the only OS you knew how to use
>made by some random redditor
>based on a 2 year old windows build
>is incapable of receiving security updates
>using normal windows 10 for a insecure computing session
The only reason to use windows is video games and other media consumption. Why would you need a secure session during gaming and casual browsing? You realize telemetry isn't shit and the only thing you have to worry about are the government backdoors being exploited, right?
>well since LTSB is still packed to the brim with privacy intrusions
tin foil hats actually believe that
The website even tells you how to do it on your own.
So, yeah.
If you think you're not compromised on the exact same level(by Microsoft and the government) merely by using LTSB, you're an idiot.
>he thinks removing the cortana front actually removes the keylogger
>bitcoin miner included
>Autists at problem solving lmao
Link? I cant find this win anywhere
Microsoft Security Executive: I know that you requested that this user data be correlate to an identity... But something is wrong. My team can't access the machine.
NSA Agent: What is it?
Microsoft Security Executive: The user ran some scripts and modified the registry. We have no access. He might even be using LTSB or AME.
NSA Agent: Wow, damn. Pack it up boys we got nothing.
>Microsoft Security Executive: The user is not running an updated OS. We have no access. He might even be using linux
Sup Forumstards will not see the irony
>NSA Agent: Wow, damn. Van him boys. We're smack in the middle of a Russki pedo-terrorist incursion!
why not just use the latest version of Windows 10 legally with an OEM key from a spare laptop? That way the NSA thinks you are just another normie and your data will be collected with masses, but it wont be important.
If you are actively seeking out privacy, for ex using LTSB or Linux you're more likely to become spied on more.
shoo shoo, poo in the loo
Fuck off paid microsoft shill
I wouldn't mind using LGBT or AME or whatever the fuck, but W10 also has problems with software compatibility. It's pointless for me to go through the hassle of getting a custom version that has botnet removed with ancient "updates" if you can call em that when I can't play my chinese lewd RPGs properly.
It's literally a outdated version of Windows 10 that was misconfigured and shilled to the death here. It's trash.
>want privacy
>using any kind of modern Windows
I'll never get how people think like this. If you want privacy, you use Linux. Its as simple as that.
you can spoof your OS though
just use win xp compatibility mode?
>just use a barely functioning OS that requires that you open the terminal to do basic tasks
It doesn't work with HF pAppLocale.
That's the cost of privacy. You can't currently have a polished OS which would be made by a large company that doesn't spy on you. The fuck do you expect?
>HF pAppLocale
Step up your game.
What's stopping Microsoft from forcefully adding these things later?
Here's the thing, that's the first thing I used. It fucks fonts up. It's a worthless piece of software for some titles and you're better off setting the locale manually and restarting Windows.
That's not stepping up my game, that would be a step down actually. Also that software isn't getting any support anymore.
it's an enterprise version for systems that need stability over the newest gimmick. sure microsoft could roll out LTSB "upgrades" and utterly piss off their enterprise customers, but why would they do that?
What's stopping me from breaking into your house and raping you?
>concern-shilling and samefagging your bullshit
Subhuman atheist l33t hax0r cringelord makeover for a terrible OS with barely any telemetry removed. Leave
>even mentioning the disgusting LGButtshT
kill yourselv sodomite
>can run any modern software without any issues
>can play the latest games, no problems
>extremely lightweight and stable
I don't see your problem user, maybe you have autism
dual boot win xp then
You didn't refute him in the slightest.
I don't think you know what autism is, either, pajeet.
Why do you keep posting these threads? The only reason I can think of is that you're trying to skim credit card numbers from idiots installing your shitty custom roll of Win10, that you can't even prove has removed telemetry.
>It fucks fonts up
I never had any issues with it. But then again I don't play shitty rpgmaker games.
How many times you gonna make this thread, ameloejkehrjh guy? It's pretty fucking obvious you're the guy behind this.
Then prove it doesn't have removed telemetry. This is a two way street friendo.
I don't think you know who I am.
However as pointed out they give you a doc
That's still not a solution, so I'm happy where I stand until someone tells me why in the fuck would you want to actually bother updating.
>I'm happy where I stand
In 8.1.
>implying a neckbeard virgin like you has anything worth sharing
grow up man
You're going to have to accept government spying if you use any kind of computing technology, they're just too ingrained and have too much power
You can manage corporate spying, however
but who gives a shit tho. are you afraid they'll see your peepee
Well, it's still closed source, and it's produced by some random user, so you can bet your sweet ass it's shipping your data to China.