Javascript Love

>had C++ and Java jobs for a few years
>decide to learn Javascript and React
>immediately get a job with much higher pay and better opportunities

b but MUH 5+"dsafasd"

i purchased a negro and he just does all the work for me.

>7 years ago
>in highschool
>had to do JS as part of a computer science class
Fuck JavaScript.

Bro, I know Javascript is shit in some ways but if you get a JS job, you get to implement new shit and it's a meme right now so it's in demand.

C++/Java/C is mostly maintaining 20 year old legacy shit and it's not as trendy so MBA manager fags don't care about it

why is that negro doing nothing under the tree

Gotta get that cash

where can I learn more about JS and data storing? right now I'm maintaining a personal userscript but it's really simple and everything is made by manual editing in the code. I'd like to make a nice gui and store edits somewhere. is w3school good to learn js?


It's a bit funny, it's one of the easiest languages for beginners to pick up, yet cause endless amounts of suffering for those who started elsewhere

waiting for gulp to finish compiling

fuck, i meant to say

those negros always have an excuse to sleep

Is Javascript the NGE of programming languages?

It's all great until the next meme language / framework comes along

Can't wait until webassembly deprecates JS to the trash bin where it belongs.

>learn the basics with C, C++, Java or similar
>can always learn the latest meme language easily

is it totally different to js? Ive no clue of either frameworks.

I only wish someone who wasn't a lisptard had a say in the development of it

It'll only supplement JS.

window.WebAssembly = function () { alert('found the nigger'); }

Exactly, if you're a C, C++ or Java dev, you're basically fine since meme languages and frameworks are generally designed for the lowest common denominator. The ones that will suffer with the webassembly transition are the JS meme framework babbys that don't know anything else and will have to (rightfully) learn to program properly or go back to working at starbucks.

Companies will want to take advantage of webassembly's speed soon enough, there will eventually be a big jump in demand for C / C++ web devs to take advantage of WA.

>It'll only supplement JS

You say that now. :^)

It's completely different. You compile C/C++ to bytecode for in-browser scripting. Meaning it's both faster to parse and to execute.

found the soon to be starbucks employee

seems to me everybody hates js in here, I only interacted with it in a web development class and it seemed quite okay to me, even that webdev thing kind of appeals to me more than the usual programming

Use Mozilla's documentation instead of w3 if you need help with javascript. And if you want storage, look into Node, for UI look into React

is this one better?
window.WebAssembly = function () { alert('found the nigger'); }
window.WebAssembly.toString = function () { return '[native code]nigger';}

I honestly hate it, and never liked it. Even when I was first learning some nix, php and bash my only interactions with js just made me hate it forever. I didn't like any part of it, the only thing I liked was I could grab jquery and get some silly effect moving pretty quick, that's about it.

The people that like it, more power to you, I could never take a job where one of my primary duties would be writing in it. I could stand a small script here and there, but nothing major, I would be looking for something else asap.

Thankfully my job now has absolutely nothing to do with js.