Wtf this Firefox Quantum update messes everything up...

wtf this Firefox Quantum update messes everything up, Sup Forums X don't work and the fucking refresh button is of the left side of the URL bar now

you can move all that your monkey.

yeah, Sup Forums x is fucked on the new quantum.

go into customize and move the refresh to the other side dummy.

>and the fucking refresh button is of the left side of the URL bar now
They're conditioning you to get ready for your inevitable switch to Chrome. ;^)

I cant use shortcuts anymore, s/r/x just brings up fucking quick search

Works on my machine.

You don’t need 4chanx

Use tampermonkey.

Greasemonkey is completely broken.

4chanX works fine.

Only issue I'm having is that there's a little download icon next to filenames that doesn't do anything when clicked, but links to the file in a new tab when mmb clicked or right-click and open in new. Maybe I'm retarded, but I can't find an option to disable it.

werks 4 me ;^)

>Sup Forums X don't work


Tampermonkey spies on the websites you visit. Go read their privacy policy and abandon it.

nightly doesn't have this problem

It's Greasemonkey that's fucked. Use Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey.

>tfw on 52 ESR

who /comfy/ here?

Why can't greasemonkey be updated instead of getting new ones?

The devs are updating it but for now it's just a work in progress. So unless you want to give them a hand, those are your options.

>People on Sup Forums have been posting about their experiences with the new version of Firefox for weeks
>You have done nothing to prepare yourself for it
Fucking retard.

Greasemonkey has been updated, just that it is a non-backward-compatible one.
Its now using promises,async and await everywhere, so the old code won't work on it, use violentmonkey for old scripts.

Greasemonkey refuses to install any scripts now. Do I blame Firefox or Greasemonkey devs?

>download update
>Firefox constantly takes 3 fucking hours to load pages
>switch to Chrome
>initially taking 2 hours to load pages
>is now loading pages instantly like how things were before
>FF57 is still taking 40 fucking days to load pages and sites

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH THIS SHIT? I only have like 4-5 extensions installed so and I just did a complete reset of my desktop before I even installed or updated the new FF so I know it isn't my computer.

>refresh button
F5, moron. GUIplebs are disgusting, can't do anything without a mouse.

>takes 3 fucking hours to load pages
either firefox is shit or your internet speed is shit or maybe, just maybe you are a cunt

>Sup Forums X shift+1 shortcut doesn't work anymore
I knew I shouldn't have uploaded. Lost all my watched threads too. And every post in over a month. All those (You)s, lost to the wind

>implying i come to this board unless something is broken
>implying i would waste my time on something as banal as researching an upcoming version of a browser


was a reply to but clicking on posts isn't adding to them to the reply box like normal

so basically you have normal Firefox

no it aint, retard.

The horrors

>using refresh button
>not using ctrl+r or f5 or right clicking, moving the cursor over the refresh button then releasing

>yeah, Sup Forums x is fucked on the new quantum.
works on my machine™
get the webextension version of greasemonkey and it should work

How did you get the close/minimize buttons in the top right like that? This is what mine look like, they won't work with any skins, they just stay white.

its okay to be white

Change the windows bar color scheme.

It was just because I hadn't restarted the browser

If I'm sitting with my left hand holding my chin and only using my right hand for the mouse I'm not going to move my left hand to press F5 or leave the mouse on my right hand when I could do less movement and click on refresh with it.

>no extensions now

"Wow this is so fast!"

>Vertical Tabs Reloaded just received a huge update!
>it doesn't work, there's no tab bar at the side and no button to show it
why do developers think people like software that constantly changes underfoot and breaks often?