wtf is so good about nightly u kunt?

its still firecuck

Is WebRender supposed to land in this cycle?

Stop cluttering Sup Forums with "FF is teh great3st!" threads. We get it that Sup Forums is ditching FF and that maximum shilling is activated but it's really annoying.

We don't want firefox. GTFO.


>Check out source
>Bump version number
>Post screen cap on Sup Forums
>Act like alpha nerd

>complaining when something is happening and people are talking about it

come back tomorrow when there's less hype

It's a nightly. This literally happens every day. Fuck you and your shilling.


nightly just got updated & v57 final is out stop posting you dumb chrome cancer

>We don't want firefox. GTFO.
What's your alternative then, retard?
Oh, firefox fork is not considered as a real alternative

> No extensions

Depends at which stage it was forked. Also, (You) don't get to set the goal posts.

If you were like me and waited for addons to get web-ext support, it's now here.

My addons (Lastpass, umatrix, ublock, pushbullet, httpseverywhere, decentraleyes, tampermonkey) all have web-ext now.

If you were on the fence earlier (like me) but this kept you from going with firefox, now is the time.

>Also, (You) don't get to set the goal posts.
So you can set the goal post but I can't? Hypocrisy much?

I don't wanna have to write a userchrome.css to replace what classic theme restorer did though.

You asked me for MY alternative. MY alternative is picked on criteria set by ME. I think a fork is perfectly reasonable when modified enough to remove the cancer.

Yeah and you get fucked in the ass because the lack of security update, nice
Like I said, any kind of fork is not considered, unless it can keep up with the security update of firefox then I'll use it, until then I'll stick to firefox

t. Google shill

Yeah, because only two browsers exists.

Are you retarded? Just update your Nightly install you moron

>Implying I actually and unironically run a nightly of a botnet browser.

What's new in this version?

More analytics.

it sends your info three times faster

RIP extensions. Back to ESR branch.
Looks like Chromium clone with stupid Chrome extensions.