>write an AI in python
>slow as fuck
>make it multithreaded
>still only uses one core on my CPU
>use 4 multitprocesses instead of threading
>program runs ~20% faster
>use "pypy program.py" instead of "python program.py"
>program runs 10x faster
Write an AI in python
Other urls found in this thread:
You asked for it.
InfoWars health products are not legitimate:
What the hell?
Data science with python was a mistake. JIT and static compilers written for python are basically hacks that call compiled code that should have been written in a compiled language in the first place.
lol how is this relevant to the thread exactly?
Because he posted a picture of that white supremacist Alex Jones. People like them NEED to be shamed. We can't let them drag down society further.
hey man settle down
mods get this violent goon out of here
forgot pic
If white people actually believed in white supremacy, every black and brown person would be dead in weeks. Asians could hold their own, probably.
It's a reaction image. Lurk more, newfag
>write AI in Python
>done creating after a weak
>write AI in C
>6 months later finally done
>oh wait, something changed a month ago
>need to spend the next day rewriting in Python
>need to spend the next 6 weeks rewriting in C
Yeah, sounds like C is much quicker
Neck yourself niggerfaggot
don't be so rude to our newfriends :~)
What the fuck is reddit doing here?
kill yourself.
Kek idk, get this leftypol fag outta here quick, before the cancer spreads
>write AI in python
>deploy it
>server's on fire
You nazis can try to silence me but the majority of the country is still sane.
What you're doing, I see it
you have to go back
Nice try.
>implying china wouldn't be secretly pulling the strings
The only thing holding them back is the American empire
Nice Photoshop
Created with GIMP
>majority of the country is still sane
You got fucking triggered over a reaction image in a thread that has nothing to do with alex jones and your pushing politics in a unrelated technology board your definitely not the sane one here
Time to deployment is dumb and is everything wrong about modern commercialism.
global interpreter lock is the worst thing to happen to python. pypy people think they can code around it for $50,000-100,000. kickstarter when?
This is why we need to do away with the failure known as capitalism.
>on Sup Forums
>photoshops the image
>doesn't know how to inspect element
go away Sup Forums larper
says the user who doesn't have deadlines or a budget
dat shoop
>time to deployment is dumb
>company that deploys faster than you beats you to the punch
>heh...nothing personnel, kid
Aside from the Motherboard article, which is trying to crash my 2012 trashtop, these all link to the same study, done by a San Francisco lab.
Why can't a lab from a less....er...opinionated city test them out?
pypy is truly a miracle of modern computing
Infowars is scary. I used to believe that shit. Alex claimed he was just pretending / acting to try and get custody of his kids.
Best ignored....
Having a meltdown lil bitch?
Holy hell thanks for the kek
Heil Hitler
colbert report is much better, alex was always a loose cannon
>watching fake late night comedians peddle their political agenda to you
no one cares that youre the most caring and neomoral person on earth, just shutup
And? The standard python interpreter is designed for stability and correctness. You don't compile your c programs with -Wall -pedantic -O0 -g either, do you?
assuming this is bait, why are you such dumb dumb cavedwelling spearchuckers?
>You don't compile your c programs with -Wall -pedantic -O0 -g either, do you?
I always compile with -Werror -Wextra -Wall
>unironically defending running code from a single thread at a time
>unironically using buzzfeed and vice as sources
>posting leftypol/reddit shit on Sup Forums
please kill yourself mcniggerdoodledandy
Aren't they just relabels of actual products?
Post code. I bet you 666 satoshis that i could write a faster single threaded, single process version of whatever bullshit you wrote. A sepples version would be just as slow, it's not pythons fault you're a terrible code artisan
>t. Virgin room
Could I get some sauce on some of those VNs?
>posts picture of conspiracy theorist racist
>expects people not to call it out
OP knows what he did
Apex kek
Where do you think you are?
Have fun searching, but most of those look like early 2000s. Not really worth playing.
How the fuck are people so thin skinned that they'd be triggered by Alex Jones?
It's obvious bait user, that should have been pretty clear from the start.
Cython > Numba >>>>>>>>>>> Pypy
how does it feel being a NEET
>writing AI
>not using a framework that offloads computation to GPU
You deserved it
> Programming in python and ignoring the GIL
>write ai in c#
You're programming an ai, and not even using your gpu?