What browsers does Sup Forums use?

What browsers does Sup Forums use?


disregard chrome plz, my father uses it

Opera is the shit

>unstable version of the same browser higher than stable
>electron-powered dumpster fire that pushes its own ads is god tier
>safari is bad

>brave is so shit it warped around to the top

Where does comodo icedragon place?

>browser based on electron
>running a browser on a browser engine

>No privacy issues


Brave has a qt Chief Infosec Officer.



>Firefox not in the SJW authoritarian cuck tier.


Firefox for homebanking and mega download.
IceCat for the rest.

I guess i have autism now

gross. i can smell her musky scent from here

probably placebo autism

What the FUCK is that gif

>Firefox for mega download
Does it really matter what browser you use to get the URL? You should be using MegaDownloader.

this+quantum and nightly

On mobile, I use brave. On desktop I use Firefox, but I'm looking for a good replacement until brave is less buggy on desktop

but Vivaldi tho

A man-dog fucking with a live wall.

I'll start using Vivaldi when It's possible to sync shit.

Press F for respects to Vivaldi & its Norweigian CEO.

Firefox? You mean Soros botnet?

Damn, checked. Nice bro

Mozilla products should be in the cuck tier and unsafe tier. Made by minorities and white men without balls, officially the least safe browser out there.

Good thing no one is using Firefox besides minorities and few cucks, so their shitty browser doesn't get targeted by malware. Placebo level "security".

> pic related, your average FF user.

I use brave for mobile, never tried it on desktop until I start hearing better stuff about addons
On desktop I use Nightly, Palemoon and on my old 2005 laptop I use Lynx to browse RSS embeds

Enjoy your nonexistent extensions firecucky.



what are the top for browser

what is the blue firefox? is it nightly's new icon? I havent kept up with it

>Sup Forums

Fixed op's failures

The blue firefox in GOD TIER is firefox nightly the on in Excellent Tier is waterfox


What you talking bout safari is in shit tier, firefox nightly is a faster and brave deserves to be in Autism tier

>still no macOS safari in high tiers
Maybe you have fixed it a bit but it's still bad

Safari is trash

That simbol was the same from the Spanish Falange?

What is another browser o top?

Falkon it used to be called qutebrowser

This or icecat

>Falkon it used to be called qutebrowser
>used to be called qutebrowser
You mean qupzilla.

yeah qupzilla holy fuck i feel stupid.

It's ok.
We're all stupid.

So where do I go?


Vivaldi because it's the best browser for power users.


i met this lady irl when she shilled brave at underarmour headquarters

It's a botnet tier browser

I use dragon (comodo flavored chrome) :)
I absolutely love it

W..what's so wrong with Chrome? It has all my device's bookmarks in one place.

It's spyware, also has less security/privacy than Firefox. It's also made by Google.

SRW Iron is all you need.


Thanks ma Sup Forums

Isn't brave just chrome with adblock built in?

Pretty much, and last time I used it (fairly recently), extensions were almost completely fucked. Even downloading chrome/chromium extensions to add manually didn't work.

It's a real shame, if they just had that working, I probably would have never switched to vivaldi.

It just werks.

the fuck is nr

Sup Forums's meme """"""browser""""""

why did you guys make a cancerous browser logo, couldnt recognize it.

logos are the only thing they make, there's like 1000 and they're all shit