FaceID finally proven a shit

Some gook in third world country used a bunch of sticker slap on a cheap model to crack faceid
>apple we can't be hack btfo
>news company btfo
>make up expert? btfo
What do you have to say about this appleboy?


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The results of this workaround for FaceID hasn't actually been confirmed to be reproducible yet.

Actual facts aside, facial recognition is still a really shitty and insecure way to authenticate.

You faggots do realize this is just so your buddy won't do some dumb joke with your phone while you leave it on the table and go to the bathroom?
This isn't supposed to be unhackable security for you to throw out your phone everywhere and be sure nobody will have access to it.

Nothing a regular passcode or fingerprint lock couldn't already do. Apple is one of few companies making this huge new push towards facial recognition from a security standpoint - so much so they couldn't stop talking about how "secure" it is during their presentation.

>damage control so soon

>doesn't remember the whole San Bernardino iPhone thing
Sure would have been easier if the FBI could have just printed a few paper cut-outs on a paper mache mask.

Even Bkav with all their elusiveness to provide details admits this is just proof of concept. Plus they likely turned off the attention feature where you have to look at the iPhone to do the unlock. With the procedures and equipment they used, unless you're a billionaire or a government official, nobody here needs to worry about their iPhone being unlocked.

Meanwhile, Samsung's face unlock feature was defeated in the demo room.

This is the result of the FBI push for a backdoor in to encrypted phones.

Instead of overtly show corruption and please the FBI by backdooring their products they build a front door in plain sight.

They don't even need to build a mask when they have the dead body or the guy in cuffs right there.

lol I told you guys this would be defeated with a mask or bust. its so obvious

screencapping this

I'm skeptical about that exactly as is but it's already well established that you can be forced to provide biometrics by a court order i.e. a fingerprint whereas a password you cannot. That's the more concerning thing to me.

>Samsung's face unlock feature was defeated in the demo room.

The difference is Samsung never sold it to people as a secure way to keep your phone locked.

Apple on the other hand literally said they tried very hard to prevent exactly these kind of 'mask' attacks on Face ID and then said the chances of it unlocking on the wrong face were 1 in a million, but then quickly conceded that people who have genetically related to you have a much greater chance (was never said how much better) of unlocking your phone than a random stranger.

>This isn't supposed to be unhackable security for you to throw out your phone everywhere and be sure nobody will have access to it.

Apple literally sold this as 20x MORE secure then fingerprints ! so fuck right off.

Fake news the WSJ tried it with a really authentic silicone mask and it did not work

>All you have to do is spend weeks perfectly recreating their face with a team of specialists
>If the phone is positioned slightly wrong then it won't work
>It probably doesn't ever work because they refused to actually provide proof when asked


>With the procedures and equipment they used, unless you're a billionaire or a government official, nobody here needs to worry about their iPhone being unlocked.

This fucking damage control

Also you have to get the person to model for you for weeks in order to recreate their face so this is totally fucking retarded.

Top kek

>Also you have to get the person to model for you for weeks in order to recreate their face so this is totally fucking retarded.

Or just be friends on facebook

It's Bradley been a week since the iPhone x came out mate

so if you carry around 3d face masks of every phone user, you'll be able to break into the phone since you won't know what the owner of the phone looked like.

Honestly the faceID things must have been something the NSA was drooling over.

Just find a picture of some one and subtly manipulate it with software until it matches. I'm sure this could be a trivial task for them with the resources at thier disposal.

you still have to get the police to be assed to do anything with the info, even the 4S tracked where your phone was, I gave the police all the info they would have needed but of course nothing ever came up cause there were probably a million lost phone cases the came up before mine.

Haha yeah you can totally make a 3D model by layering latex over their face by using just facebook photos

you make it sound like that's even hard to do.
If you have a photo of them facing the camera, and another of them facing the side, you will get very accurate proportions. In fact, I think there's even a program which can build a full 3D model from just one picture.

Whatever helps you justify your pedophilia mate

How stupid are these people?

Because apple doesn't want to admit that they have access to that data. That would be a huge hit to their sales. It would be a much bigger scandal than "UNHACKABLE APPLE SIDES WITH TERRORISTS!!"

>authentic silicone mask
Read the OP first.

Fucking lmao

Nigga the mask costs $150
Also they do enable require attention

Well appletards and most news sites says it's fake, because there is no lock opening animation, also this and that meh.

It's obvious that face id main job is to collect database of people's faces for further use in future.. but for what?

> weeks
When the phone is unlocked, they can force the phone to learn the mask and unlock from every angle.
> provide proof
An demo is not enough?


tfw will never unlock liyus iphone x and steal all her selfies

Sadly the demo cannot process anime face. I'm very sad.

why did apple even implement this? was it to make it easy for federal agencies to gain access? just seems stupid

they were too retarded to make the fingerprint scanner under the screen when they shoul have just asked chinese engineers because theres already a chinese phone that does this

Face ID would have been broken quickly, your face is not that unique, and has too many features to it. Also cameras are still bad at picking things out. Finally, why don't you just use a photo of the person?

So much hype about a technology that my 100 dollars Galaxy S3 mini has had for 5 years.
I guess apple really is amazing to somehow get everyone talking about this, even if it's just to make fun of them.

>There's no such thing as bad publicity.

> This isn't supposed to be unhackable security for you
Okay, I understand FBI complained they can't unlock an iPhone, but whatabout Apple privacy claims?

it's facebook,take a wild guess
normalfags are the easiest to provoke damage control from

Might be true famalam, but since i dont engage in illegal activity my only real concern is wether my boyfriend will mess with my phone while im taking a leak at the mens room.

If he cant do this, then it is good enough for me. Just as touchID is now.