Minimalist Image Viewer

Ages ago i saw someone post about an image viewer that was super minimal in design.

You would open images hitting the space bar and literally just the image without the ugly ui elements (that every other image viewer has)

Can someone please tell me it's name, I don't have the computer i used to have it on

Other urls found in this thread:

Imageglass is lightweight.

install macOS click on an image file and hit space.

impression eyes

You just describe MacOS perfectly.
Just install hackintosh, my man.


Switch to GNU/Linux

this is nothing like it

the program i'm talking about literally has zero ui elements, you hit space, it opens it and you can control it with arrow keys and space again to close it.

feh freaking blows



i want redditors to leave

Install honewview3 instead

like this but without the titlebar, just the image

motherfucker i just want the software name

Actually I use mpv as an image viewer, pretty minimal. If I need zoom on a particularly hi-res image I'll use the wangblows 10 photo viewer.

honeyview has only image when viewing unless you hover your mouse on it

sounds like macOS preview

irfanview does that in fullscreen mode which is really the only way to view pictures if you're not editing them

You can hide the titlebar editing an .ini file, but you still get that border at the top.

Found it


Are there any image viewers where you can move around the image using the arrow keys and PgUp/PgDn, like in a browser?

mpv can zoom in and out
n add video-zoom -0.01
b add video-zoom 0.01


You can bind those keys in mpv.

>Buy Now

>I want Redditors to leave

>Program the guy you're quoting is talking about was made by someone from Sup Forums, years before ledditors came here

It's called fucking impression eyes.

>B-But you're using reddit spacing, therefore your argument is invalid!!!
The sad state of Sup Forums everyone

In feh you can use the numpad for that.

>$12.18 for a worse version of feh


honeyview. just change settings.

is it possible for a third party image viewer to sort images by folder settings or is that a Windows limitation?

so is left & right arrow for navigation and mouse wheel for zooming the best universal image vieweing controls?

>Switch to GNU/Linux

if your image is too tall or too wide for your monitor resolution, they'll be black bars however.

this. super fast and super lightweight. just disable the few ui elements it has.

can you hide the titlebar? literally the main decision for me wether to use JPEGView or Honeyview

If you set up honeyview properly it has no ui elements you half brain nigger

Why not open images in full screen?

This is what my honyview looks like after 2 minutes customising it.

It goes by default with total commander. The most customizable viewer I could find.

Not saying honeyview couldn't be a decent viewer, but holy shit the fanboy(s) - I think it's just one - on Sup Forums are so fucking obnoxious about it, that I've started to dislike it just because of them.

There's nothing special about honeyview other than the customisation.
I didn't even find out about it through Sup Forums and it's my favorite image viewer.
I'm going to shill it until someone shills me something even better.
>inb4 feh
For windoze Honeyview is the best

Take a look at Xlideit. It's really meant for slideshows as the name suggests, but it's open source, very small (just 2MB) and standalone. You may need to configure it a bit to do what you want, but I really like it myself.

How do I do this in Honeyview?

Oh, forgot about another one: pictus. It's a bit bigger (5MB unpacked, but still a lot smaller than most others), but it's very minimalistic out of the box, and also standalone.

I use jpegview on windows.
I'm moving to GNU soon. Is feh the alternative to it?

don't call it this

Vue PrintPro

Has title\menu bar by default but pretty sure there is a keyboard shortcut to go fullscreen



>adjust window size to image size

>show main window border set to off
>do not display the top menu bar
>do not display the bottom control bar

problem solved
