Discuss, complain, suggest, anything about computer/technology related college stuff.
Rants are fine but don't make this an /r9k/ or Sup Forums thread.
Discuss, complain, suggest, anything about computer/technology related college stuff.
Rants are fine but don't make this an /r9k/ or Sup Forums thread.
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What's the best University college in Italy or France? Is it worth it to go to UK and work as a slave to attend CS college there? Are they better than the best ones in Italy or France?
go fuck yourself
>the best computer science college
>Let's talk about technology/compiter science college
>Not technology
Fuck you
Dunno about marioland or jeanland, but DON'T go to UK unis. They're deliberately easier cause they think their students should have time for sport and hobbies, but you won't even do them cause you'll work as an immigrant waiter all your free time. Save your money and time.
What's the best cheap laptop for college work? How much power will be required, and what features will come in handy if I do CS and will probably learn programming?
If you can get into Oxbridge/Imperial, sure.
I used to be good at high school but now I just slack off all of the time, can't get to focus and end up losing time both at home and in class. Also staying all that much time at college makes me tired when I go home and I really don't have energy to study anymore. Any tips?
Is it hard to get in there? What are the requirements other than a high graduation grade at college (I'm aiming to the maximum and for now have the right average to get it)?
France : Ionis group school seem's to be good; also Telecom (depends of region somes are bad) and X
Are they racist with non-brits?
Just because you didn't go to university it doesn't mean people can't talk about, Pajeet
It should be against university policy to force a student to by crappy software or keys or whatever.
We need to go back to pen and paper. This is little benefit to all this crap except prof's don't have to think through a curriculum and get to automatically grade papers.
Almost any computer will be able to handle the programming you will be doing. You should care about battery life, so probably an old ThinkPad.
X230 is $150 and will do more than you need.
who /ISU/ here?
hopefully nobody desu
What are the employment rates/average wage for the graduates there? A lot of private institutions are scam or barely recognized in Italy, don't want to study for years to get an useless degree
Not even Oxford or Cambridge?
Fourth year in my Electronic Engineering.
Have no idea on what I'm doing for my final Project and can't graduate without it.
What are the employment rates/average wage for the graduates there? A lot of private institutions are scam or barely recognized in Italy, don't want to study for years to get an useless degree title
>We need to go back to pen and paper. This is little benefit to all this crap except prof's don't have to think through a curriculum and get to automatically grade papers.
What about students who can get out of having all of their grade come from 2-4 tests?
extracurricular helps
Sapienza in Rome is quite great about this. They do basically 100% of their teaching on free software and they give you a free Windows copy for the few things you will need to study about it (mostly Win32 API, and you can choose to study them in theory only and not even work with Windows at all). Also their Computer Engineering Master is in English, which will probably be more useful in an international market.
some of my freinds are leaning in a school of the same group about aerospace, they manage to help you finding a job in companies they do have agreement with. but i don't have much precision about it. but i'm not sure france is your best bet for school, i mean if you are not french... you will have to do CCP for some school.
And ionis school even if they are quite good apparently cost a lot..
I've heard great things about those, problem is, in my country there's not a good refurbished/used market for them. All the refurbished sellers for them on ebay have shitty reviews, some found them with disgusting sticky stains or stuff like that, if that's how I'm going to get them I'm sorry but I'd rather not buy used... People really treat their stuff horribly.
What's that? An old terminal in it's original meaning?
i throat fucked a dog last night while installing arch on my p51
TRS-80 model 4 I saved from the e-waste dump. Running software off floppy. I transfer software via serial.
They're very well known so you'll probably get a job easily with them, but what you'll learn isn't what you would expect from colleges of that level. I've met Oxford grads who were really unprepared despite graduating with the max of grades. And there's nothing worse than having a good title and disappointing with your inexperience, trust me.
So what university did you go to user?
The kikes did 9/11
Same with Computer Engineering...
Being in a group with two retarded neckbeards who (guy number 1) come up with wacky ideas he thinks will make us a successful startup with a lot of money so that he will be able to escape his awful (read: completely alright but he's an angsty manchild) parents, but no one would care about them and he doesn't want to understand because he's disconnected with reality, or (guy number 2) believe the first guy's bullcrap cause he's an autistic faggot obsessed with getting money and doesn't help me when I try to call him BS. Also the discussions always become existential idiocies of the first guy about how we are stupid for not being like him who hates his whole (perfectly alright) existence in hope that something will change by acting like this.
I'll probably have to come up with a decent idea, but these two faggots will probably disapprove it if it's not autistic enough (number 1 recently discarded the idea of making an app because "all useful applications have already been done"...). And talking with them doesn't really help to focus.
Send help.
I am a CompScience student at ETH Zurich, ask me anything
Technical University in Munich. I'm from Munich so it was quite an easy call, it's got a good reputation and it wasn't far, so I didn't have to go through paying rent or shit like that. I got a good CS job pretty easily after that, I'd advise it to anyone nearby to be honest.
>university general
>"technology/compiter science college"
you need to pay off your student loan debt now before you pass it to your parents when you kill yourself.
Employment rates for grads there? Average salaries?
>CS at Oxford is shit
>7th in the world
>TUM is 40th
If you have a Masters degree from ETH, you'll make 90k+, sometimes 100k+ in Switzerland. Living cost is extremely high, I am currently eating a small Dominos Pizza which cost me 23 CHF which is exactly 23 $. My tiny 14sq room in a shared flat costs 700 CHF per month.
Salary for PhDs at ETH is 65-70k per year.
Never said it's crap. Only not worth the cost of going there imho if you're not British. Employment rates are great but not the knowledge you get from it. If you're fine with studying a lot more on your own without a real guidance it's fine though.
Would it cost more to live in northern Italy and go everyday to work in Switzerland, or to live there, if salaries there are so good?
He’s not saying it’s shit, but academic ranking might not reflect their teaching quality for undergrads.
who /Uottawa/ here
fuck off this isn't your personal blogs
Many people live abroad and work in Switzerland. But only in big cities such as Geneva and Zurich the salaries are that high. Italy is like 3h away from Zurich
Yeah I thought the same, but generally it is true though. I have some friends at TU Munich (I am the ETH guy, German myself) and although their professors are good, they aren't necessarily leading research scientists in their respective fields which is usually the case here.
How about trains? Could one cut it by going from, say, Milan to Zurich everyday? Are there good subscriptions to save money on such daily trips?
Research focused unis tend to be worse at teaching
get tested for ADHD
psychiatric disabilities don't show themselves till during or after puberty
loss in motivation from things you used to love is common with ADHD, you overload yourself
You could do that, but you will not have fun doing so. 3,5h in the morning and another 3,5h in the evening doesn't sound like fun. Just move further away from Zurich and you'll find 1 room apartments for 1000 CHFs or sometimes even less.
If you really wanna pull off traveling that route every day, look into the "General Abonnement" from SBB, costs like 3000 CHFs and you can take every train in Switzerland for one year
ISU as in...?
if you are lucky you have both
Who /mtu/ here?
don't come over here unless you have rich parents you'll be in debt of about 40k by the end of your bachelors
100k doesn't sound as much considering the living costs in Switzerland.
p51 ay?
how many drives you have installed in your one
and the dog wasn't very happy
the one with the squirrels
about 30-40% of applicants get an offer, which is to say they 40-40% of people who apply get the opportunity to go there if they get ridiculously high grades and pass a special logic test.
3 is the way my man
>I have a UML module this year
QUT Brisbane CompSci here
It’s... its alright
Just found out my local college had pirated Win10, adobe, and shit installed in their labs. Is there any way I can make some cash off it? Maybe reporting them?
depends on what country you are in
ayyyy I do Software Engineering at QUT
had CAB303, CAB240, CAB202, and MXB127 this sem
How many credits are you taking? Maybe it's too much.
I had this problem in first year, turns out I had depression. The main causes were:
1) lack of sleep
2) lack of routine
3) Poor nutrition
4) Not enough physical exercise
Also ask yourself, are you really studying? Or are you going to university and wasting your time by not properly focusing and studying effectively
I only have one semester left until my BS in CE. I can't decide if I should get a real job or stick around for a Masters or PHD. On the one hand I'm definitely getting burned out on coursework but I'd still like to get an advanced degree and I feel like once you start making real money it's difficult to go back to being poor. Is it worth getting a PHD or Masters? A master's specifically will only take me a year with a moderate load because I can double-count some masters level courses I've taken as an undergrad
How is it? I live nearby.
I hope you don't plan on getting a programming job
How do you feel about it? I feel like switching to a double degree in IT/Maths
It's amazing how many people don't realize how necessary those things are to proper brain chemistry and just take antidepressants that turn them into emotional zombies.
Yeah it's crazy how quickly your laugh goes to shit if you don't sleep or eat properly.
I was only 17 when I moved out of home and I sure as hell didn't realise. I couldn't sleep because I wasn't used to how loud and bright the city was, and I didn't eat well because I was poor and trying to save money.
Lack of routine and physical exercise was a product of that
Master is definitely worth it. Undergrad alone is often too generic.
Feck that may be true
Who /ryerson/ here?