Why would anyone need more than 2 monitors?

Why would anyone need more than 2 monitors?

One for the IDE
One for documentation
One to show your waifu wallpaper

Implying anyone could code like that

Day trading

>Screen 1: Email/chat/etc
>Screen 2: Work space
>Screen 3: Documentation

when you watch double insertion porn, you want to see one for the vagoo and the other for the ass

At some point it's an aesthetic choice

>literally one monitor for Google


3 computers.

You know that you can like minimaze the windows right?

And spend time switching between windows? Nah.

2+ monitors is a kind of streamer thing
1 for stream preview/chat
1 for interwebz
1 for game


Yeah, which is why the window playing my music is minimized.

>Shit is fucked
>They need a solution to a problem right away
>user is too busy working to notice that they sent an urgent email
>Sees it the next morning

I'm sure that'll go over well.

What is this about NEEDING shit? This is Sup Forums, understanding of necessity is left at the door you fucking retard.

The point is to avoid doing this.

>literally take 2 sec and a click
Nice bait.
Only normies will buy fucking monitors to watch their music player program
You could just buy more RAM, without those monitors, to don't oversature with all the program in second plane.

Since when are normies not poor?

That's 2 seconds and a click more than it takes to look at a window that isn't minimized in the first place.

>to watch their music player program
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?

Multiple monitors are a symptom of bad window management skills and/or ADHD.

Notice how most multi-monitor setups in /bst/ run Windows and have video games installed.

I have dota2 in one screen and Chinese cartoons on the other

I would set my screens up like that just once for the hell of it

To look at more than 2 things at once

They deserved it. If I need anything urgent I go to someone's desk, and they do the same to me.

How is multiple monitors nor better? Who wants to spend half of their time minimizing and maximizing windows?

not everyone uses tiling to get a hard-on about their cool hacker text

>dota is so unremarkable and boring that people watch anime to pass the time during a match

Not always an option. Hell, the people I've worked with weren't always in the same country as me, let alone the same building. Hell, if you aren't in the eng. dept. or the metal shop, it's a 5-10 minute walk.

>half their time

I see I am not the only one here who uses my PC for 12 seconds at a time and / or sets my mouse dpi to 10


>why do you need more than a foot of desk space? you know you can stack everything right?
people don't want to stack everything. they've got huge desks so they can spread everything out

>why live in different houses? just use a bunkbed

efficiency, productivity and cuz I can.


cuz if your a door 2 door monitor sales person, pounding the pavement with that synthetic cow gut, you need OP's pic 2 make your pitch.

So that one can be centered, reducing neck strain.

Terminal on leftmost panel, browser on rightmost, and emacs in the middle

Why would anyone need more than one big, high-resolution monitor? Get a tiling WM.

Man, CNBC streaming is horrible. So jittery. If something important is going on and a lot of people are watching it breaks.

My job involves watching video to check for encoding/sync problems, I will often need a video in fullscreen on one monitor and other stuff going in another. Also, higher resolution doesn't necessarily mean you can fit everything onto it, because the text would be too small to read if you tried.



> all that freeform window placement crossing screen boundaries

anybody who does this kind of shit needs to be shot. tiling wms exist for a reason.




>mfw they ask for my butterknife license

>urgent email
>not using one of the instant messaging solutions or the fucking phone
People who expect instant response on fucking email are literal Hitlers

Why would anyone need more than 1 monitor?

Its more efficient way to look at multiple codes Im copying and trying to modify. Also it looks cool like you work for the cia/nsa

fuck, I need to walk this rage off

Security cameras and monitoring things that are system critical.at work I have 5 monitors a video feed and an open laptop.

Good examples I can think of are trading and managing a huge boiler system.

>At work I've gotta have 10 fucking things open at all times, and God forbid someone call in with a problem I need another thing or two I've gotta have open.
>2 screens

>Use my browser in between boss battles in muh MMO on another monitor while the raid gets ready.
>Also 2 monitors.

I'd really rather have like 4 at work, honestly. I could use 1 at home.

What's wrong with "codes"?
It's an unorthodox but correct word.

>I've gotta have 10 fucking things open at all times, and God forbid someone call in with a problem I need another thing or two I've gotta have open.
>Who wants to spend half of their time minimizing and maximizing windows?
Virtual desktops
You can have as many as y ou want
I use 9

Work on desktop 1
Work documentation on desktop 2
Private browsing on desktop 3
Root shells on desktop 4
Email on desktop 5
6-9 miscellaneous things I don't need to see often

Is that from 'Silicon Valley'?

>not using a foot-pedal to switch through workspaces

>implying workspaces

>He uses the cursor to min/max his windows instead of alt-tabbing between them

>why would anyone need more than 640k of RAM?
>why would anyone need to use anything more than a keyboard and a terminal>
>Why does anyone need faster than 56.6K?

>work on desktop 1
>work documentation on desktop 2
>needing to switch between virtual desktops just to view a refernce
>not just having separate monitors so that you could just turn your head and then turn your head back to your workspace
No different from alt-tabbing

56.6K is too fast 300 Baud is enough

Turning my head and refocusing my eyes takes a few more milliseconds than pressing Super+2

>refocusing my eyes
Just how far away do you think the secondary monitor has to be?

The maze is not for (You).

at work I use 3 monitors.

2 standalone monitors and laptop.

Standalone monitors = work.
Laptop monitor = outlook/trash/whatever I feel like.

I keep the setup like pic related. Type on the keyboard.


If someone sends me an "urgent email" I don't feel bad if I don't respond.

If it is urgent enough, they'll call my phone if I don't respond on skype for business.

two monitors are the MINIMUM needed to write a single app.

If you are writing, deploying then testing that requires at least two more.

If you want to watch a movie and shit post a little bit, maybe unwind with a console... well, you know where this is going.

>two monitors are the MINIMUM needed to write a single app.
Linus Torvalds maintains the Linux kernel using a single monitor.

that's because maintaining the kernel is all he does.

>yeah, maintaining the world's largest open source project is not a demanding task
>I develop APPS
Jeff Dean developed BigTable, MapReduce and Tensorflow on a single monitor.

>a single monitor
>his single monitor is two monitors stapled together in the factory.

Extreme lurking/shitposting

Also known by some as a "larger monitor".

i dont see why cant people layer their layers

It adds up when it's your job.
Why would you want to flip through windows when you still have to flip though tabs?
Having a side by side comparison of two or three documents is very useful especially when you're parsing though a lot of text.
It's just generally easier to organize your work-space with multiple monitors.



You are the user from /bst/ with the waifu wp right ? You find some way to use all your monitors with 1 pc ?

Currently trying to figure out why Windows needs to transcode a image to use it as a wallpaper
Also considering wiping Windows and just running Linux from now on

I got a similar HP monitor myself. 24 inch 16:10 HP monitors FTW!

wtf can't you just assign the separate images to a monitor and it just wrecks ?

I can have either the same wallpaper across all of them or span 1 image
The way to have a separate image on each monitor is to stich some images together and span them
Its not a built in feature


just go loonix then

I use two. I can't justify more than that, really. The guy I know with the most monitors is a stubborn Windowscuck. I guess your options are limited when you don't have good window management. I use a tiling wm and a few workspaces. I keep a second monitor in portrait for displaying things that are more pleasing in this manner. Webpages, tall images, books, manga, etc. Most of my stuff is just in workspaces on the normal monitor so I can leave my browser showing.

Okay, but do you have a real answer to the monitor question, or are you just saying we'll look at this and laugh in the future?

Not sure if you know this, but you don't need to maximize everything. In fact, you should definitely not.

>dressing in casual business attire at home
What level of autism is this?

>t-shirt and khakis
It'd be business-casual if he was wearing a polo, but that's just casual.

Displayfusion is the answer you are looking for