you have 10 seconds to explain why you dont own one
You have 10 seconds to explain why you dont own one
Other urls found in this thread:
because video games are for kids
>t. degenerate consumer
That's why. It's not 2004, no excuse for dongles.
I'm a straight, mature man with actual job, friends and hobbies.
Unlike you.
I already have a Dutch passport
Would rather buy $1000 of crypto ((Which i have done)) and buy the new model of my chinese phone that has 4 gigs of ram for $240 AUS since i cracked the screen on mine
I do have a passport
Tor, Clover, Gecko, AIMP, VLC..
I'm too poor to afford a PS4 here in my country they cost a shitload of money, as in like 900 dollars due to crazy import laws breh.
gayyming is for manchildren
I have a nexus 5 with Ubuntu, I'd get the iPhone X if it suited my productivity needs, so far it looks like the best offering on the market and follows some of the principles of the Nokia N9
But if you're talking about the iPhone, I already have a OnePlus3. Why would I downgrade?
I'm neet and poor.
I live in a cold country.
thanks for reminding me I'll go get one soon.
would've had a hard time traveling without a passport.
But user I do own a power cord.
Several in fact!
I don't own one what?
There's like 10 things in that picture and I own none of them, I don't fucking need all that shit.
Cool toys user! My mom said she'd get me one for Christmas
don't like people desu. no need for an expensive communication device.
One what? I don't like videogames anymore, I have a pc, and I have a cheap generic smartphone for calling and making texts.
This, when will Sup Forums be purged of consumer threads like this? There's no substance to OPs post.
I do own BloodBorne. Fantastic game!
i have a yotaphone
-makes calls
-sends messages
-goes to the internet
-back is basically a kindle
I do own a dual shock 4 though
I don't own a ps4, and I already own dark souls 3
If you mean the phone, I don't have one because it would be a downgrade. My phone has a headphone jack, 4K screen, larger battery and it's also waterproof. Oh and it has a microSD card slot and the screen doesn't have a stupid notch. I wouldn't trade all that just for faster CPU when everything is already instant in modern phones.
The question is: why do YOU have one? Do you buy everything you own under peer pressure?
cuz is bad
I already have more than one extension cord.
Because I can't use a DualShock 4 with my PC.
It's almost 2018, no excuse for not using bluetooth headphones :^)
you're on Sup Forums retard none of us can be put under a single one of those groups
American spotted
>bong power outlets
of course it's the Brit who is bragging about being able to spend $1000 on a phone.
>protip: we don't call you europoors for no reason
Ugly cropout
i've yet to use bluetooth speakers that were capable of sounding half as good as my cans, even hooked up straight to my phone
I'm not a poor who has to impress other sameminded people with toys
?? I've used DS4 on my computer plenty of times. It's just more convenient driver wise to use an xbox controller.
shit battery life
I'm into females.
Because I already have a bad camera.
With feminine penis.
I live in Canada. It's cold in Canada.
My watch costs more than everything you have in your room.
what the fuck? I have so many questions I don't know where to start.
Good goy
own what? there's like 10 different things in this photo.
>already own a nintendo switch
>don't want a ps4 since all my gaming is nintendo/pc
>iphone x is overpriced garbage. my phone does most everything the iphone x does for 1/5th of the price.
>implying anyone with a brain uses macbooks
It's a trap with a snapchat filter
I'm straight
Also this
>It's a trap
I didn't know.
>filling the void in your ass with all that consumer garbage
Reminder to report shill/astroturf threads and sage.
Too bad all Bluetooth headphones are currently garbage
>tfw unemployed immature lesbian with no friends or hobbies
1200 dollar for the most breakable phone ever sounds ridiculous
I do want a switch but I can't really justify it just to play 2 games.
But I do have a passport, OP. It expires in about a year though.
I thought they killed off Ubuntu on phones?
They all sound like shit
You have to charge bluetooth headphones.
They have not that good sound quality.
Because I don't like disgusting asymmetrical notches.
Going with "the current year" argument...