Ctrl f no screenfethc thread

ctrl f no screenfethc thread





anime lesbians

my gf mio and her bf ritsu are so cute

ummm mio its ritsus bf and your not aloud within 100 yards of underage qts sinc ethe incident anyway

literally who???

watch more anime loser


dont bully her

yeah im sorry i realized right after i posted that id gone too far, i was just joking

one job

Is that polybar, user?
Looking great

it looks like a cluttered mess of useless info in a shitty floating panel (the worst meme)

I like it..


>this thread

anime website

screenfetch website


source on those cartgirls owo

thats my gf illya uwu

Just install Arch brainlet


cute :3

how do i get a trans girl gf?

Didn't this cancerous thread get deleted?

you don't. a gay boyfriend who likes to crossdress and play pretend is much better

tfw have a trans gf who decided they just wanna be a cute bf

umm obviously not??

Oh you remade it. What a fag

please don't bully her????

it's a figure of speech dumb ass

dumb esl poster

Bullying is fun

what th-


pape? :3

extremely cute, wallpaper?

edited this

i dont watch chinese cartoons

thanks! uwu


gratz u passed

So I see you're using LARBS.xyz

welcome to Sup Forums Sup Forums. you're here forever

ohio dont ban me or range ban me


>double d


Cancerous faggot pretending to be a girl

be nice to her

Sup Forums is my favorite bord because it has the most Sup Forumsirls on it

you can’t pretend forever

not her but what's stopping you?

dont be mean??


trans folks aren't 'pretending'

she's a real girl, I've known her since 3rd grade