What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?

What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?

Things I will do:
>sit on my lap and pair program in Haskell and K&R C
>Have her read books for me out loud
>play music for me on musical instruments
>Do our laundry together
>Write computer programs together
>wireless manage my computer moving files around installing updates just how i like them
>collect the cutest anime images on the internet for me so I have a nice folder
>draw me new anime pics for looking at in whatever different styles and cute characters
>remember things for me since she has perfect recall
>Be my bodyguard
>carry heavy things for me
>be my personal fitness trainer
>be my pillow/warmer and love making partner
>Drive my car for me if there are not already self driving taxis
>Instead of printing things I will have her hand write them from my words
>Have her amuse me such as singing, juggling, or writing poetry
>Play dress up and choose fashions for her
>Go exploring nature and teach her about the 3d world together
>Plug her brain into my computers pci-e slot to boost my fps
>Have her carry heavy things for me
>go snorkling and swimming in the ocean with her and also she's an air tank / human torpedo thingy that people ride on
>do meditation and different mind connecting stuff and vr in her brain and things
>Tell me funny stories and jokes
>use her effector to rearrange the atoms in my lipo to make it charged again
>jam botnet devices by emitting miovksy particles
>i dont need to go on the internet anymore because she just tells me information i need in spoken word and i dont need to post on shitty imageboards anymore
>train mma together for fun and sports
>go hiking in post apocalyptic cities and forests
>secrete refrigerated water for me to drink and also can secrete alcohol
>brush our teeths together
>play board games and video games and she lets me win sometimes
>touch her soft skin

btw she has free will and loves me unconditionally anyway

Other urls found in this thread:


And she'll tirelessly bump my threads all day

>buy cute male robot (they're cheaper)
>dress it up like a girl
>root it and install twink custom rom
>cheap and cost effective robot gf (male)
>pair program in haskell with your qt trap gf (male) sitting on your lap while you touch her no-nos

Program her to give me a lethal injection of painless death within the next 30 days chosen at random.

the 'kill me in my sleep' posts are great keep it up


>sit on my lap and pair program in Haskell and K&R C
If she can program she might as well program herself out of your relationship

They're all me. I post it every single time I see this thread, across multiple boards.

You need to stop.

you can keep posting them as long as you bump my thread

>Things I will do:
>>sit on my lap


the robot will be sitting on my lap obviously

>angry buttsecks
I'm not a complicated man

How big will her (male) dick be?

The answer for most of this board is "get arrested".


average clit size

i want to like her but shes just weird looking

I'll flash LineageOS on her.

>no taste
go take your memeposts somewhere else

she looks cute here otherwise she looks to boyish

sometimes she defintely looks weird
what about without makeup

better but still weird

Considering it's going to be a pony, not much. Brush her mane and fug her maybe.

next time ill make the thread with liyu instead then
be sure to participate

f*ck her


she's mine
frick off

gross you can keep her

nu uh she's mine robo gf i 3d printed her right at home

My good brothers, can you share your folders or something

ok but i keep her brother, must be some real nice boipussi

Only if you sign a contract stating you will not do degenerate things with them and only admire the cuteness

What's your email or home address?


too bad about her aussie cunt accent


I've never watched a single on of her videos

well it was to be expected, she's the offspring of some white guy who got asian fever, she was either gonna be a canuck or an aussie

atleast she was a cute hapa girl instead of a manlet half asian boy who wouuld inevitably be posting on /r/asiammasculinity before shooting up a school or whatever

is she a really cute boy or just a very boyish girl?
saving them for non-degenerate reasons either way

all half asian/half white should just transition to be girls imo

same grill?
If not, this one is way cuter


Program her to hate me but also be completely submissive so everytime we have sex it feels like rape

that's a very fitting image

Omega as fuck. Kill yourself.
Heres the only correct answer, should you follow the option of a android. Treat her like actual women should be treated, like literal cumdumpsters.
When you're horny grab her then fuck her cumming inside her and after you're toss her aside and resume business, until next time. In the mean time she would cater to the house, and have no vocal abilities whatsoever.

I've met this annoying cunt twice so far, she's from Melbourne. Puts on a fake high pitched animu voice and does that fucking cutsey face every two seconds. Didn't help that she was surrounded by beta orbiters who all donate to her Patreon.

the usual arguments of r*tards like you is that 'woah a girl like you're describing doesnt even exist' or 'loving relationships dont exist its all about sexual market value' but in this case you just outed yourself as an absolute moron because its a robo gf that has all the qualities i put in the op

it's her, that wall in the back is from her room


Wh-where's her patreon? Asking for non-donation reasons and I w-want to l-laugh at it

next time you see her scan her with a laser scanner so i can 3d print her as my robo gf

nigga of course she's obnoxious, all cosplayers are, they're just girls looking for attention from orbitters since they can't get it elsewhere
we're just fapping anyways

heheheheh, you gonna ask how much for the old in 'n out aren't you

what else would a first-gen android be good for? I assume that they won't be really sentient or overly complex

this. female (male) robots are the real future. i can't wait

holy shit that avatar is awful
She's kinda cute, why would she post such an ugly pic

>she sells video chats with her
what a fucking vapid cunt

Who is this?

> 100 dollars a month 20 min chat
> 1 of 10 patrons

the future

imagine paying $100 to talk to someone with this fucking voice

Why censor the word retard, retard? Fucking omega male bottom feeder, havent I told you to kill yourself already? Do it.

>money just for existing

Didn't she literally not have a patreon until a month ago?

this is her instagram one lol

tsurko is my god

I can see the pores on her nose 0/10 would not fuck

She doesn't have qualia, so it's arguable whether she loves you. It's a good thing she doesn't, though, because if she did it would raise all sorts of ethical questions.

#define __LOVE__ = 1

She's incredibly short (like 5"4), wears too much makeup+contacts always and is shaped like a surfboard.

I wouldn't obsess over her just because she likes trash anime, there's plenty of better women who arn't useless at life and feel the need to constantly attention seek on the internet

>tfw no one will give you money just for existing

>short flat qt
wtf i love her now

>She's incredibly short (like 5"4) and is shaped like a surfboard.
that's my ideal type

a lot of them are gay and fantasize about it, shouldn't be too hard