Install arch linux

>install arch linux
>didn't actually install it
>have to install something essential every time i use it
y-yeah linux sure is productive


Try GNU/Linux next time.

should have installed gentoo

>didn’t actually install it
What do you mean ?

>he actually fell for the arch meme
It's a joke. Nobody uses it.

> Picks distro that's renowned for being hard to install
> Complains when it's hard to install.

Base install for average user is not that hard user

And now nothing you don't use is installed.

No one thinks its hard to install. Its renowned for being a waist of time since the devs don't care about the users.

>have to use 30sec of my time to install a package
>muh productivity

in a month you'll have most of the stuff you'll need installed

>chooses an advanced distro
>makes mistakes
>doesn't event try to learn and improve
>blames the tool instead
That's millenials for you

Is there any purpose in using Arch? It's not like i will ever use it in a professional environment, and i certainly have better things to do than to install a desktop OS that doesn't even come with a desktop environment

It taught me the true level of shit that linux is. Got me to move to OpenBSD, its a way better experience.

fucking bsd shills. go away nobody wants your cuck license

The only thing that sucks harder than bsd is your mom.

> arch
Your fault for falling for such an obvious meme. Only posters in desktop threads use Arch.
Install MX Linux. You'll thank me later.

It's actually comfy as fuck if you can properly read shit


Linux is for losers. Better learn now than never

there's your problem user

> it's actually comfy as fuck once you waste 4 hours on installing an outdated OS that has no advantage over more simple OS's that just work great out of the box
Fixed that for you.

we're talking about arch, right?


>the devs don't care about the users.
Yeah, the original intent was to just throw a lot of work at a distro that would never be used. It's a shame it accidentally made it's way to a server where people can download it and shit. Really, it was supposed to have been locked away in a library in Providence Rhode Island, next to the Necronomicon.

that's not that bad
bad is

>compile and make install ffmpeg
>install other program with ffmpeg dependency, pacman install ffmpeg over my make install
>compile again and make install again
>package with dependency is updated and downloads pacman ffmpeg again

apt never gave me that problem

>in a month you'll have most of the stuff you'll need installed

>>buy a yugo
>>something falls off every time i drive it
>y-yeah cars sure are productive

>what is AUR
>what is IgnorePkg
Way to go retard

Arch is a great tech support simulator. It's for people who love solving problems and who write config files as a hobby

I know all that, I won't accept not being able to make install my own stuff when apt does that just fine

I literally laughed while going through the pacman pages in the archwiki, so convoluted and yet can't deal with simplest stuff

Pacman is a mess, SAD

You could have installed a DE's metapackage and had everything you needed in five minutes.

Installing arch+i3 for muh minimal htop output is for people with two hours of spare time to give.

>Downgrading a package in pacman, without breaking anything else
>install, then use the downgrade command
>if it breaks, it's your fault, upgrade again
>you downgraded because it was broken in the first place? lol welcome to arch!

>downgrading a package with apt
>pin this
>flag this
>if apt complains because a package says it needs the next version even if it works fine make a dummy package with the right version

>downgrading a package with dnf
>just werks, built in functionality, nothing breaks ever
>return to doing everything apt does but more and better

Redhat > Arch > Freetarded debshit

> implying arch is the epitome of GNU/Linux systems


arch is fucking shit

Please elaborate on how a bleeding edge distro is outdated.

The difficult part really is picking what DE and packages you want, if you're new to Linux you have no idea what the best program for "X" is. That's the advantage of picking something with a ton of bundled software, you have the base tools for everything whether you need it or not.

>bleeding edge


You can pretend kde or cinnamon is your only choice at that point until you feel you want this difficulty. It's essentially the situation on windows or osx anyhow.

If arch hadnt the AUR, I would've ditched this nonsense a while ago

Aka retards

>>have to install something essential every time i use it
How often are you reinstalling your operating system you autist?

>install win7
>spend entire day to get updates and programs installed

>waste 4 hours
for you