Watching a talk on J-Blow's language for games

>watching a talk on J-Blow's language for games
>"I'm not sure if this will be confusing or cool. If it's confusing, maybe you just shouldn't do it. *stares at webcam*"

The greatest programmer who ever lived.

His lang has some amazing concepts. I wonder if it's going to be used by more than just one person.

I'm going to use it and shill the hell out of it to my friends, if it keeps going the direction it's going.

We all complain a lot about C++, but are all sort of forced into it by various factors. Having something which can interface with the rest of the codebase while being not-C++ is a super easy sell for most of them

I sort of like the guy but he is a very opinionated person. He has strong ideas about a lot of things and talks harshly about things he doesn't like, but at least when it comes to programming languages he's actually doing something and we'll see if he's right or not. He always says things like "Why can't anybody get this right? It's so obvious" so everyone else must be dumb. We'll see if he's right and I'm looking forward to it.

It'll be some alternative to Rust as another modern systems language if he succeeds. I like Rust a lot but jai might be cool too.

>The greatest programmer who ever lived.
you can find mid-level engineers in every AAA studio who are superior to blow, though he might be the greatest self promoting programmer of all time

Should be fun. I plan to give the lang a try once it's in a more finished state. He's doing exactly what I'd like to do with my life: work on various projects to learn how I (and others) solve problems and how tools might be lacking. Then eventually use what I've learned to design my own language.

>harsh opinions on what he doesn't like
>alternative to rust
It's language targeting high performance game development, not alternative to Rust at all.

>not using c++ amd the plethora of godly apis


Both are systems languages and so is C++. He did talk about Rust when he first proposed a new language for games. He listed a few reasons for why he didn't like it but he also said he doesn't know it very well.

He didn't like it because majirity of Rust's memory management goals are irrelevant for his target.

My original point stands. It might be an interesting entry to modern systems languages like i said.

So going back to Blow's harsh opinions on things, that wasn't about Rust. If you follow his posts on HN or on Twitter he is pretty much like that. His harsh opinions or the way he words then sometimes gets downvotes on HN. I'm not saying he's right or wrong. I'm just pointing it out.

Iirc In the past he said things like ", wayland, mir they all suck. It's so simple why are they doing it so wrong?". A wayland developer may say " i don't see you making a better one if you think it's so simple". He also has said similar things regarding programming languages but this time he IS putting his money where his mouth is and developing a new programming language. We'll see if he is right.

has he released it yet? language looks cool but man ... the waiting time.

rust is sjw shit. they spend more time on code of conduct and gender dynamics than on developing the language. fuck rust.

rust's main point is safety. you sacrifice quiet some programmer productivity to achieve that. blow's language is about getting results quickly and safety isn't a primary concern because lol games.

Rust's safety may slow you down at times when getting things to compile, especially when learning it, IMO it makes you more productive and it actually saves time because you don't chase memory errors or segfaults that are hard to pinpoint. Basically it makes tools like valgrind obsolete. The fact that valgrind's memcheck exists and how tedious at all and how tedious it is to find bugs with should tell how valuable safety is.

Blow has the opinion that game programming cares less about that and RAII and stuff is not useful there so i don't know as I'm not a game programmer.

is that way. You seem to be on the wrong board my friend.

I'd use it if he just released the damn thing.

He never made a good game. He also uses unity so you can't take him seriously

>He never made a good game.
>He also uses unity so you can't take him seriously

Is that the faglord that sent death treats to reviewers and players that didn't like his game?

kys nigger kike

In case you weren't paying attention, Sup Forums is everywhere, now. It's the mainstream. Your Leddit upboating faggotry is now considered lame even by 13 year olds. It seems rather the case that you should extricate yourself from the Internet and go get pegged your xirlfriend's strap-on.

>he thinks pretending to be edgy on le internet hate machine xxDDDD makes him cool

What do you consider edgy, kid? Being an SJW makes you a malformed and pathetic soyboy. I guess any sort of healthy attitude would look "edgy" from your perspective.

>being SJW
How much are projection are you reading into my post?

>inb4 hurr durr but rust is sjw shit
Welcome to real life, where people unlike on Sup Forums actually get offended when you call them "faggot" and "nigger" .

Being for "gender" anything makes you an SJW. By the way, just about anyone who is guilty something shameful gets upset if you insult them. There are no slurs and insults for virtue.

What the hell are you trying to say, kid? You're just spewing cryptic Sup Forums memes I'm not unable to fully decipher, so I'm going to assume that it's nothing worth replying to anyway.

The point still stands, if it tickles your autism that the Rust community gets upset when people call other people "nigger" as an insult, then you're an immature dick.

Christ, is there a more abused word than "community"? Developers of a programming language do not belong to a "community" and I bet that most of the things you hold as values are directly responsible for destroying genuine community in the world. You may not think of yourself as an SJW, but evidently you are one, and most people on the street--not Sup Forums--would roll their eyes if you started to talk about "gender".

What the fuck has gender or the etymology of the word "community" to do with a fucking programming language, you real-life meme? Go back to already.

Who decided to make gender an issue?

The Sup Forums-faggot that came in here with his hot opinions blazing while others were discussing type traits and lifetimes.

So what he said about Rust developers; interest in gender politics was fabricated?

Seeing how the free software community has always been like this (case in point: FSF, GNOME and Debian), I don't see how Rust is somehow supposedly worse than all of these.

It's more likely that user is suffering from severe baby duck syndrome and tries to justify not learning the fundamentals of a new programming language by using identity politics strategies and whataboutisms.

Please stay in your Sup Forums safe space where you won't be triggered by others' opinions

This guy has written two games in like 10 years. I’ll admit that the time puzzle one was good but as a simple 2d platformer with a gimmicky time mechanic it didn’t require genius level programming. And yet he feels fully confident to stand up and talk to the world about programming languages? Compare to John Carmack who has made dozens of games and has made significant contributions to the game industry. When he talks it’s in depth about existing languages he tries out like Haskell and Scheme.

>Create from scratch engine and game.
>600 hours later and it's fucking nothing

Dude is retarded.

>what the developers feel on non-related issues is relevant to whether or not you should use something
This is some hardcore identity politics. I thought only the ultra-leftists did this, but apparently the (((alt-right))) also sink down to banalities.

Do you refuse to use any GNU software as well, because Richard Stallman thinks necrophilia isn't that big of a deal?

to be fair, John Carmack wrote game engines, not full games, Blow is a good programmer, although he does overrate himself and I dont think his programming style would scale up to bigger games

>And yet he feels fully confident to stand up and talk to the world about programming languages?
See Is that the same guy?

It isn't that big of a deal. Who gives a shit just put my body in the trash.

Exaggerated and irrelevant. You have to go back. I'm so tired of seeing threads about actually interesting tech (not consumerist bullshit) get destroyed by this sort of post.

He's been around for a while making various games professionally. I'd say he has as much a right as any to have an opinion about his tools. Based on what he's demoed and discussed so far the language looks interesting.
Designing another language is never bad. We can use many many more to help us express things in different ways. I'd highly recommend anyone who has an interest in the process of problem solving try developing their own toy language to address whatever issues they have come across in languages they've worked with.

No. And this level of discussion is awful.

>It isn't that big of a deal. Who gives a shit just put my body in the trash.
You're either missing the point of my post, or you're deliberately trying to derail it. In either case, fuck off back to If you want to discuss Rust the programming language, fine. If you want to discuss how you're triggered because some Rust developers have different opinions than you on political issues that are completely unrelated to programming, then fuck off.

wtf are you talking about? give context, give link to the fucking video

It's not a community, dude.

Also, I don't know what "identity politics" has to do with anything. I merely asked who had initially focused on gender. I don't spend any time of my day thinking about gender because I'm a healthy and well-adjusted person. For the same reason I am skeptical and weary whenever it's brought up.

It's the guy that made Braid, right? The guy that spent hours in comment sections calling people stupid for not enjoying his game.

that's not making death threats

>healthy well-adjusted person
>has an autistic meltdown when someone uses words he doesn't like
Enough. Discuss programming or get the fuck out.

I have a feeling you are misinterpret hearsay or are purposefully exaggerating. Dude's got an ego on him for sure though.

I think you may be confused. I don't want to hear about "gender" from anyone. It's a clear sign you have a mental issue if you support gender politics, however it's not a sign that you are "alt-right" or Sup Forums just because you aren't an SJW.

>I have a feeling you are misinterpret hearsay
No, I just feel he's full of himself based on a single creative idea (that was already used in a fucking supermario game) and with only a bare minimum of technical skills.

>are purposefully exaggerating
Only a little.

What meltdown? Is every minor correction a "meltdown" from your histrionic perspective?

>I don't want to hear about "gender" from anyone.
Then why the fuck did you bring it up?

>It's a clear sign you have a mental issue if you support gender politics
Projecting, are we?

Get the fuck out.

Anyway, this STILL isn't discussing programming. is that way.

I didn't bring it up. Apparently it was brought up by Rust developers, which caused another user to complain, which caused a second user to complain about the first user's complaint and tell him to "go back to Sup Forums", which caused me to reply.

When did I use all caps? Is that how it felt to you, in your mind? Do you take medication?

>I didn't bring it up, some guy we're not even discussing and not even posting in this thread did, I just responded to that

Get the fuck out.

Not programming. It's obvious that you'd rather discuss gender than programming. gb2

What an impotent little growl. This isn't your site, or your board, or your thread. If you don't like it, you have the power to leave, not to make others leave.

>bawww you're hurting my opinions!!! I have a right to my opinions!!!
This is the technology board, the board for discussing how silly leftist transsexuals are is that way

A sad display, really. Powerless in real life, powerless online.

At least you're admitting that you're just here to shit post and derail threads

Calling people powerless and sad isn't related to programming either, it's just damage control from a butthurt Sup Forumslack.

I feel like I'm cursed. Threads that may actually be about my passion, programming language design, are few and far between. And whenever I happen to spot one it always dies to shitposting. Thank you user for being insufferable.

The problem is that we have too few active mods. The shit that gets posted on Sup Forums wouldn't be tolerated on other boards.

>I want to be a genderqueer snowflake but anyone who disagrees is being "off topic"

just ignore the shitposters

personally I feel Jai is just Jonathan Blow's version of C++, it looks just as messy and complicated

Nobody ITT talked about gender before you autistic retards started crying about what someone completely unrelated to this thread said sometime somewhere.

You guys are mentally ill and suffer from a serious persecution complex if you think your off-topic opinions are somehow sacred from moderation.

>only genderqueer snowflakes want to keep discussing programming instead of discussing identity politics
This is how delusional Sup Forumslacks are

I'm pretty excited to see more erlang-style hotswapping myself. It is definitely way too easy to design something that's really only "intuitive" because you designed it. At least he's doing it right and developing jai alongside an actual project that I hope will help iron out some of the messiness.

>erlang-style hotswapping
Elaborate for someone unfamiliar with Erlang and Jai, please.

This is true, and implicit at all moments for anyone who isn't near braindead.

Brainwashed (and brain damaged) child should just be quiet.

I never got the hardon for hotswapping, when you don't have huge compile times it doesn't matter

I think it's messy because he's a life long C++ programmer and doesn't know how disgusting and convoluted it looks, I want a new language to program games it but I don't think I'll be using his if he doesn't simplfy the syntax

I misremembered it as a language feature of Jai. The way the compilation process works makes it not too hard to swap new code in to a running process. In erlang it's an actual feature and in Jai the compilation process just facilitates it.

It's a little frustrating because ignoring syntax the language seems really nice. Personally I go straight for Lua (and love2d) for games but I only ever do small hobby projects and Lua certainly has its rough edges.

It's not a huge deal but i do enjoy seeing more languages that use := for assignment.

the thing is the := operator is unecessary, you can just use = and infer the type if a type isn't given
and this function syntax

sum :: (x: float, y: float, z: float) -> float {
return x + y + z;

is fucking disgusting

>not willing to sit through 16 hours of live stream demo footage to enjoy my shitty reference
Don't you ever speak to me or my Jonathan Blow ever again.

post video

It's going to be interesting. Unlike many of his fellow san fran hipster faggots Blow actually has merits beyond using premade assets in Unity and seems to genuinely know this kind of stuff, so it's most likely going to be well thought-out. If it's actually usable and will get the toolings and support to make it an actually viable language to make games in is another question.

c++ and haskell's retarded son