/wt/ - Watch Thread - China Edition

This thread is about the appreciation of horology, as well as the micro-engineering and materials engineering that are required to make a fine watch, clock, or other timepiece.

>Required viewing for noobies:

>Strap Guide:

>Watch essentials 102:

Previous Thread:

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Will China ever get close to the Swiss and Japanese with watches?

I like watches

I too enjoy watches

they already rival cheap japanese watches. Just depends on what they want to do. Right now they have the resources to mass produce low end for the most profit. They literally have replicated rolex machines to make nearly the same quality parts, but it isnt economical for them to go for high quality.

China has the production and parts

All the need is brand perception and tighter QC

i have always enjoyed when watchmakers actually take the time to put care into little details like finishing the sides and underbelly of the hands. and also finely finished indicies.
GS does it the best at a low price point.

sup fags


I kinda like these simple style unpretendious watches. Should I cop this one?

give it a rest dude. Honestly no one cares about whatever the fuck you are trying to bait people on.
Move on.
seems maybe a bit overpriced but overall a goos deal. Id go for it if i sisnt already have a luch ultra

How do you have pores so huge but no arm hair?
That doesn't make sense...

Imagine what you could do with such a arm.
You could satisfy hotkinkyjo or use it as a fucking battering ram, i'm mirin'

the arm fat ate all the hair.

Here's a little something for the britbong sekonda guy.

lol canacuck in the meme

They are all from /wt/

posting for the lulz


>other troll does it for 3 threads straight
>no peep

>point out defects on other brands
>woah dude chill out!



>finishing the sides of the hands
Yeah, about that.

If you want that level of detail, you're going to have to go higher than Rolex it seems. And I like Rolex a lot.

This is one of the very few times in my life that I actually laughed at a pic posted on Sup Forums.

Oh god, it's not real, is it?

what a trade

Which color should I go for my Sturmanskie?

pic related. Pls answer 1,2,3 or 4 since I'm shit with colors.

no way. that must be a prank. Holy fuck. im crying.

2 imo. Pretty universal color and its a classic look.

1 and 3

there are the off black colors compliment the dial better than brown

did someone with cerebral palsy try and re lume that watch?

it's called Soviet Union.

is that you archii? ROOLLLLEXX!!!

Why dont people just save for a ROOOOOOOLEX

Dont insult the glory of Putinwatches. Russhit is the best watch maker around. Even slightly better than the great chinks.

>tfw bought my first Amphibia this week

can't wait

WATCH-a doing?

Uhhh you realize those are reflections of the white lettering on the hands, right? Like the while vertical lines are from the white text on the dial. Rolex hands are made out of gold, they would not have machining marks like the chatter marks that you often see on unfinished steel edges.

what a cuck

>being this deluded

Another try, since the last one was the
>Financial Advice Edition
but my post got drowned in shitposting.

While I technically could blow a few k on a watch without it affecting me, I'd rather not.
So what is a watch/watch brand in the hundreds to low k's where you'd see a raise in value as likely?
Assuming I keep the watch for 10 years and then (have to?) sell it, and I'd be OK with spending €50 a year for having a nice watch, but I'd also have to spend a bit for servicing, it should at least keep its value in order for the service costs to be covered by the depreciation I'd be OK with.
E.g. I should have gotten a NOMOS when I first heard about them, when you could get the Tangente for around 1k€. Could probaly easily sell that now for an OK value.
Or looking at shitters, pic related also got quite a bit more expensive during the last years. Should I simply get it now?


Can't even see the edges in that pic bucko.

And how about ?

Does anyone have the "beautifully aged bronze casio" screenshot?

Which watch box looks nicer?

Nipple or Orange?

>the "A" isn't even filled in properly







orange. The other looks like something youd find in a 1960's russian car

Great. Now the resident troll is shortlisting about Rolex. Let this be a lesson to you /wt/. Don't engage with him, don't feed him (You)s because he's just a troll.

>losing an argument so you resort to calling others trolls
fuck off faggot. Just because you're too fucking stupid to realize you're a moron with no taste, doesn't mean everyone else needs to be the same.
Sorry you got BTFO so hard pleb.

The obvious answer in the price range you are looking for is vintage watches, as there are lots of late pre-quartz era mechanicals you can get for under $1k that are pretty much guaranteed to appreciate over a 10 year time span. The issue is to educate yourself enough about those models that you are able to independently judge condition, originality and price so you don't get ripped off and having access to a reliable independent watchmaker to service them.


not ever buy a luxury item expecting it to go up in value. Thats a losing bet. Just get a reliable watch you find attractive that is at a price point your financials allow dumping the amount of money on it.

The bottom one has nipples. Get that.

>tfw one guy with an omega gets so offended at criticism he can't stop troll posting every thread

At least most people here are sane, nice, and helpful.

oh my fucking GOD can't we have ONE FUCKING THREAD that just doesn't devolve into shitposting and people falling for the bait


How do you make a NATO shorter? I'm a bit of a wristlet and I have a lot of spare band when I wear my watch

(not my picture but you get the idea) It's just a normal nylon NATO band

Find a coin size that matches the curve of the end of the strap, use it as a template to cut the strap to a shorter length while keeping the same end shape, then use a soldering iron to heat fuse the new edge. A lighter will work in a pinch but is way less controllable and precise than a soldering iron.

>excusing the baiter who shitposted the past 3 threads with reposts and replica "proof" of quality

we know its you trying to get a last hit in

cut it with a coin and scissors and then use a lighter to melt the tip

Should I keep the coin on the strap when I fuse it or just do it without it?

looks like im retarded and didnt see
But this is correct info. There are youtube tutorials too.
Also mark it with a marker or something and see if you really want it at that length.

You must post your Seiko 5 in this thread.

that's nice
where did you get it?

no coin needed. it just melts the strays at the end so it forms a solid ending and wont fray. dont melt it too much, just a little at the end.

>tfw SACtus is the best seiko 5's line.

alright I'll buy a lighter tomorrow and I'll let /wt/ know how it goes

It's only needed when you cut it as a template for getting the same shape. You can remove it prior to fusing the end.

It is honestly quite simple. If you pay less money for a modern watch, then the following happens:
If Swiss you get a shittier case
If Japanese you get a shittier movement

The only way to get both for cheap is to buy older seiko, because vintage Swiss tends to be a bit expensive unless It's some beat to fuck old Rolex, and an old Seiko tends to have a good movement from before they got gimped to 6r15.

What are some essential and cool digital (quartz) watches to have for a collection?
I'll use my Casio a158 as a start.

I ordered a few more Citizens from Yahoo.jp.


I got it at a little antique shop in Tokyo. It was in real shitty condition when I got it. With a new glass and a new strap I'm very happy with it.

F91w and that worldtimer

Very good.

well it's a beauty
how much did you pay for it, the new crystal, and how much did you pay for the crystal to be replaced?

Well looks like I fucking jinxed it last thread by saying Seiya always slips through customs somehow. Normally the tracking status always goes from further processing in Mississauga to our for delivery. Now it’s changed to ‘Sent to Customers for further processing’. Now I probably won’t get it today and will have to pay import.

oh no. that blows. This if for that sweet ass dolce?

Actually the jewery store I work at just added Citizen to our lineup. Finally a brand that's not complete chink shitter, so I don't have to lie about it.

To all you people that own expensive watches, how much did you have in the bank/earn a year when you bought your first 3-5k watch?

I paid about $40. Bought a new blue strap online for $40. Got it serviced at Waco Ginza for about $50, that included the new crystal.

what brands did you have before

unlucky dude
do you just have to pay tax on it, or do you have to pay bullshit like "import port handling fee" and "HMRC fee" that turns £3 in tax to £15 in bullshit

well sounds like a bargain to me
how accurate is the movement?

go to sleep wake up look at thread. Devolved into absolute chaos and shitposting. Someone said it was likely someone in a different timezone. I would assume we are talking about someone living in at least utc +5.

Jesus Christ they serviced the movement AND put in a new crystal for $50?

I'm UTC +8 but it appears every single time I look at the thread, when I wake up, at lunch, at dinner, and just before sleeping, it's a shitfest

This one seems a bit more civil

Any advanced manufacturing country could make Swiss or Japanese tier watches. It's whether they can actually establish themselves and make money.

Canada could make watches. But you can imagine how hard it would be for them to get into the business.

That dial is really nice


have these people seen a watch before?


you plan on buying MORE? i like mine but come on, you don't need more than 1. they only sell 1 type of movement in the amphibia anyway.

also, if you didn't buy from meranom and get a stainless steel crown, you failed user

So spherical.

Just the same guy over and over. He did it last thread when someone insulted omega in that one too.
Idk why he does it every thread. Just for lulz i guess.

Worst part about it is we had such a productive thread until he came in insults blazing and now we all get to wake up to a half baked boring shitslinging fest.

which one you get?

I don't know how accurate it is. Seems fine to me.
yeah, man. I kept the receipt. Can't read all the moon runes, though.


Same here. Some dude lives in the third world and loves to troll this thread every single time around the same time of day.
almost all of the /wt/ threads start off nice and then someone inevitably gets triggered around 200 posts into the thread. Cycle of life and death continues

>a fake seagull

i have a seagull (vintage though, only modern one i'd get is the moonphase chrono, but its become overpriced due to demand) but pls don't buy that. it's not made by seagull, its made by Dave in his shed in Mozambique.

seagull sells one, but it costs like £400 (imo not worth it at all) so you're better off just avoiding them all together.

unless of course you already bought one, in which case, sorry Dave cucked you with his IMITATION CHINESE WATCH/chink penis

>get a stainless steel crown
what do you mean by this? don't they come with steel crowns?

Post the receipt anyway

hope you guys realize that pic is like 3 years old now? None the less it always makes me laugh.

the nipple one looks like its made of neckbeard ass leather and is covered in pustules. get the orange user.

Citizen has so much potential if they could just hire a few half decent watch designers and make a few lines that don't look like complete mallwatches. Their quality is quite decent, but the looks are SO BAD.