/csg/ Chink Shit General

You play music you've downloaded with those characteristics.

>tfw also bought chink catnip sticks for my cat
Will US customs also destroy it? I just want my cat to happy desu.

what store do you operate on ali?

>Will US customs also destroy it?
Freedom Customs does not take or destroy anything
unless it is illegal drugs or huge sums of cash

I've been trying to think of an excuse to buy myself an oscilloscope
but I haven't yet run into a problem I couldn't solve with one or two multimeters

>Freedom Customs does not take or destroy anything
What about non-freedom cars?

I need that nazi lego in my life what the fuck

well you gotta have the right paperwork, of course

Any car new than 20 years old that hasn't been crash tested is illegal to import

For you.