How does Apple do it? How can they be worth 900 billion dollars? It is hard for me to wrap my head around this...

How does Apple do it? How can they be worth 900 billion dollars? It is hard for me to wrap my head around this. You'd expect google or microsoft to be ahead of them but how

every non-poor person in first world has an iPhone.

They are just that good

No. Most people where I live have android


They're good at marketing.

I'm in the top 5% of my euro country and I have a Sony Xperia Z3c.


t.poor pajeet
t.poor nonwhite

No even in america a majority have androids, it is just that apple tricks retards into buying things for 3 times what their worth.

Not quite. The pixel is almost the same price as the iphone x. They are definitely costlier but not by much

Most entry level middle class idiots have iphones, they never had money anytime in their life , and now they do so they buy some retarded phone to feel more special than they actually are.

That figure has almost nothing to do with sales. It's just what people think Apple is worth

I'm the top 1% in my yurup country and I write this with an OPO. I have an iphone as well, but I keep it at my workplace as its a workphone. I hate it.

Their revenue was 220+ billion. Compared to Alphabets 90

Every Indian I've ever seen has a shitty iPhone, how did this meme even start

They are good con artists

Good products and good marketing
Most succesful companies have one of these but they are the only one that have both

That's where YOU are wrong buddy. All the people on centrelink, have low income etc generally have iPhones. These people would literally buy used iPhones. They've become so entrapped in Apple's cult that they are willing to get a small loan to get a phone that costs well over 900 AUD.

Stop assuming shit.

By dodging 30% of their taxes. Applel would be dead by know if Steve Kike didn't create that tax loophole scam.

And 'murica would probably have better education, healthcare and publicly funded services.

Not quite. Apple was the highest tax payer in the US.

i didn't say anything about poor people.
frankly, even they can appreciate the quality of a good phone.

>good quality

Pick one.

You are not fooling anyone pajeet

I just want to point out that this post made me laugh out loud. The combination of the angry pepe picture, and the capitalization of the word "YOU". It cracked me up.
You are completely right btw. I know a guy who is so poor he has to argue with his relatives about who will pay for groceries, but he bought an iPhone

t. blue bubble

IPhone is huge in Korea and Japan. I prefer android but my gf who is Korean native only wants Apple stuff...


Doesnt work like this, my semen&soy shake dieting friend.

Sheeple use Windows, because they are so brainwashed they actually believe their operating system is superior. Meanwhile MacOS users have chosen the enlightened path of Unix

i really don't know

This.. I work in a supermarket in uk nearly every so called poor mum will complain about food bills etc but have a iPhone baka