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Technology #635
Windows cucks of Sup Forums
Tyson tan is the best mascot designer in world of free software
Nigeria to train 1 million people in programming skills by 2019
Now that microsoft released LTSB 10, is it okay to use wangblows again?
New version released yesterday:
IPhone camera is better then Android
India just got strongest regulations on Net Neutrality in the world
Music for working
Philosophically speaking, why do programs need to be installed?
I fell for the pc meme
How can I know which Mainboard I need for my cpu? newfag here
Are there any low-profile single slot GPUs that could gaem?
What laptop is this
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What's going on with as of lately? Am I the only one that can't download shit...
How do I steal someone's domain?
I've decided to start using Firefox. What extensions are recommended? What will I miss?
Install TempleOS !!!
/pcbg/ PC Building General
OS competition
Easy way to root android
What are Sup Forums's top 10 must have android apps?
Prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography...
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
The government will have the technology to be able to kill you at the push of a button in your lifetime
Well, it is not a big deal
The absolute state of Applel
Is this perfect randomness?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Our field is fucked by Javascript Millenials
Using a laptop with a display larger than 12 inches
Live in Poland, an EU member since 2014
/gg/ - Gentoo General
Ok guys, my 16yo brother just told me you guys were saying qBittorrent is poo and also pee now. Is this true...
Windows 10 did one of those forced update things while i was out and i lost the electrum seed & password
/retro/ - Old computers, tech and software
What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?
Women in Technology General
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
4Plan! The Sup Forums-Operating System
Sup Forums threads about bitcoin on 2010-2011
Trouble with my PC
Net Neutrality
Ryzen B350 Motherboard & RAM?
Which everyday items do you wish had smartphone integration but currently don't?
Bitcoin just smashed $10,000 like it was nothing. What now, nocoiners?
Why the hell are there no engineering jobs in Canada...
Is information systems a meme degree or not? On the lower level there's coding and there isn't as much math as CS...
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Is there a cheaper place to buy these?
Person important enough for an alphabet-tier sabotage operation
Stop supporting net neutrality
Why aren't you using an iPad Pro yet?
Are surge protectors snake oil?
Muh free market
Is there a difference between a gsm and lte sim?
Raven Ridge
When's the last time you used yours?
What's the go-to wireless router nowadays?
Emoji filenames
Net Neutrality
The power of firefox
ITT: post technolo/g/y porn
Stallman trusts systemd
Chances this C++ code wil go wrong?
Tfw in uni class and girl keeps making """"hacker""" jokes because my i3wm setup
So I just got an external hdd cause I had a gift card and saw it uses this fucked up looking cable, it's a seagate fwiw...
BSD And Other Things
What do I need a ssd in my computer for?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Could my parents contact the isp and ask for my full internet history?
Laptop vs PC
Do you own a 4k monitor?
There's absolutely no reason NOT to use Ubuntu?!
I just god mydaq from my uni, what can I do with it?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How do you butcher a major point release this bad?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Will learning COBOL get me a comfy $150k/yr job in some isolated back office where I don't have to do anything but...
Smart phone launcher
ITT: things that are in front of you that you never use
Monitors: Whats too big?
Why did audio visualisers die out?
What exactly are they going to accomplish?
Why do many on Sup Forums dislike gaming?
My dad said I can get one thing I want/need for christmas, what do you guys recommend?
Tpb is down
Why are Android fanboys mentally retarded?
Make iphone X
How fucked am I Sup Forums?
Are tablets still worth buying in 2017?
Where were you when Trump made every online game pay2win?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
What the hell is it about IT that attracts these people? Now I have to deal with this shit at work
What are your opinions on manjaro?
Most useless Windows 10 features
Is it any good?
What's the most Sup Forums way to kill yourself?
How'd you do this weekend, Sup Forums?
Internet speeds
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What if all the Linux people would get together to make 1 good distro instead of releasing 20 new ones every day that...
Is the Sony Xperia line of phones approved by Sup Forums?
Forgotten wifi password
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
How can we stop poor people from being allowed on this board? My idea is to make it so you can only post from a
Safety of torrents/P2P downloads/cracked software in general, is free really free?
Is M.2 a meme? Is the speed even noticeable compared to a normal SSD?
The Sup Forumsternet project
Friendly reminder that there is no such thing as net neutrality
Old Tech Still Worth Buying Thread... Fuck idk
Is there anything cool on gnunet, or is it all just pedos and paranoid people ranting about the US government?
What is your preferred Text Editor/IDE. I am learning Python 2/3 now, and am using Geany...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Prompt thread
I'm In
Where to start?
What's his name again?
Absolute poorfag setup:
Post yfw Pajeet Pai revokes net neutrality laws
Help an user out
He uses more than 150 MiB of RAM
What products are the AK-47s of their respective types of technology?
How do you backup your files, Sup Forums?
What do you do with your old computers/parts after you upgrade?
Gentoo General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/pcbg/ PC Building General
What are net neutrality supports even whining about anymore?
ITT: The War between Mac vs. Windows (Not PC. PC means personal computer...
Why don't you own an e-reader yet?
P obviously isn't NP and why the fuck would it
Stop using proprietary software
Well it's not christmas but this will be great
Is there any reason to root Android phones in 2017?
Gaming on Linux in 2017. Hahaha oh wow
Which one of you fucking fags was this?
Well Sup Forums?
My pc is being a little shit
Hi Sup Forums. I just installed Ubuntu for the first time ever along with windows...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Just bought 3 Nexus 4's for $120 bucks a pop
What font do you use Sup Forums?
Can someone please explain to me what all the fuss with systemd is about? Thank you very much
What is some utility/app, which you would appreciate, but you don't know / are too lazy to program it yourself...
Manjaro or Antergos
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
What's up guys
/QPG/ Qwerty Phone General
Applel's FaceID got beaten by a 200$ mask, again
Tick tock Sup Forums...
What would you do if the internet stopped working for a month?
/ptg/ - Private Tits Genera
ITT: Comfy ports
Updated to firefox 47
/w?g/ - Well? General
What do you use?
Economics is actually god tier. Discuss
Sup Forums humor thread
/wt/ - Watch Thread
What is the worst software trend and why is it infinite scrolling and why does the person who created it need to be...
College aged sister has gotten really into robotics
Well, Sup Forums?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
I'm 24. Been browsing the chan since I was 12. Is there any hope left that I'll ever learn how to actually program?
What's the best FREE Antivirus?
Every real man should have the following on his bedside locker:
Is it a bad idea to try to run games on a PC that doesn't meet the minimum requirements...
Google: No matter how hard you try
Are these meme racing seats actually good for sitting?
Does Firefox have a chance to make a comeback?
Is there any point in making my own Operating System ?
Is it too late to learn to touch type at 34 years old?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
My nuts are itchy
Best certification to get get a job while in school?
Was giving power to rural areas a mistake...
Why shouldn't I just buy a somewhat used workstation and upgrade the GPU? This is $820
Getting/Using a clean version of LOIC
Working a 9-5 fixed hour office job spending 4 hours commuting
What kind of purse do you Sup Forumsirls carry your technology in?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What are you getting for Christmas, Sup Forums?
Imagine using Windows 10
Nvidia Telemetry Info
Am I the only one who feels mentally exhausted after assembling a pc, installing drivers/OS...
Tfw you would be a billionare if you invensted your life savings in bitcoin in 2015
Spics of Sup Forums, what operating system(s) do you run and what smart mobile device(s) do you have?
What's the best compiler for c++? Using windows 10
Daily reminder to always use C over C++
Radio, SDR & RF-related
Why is Nvidia forcing this cancer on everyone?
Tfw you fell for the sixteen gigs of RAM meme
What is the correct amount of cores to have in a PC or laptop?
Why did quads not become the industry standard?
Sup Forums, I would like to know your hard drive setup. Do you have multiple drives? All SSD or a mix of SSD/HDD...
What does Sup Forums do with their old (but still working) technology?
What hardware have you owned that you don't have anymore and miss the most?
1 year without internet
What Sup Forums-related images do you have saved?
What did Youtube mean by this?
Is everyone an NT type here?
In 2007, 2002 technology, music, movies, shows, fashion, games, etc...
Mpv media player
My CPU temp is 50C under 100% load
You don't need more
Roll and post code when ur done
Do you agree with him?
/gg/ - Gentoo General
Is it me or is SQL just garbage?
Pcbg/ - PC Building General
Girl in my Uni class asks me to fix her laptop for her
Which 120gb SSD should I get?
How do I use headphones in a HDTV that only has optical?
Unix philosophy is bad because windows has games
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums related careers
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/TOS/ - TempleOS and TAD general discussion thread
Why didn't you motherfuckers tell me earlier how amazingly comfy emacs was...
Bot for league of legends
Making money Hacking
/retro/ - old computers, tech and software
Is iPhone x the best smartphone out?
Why would you need more than 32GB on your phone?
Post Screenshots of your Windows Graphics Mods
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What's so bad about pic related?
Porn site server slows down because it detects you're trying to rip the site
What's your experience with Windows 10?
MIT is literally the best license
Lets talk about hardware you wish they still made it
What programs/tools does Sup Forums use for development?
What VPNs do you guys run? I just ran out of TunnelBear data
1970's text editor BTFO of M$ Word
Let's talk about energy density
Give me at least 3 (good) reasons why should I switch from Bash to Zsh
See guys? It's not so bad, you're just over reacting. Net neutrality is bad for the consumer...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Order monitor
Daily reminder that 3.5mm headphone jacks are the reason why phones are so horrendously thick
ProtonMail is the best email service out there, by the time I'm writing this post
Power bank made out of Laptop battery cells
What does your firefox look like Sup Forums?
Let me tell you my life, of a so-called 'pajeet'
Why is there no good free alternative to Photoshop in 2017
Is anyone else worried that self-driving cars might fail to include manual overrides for "safety" features like...
Ctrl+f : no screenfetch/neofetch?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's Google's end game here?
If you're not running Linux as your daily driver you don't belong on Sup Forums
Ok what size tv should i get for my living room?
What are some common uses for the rpi? what did you use it for?
WTF jusy happened here?
What improvements did windows 10 make over windows 7?
Emulation and Retro stuff
Free, 'secure' DNS service?
Firefox is literally putting GOOGLE ANALYTICS into their web browser to track you...
Xhamster will now show recommended videos based on IP
Daily reminder that Ad-blocking=Theft
Sticker thread
What's a computer?
Why are the most based people in tech Jews...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Hey Sup Forums, my wireless router just died on me. (pic related)
Car car = new Car;
Starting a website that is anti-political correctness in UK?
Which one are you, Sup Forums?
So this is the new face of coding I heard of
Why didn't they just make the entire front the screen and add the notch as another piece at the top?
Has the Visual studio killer finally arrived?
What's Sup Forums's opinion of open source vidya?
Install TempleOS !!!
How do you clean your optical discs? In the past I've found the plastic material is marred very easily...
There is no way aliens will decipher this
Can a tech guy see my incognito history?
He isn't running lineage os
Selfie deaths
How do i hack into the mainframe?
Battery life thread
Fedora KDE vs OpenSUSE
Starting today the internet is fully anonymous, and youre free to say or do whatever you want online. What do you do?
Give us your honest opinion of discord Sup Forums
Be 2 years ago
Does using a turbo charger degrade your phone's battery life?
Firefox Quantum
Doing a fresh install
Why aren't you using the galaxy note 8, user? It's the best phone out right now
Linux security
Is VLC still the king of media players?
When will you anti-NN shills just fuck off and die already?
Use Harmless software
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Htop thread
Remember guys, this is an anime website
What software should i use to encrypt my hard drive?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Hi Sup Forums I've being neeting for some time (10 years)...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Net Neutrality Bypass
/wt/ - Watch Thread
WHAT THE NIGGER?!?!?!?!...
Python is my first language and I have become proficient in it (though I do know some C)
Bitcoin technological thread
Linux Mint 18.3
Hi guys
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
What do you feel nostalgia for, any technology wise?
What file explorer do you guys use on Android?
Arduino General
Why did Microsoft peak at windows 7?
Making Diversity a Priority in Security
Looking for a laptop that will last me at least 4 years and can get some decent gaming out of...
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sup Forums irl
Why would you not buy that???
Wouldn't repealing net neutrality be good if it means our internet service is a la carte...
You know, he has a good point
Windows running where it belongs, in a window
What kind of proxy or whatever the fuck do I have to set up in preparation for net neutrality go baibai...
Norway’s pricey F-35s caught sending ‘sensitive data’ to US
I am Divine King Terry, the Terrible, of the Holy Roman Catholic Kingdom, AZ/NV
I can get this prebuilt for the same price as building it myself
Here's a fun game!
Would you ever install a chip in your brain?
What is the science behind people being emotionally invested in multi billion dollar corporations like Apple and Samsung
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Firefox is fucking dead
Future smartphones
Tech cringe
Hey Sup Forums do you like the internet...
Why is systemd supposed to be bad if all the people who made Linux and support it and phds are okay with it?
I'm doing a resume. Is there a better typeface than Helvetica?
Why Is the Terminal Still Used
What's the best Linux distro for gaming?
Hey guys, I'm Looking for Feedback on This user Reddit Site I Threw Together
Tesla is burning through cash at a rate of $8,000 per minute
16:9 or 16:10?
Is PowerDVD worth it?
Pwned on 1 breached site and found no pastes (subscribe to search sensitive breaches)
Rate Home Screen General
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Hello user and welcome to XiZhan Consultancy Services Beijing. These will be your co-workers from now on...
Is there a music player for linux that is as beautiful and as functional as musicbee?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is anyone of you faggots hacker enough to use Blackarch?
Windows is a service
Android isn't a pajeet operating syst-
I used to be an apple hater
Sex Robot
You have amazing skills mister user but i cant find your facebook page on your resume can you send it to me by mail?
What is the best e-reader and why is it the Kindle Paperwhite?
''screen'' ''fetch'' ''thread''
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General
CPU cooling
Daily reminder
Is Net Neutrality an issue in Europe?
What do you guys think about R language?
HDMI 2.1
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What are some linux pet peeves that you see people do?
The Sup Forumsternet project
Antergos VS Manjaro VS Zen Installer VS Anarchy Linux
What antivirus do you use ?
G-g-g-go-goys... chromefox isn't real! stop asking questions!!
Reverting to classic YouTube
Why did no one told me being a normie is so damn comfy...
Nothing will change if NN is removed
Perfection is coming
C Compilers
Is ps/2 better than USB?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
I can't decide on a Lunux distribution :(
/hrt/ - Hardware Removal-of-botnet Thread
I'm looking for the most efficient way to test whether a number is a square
What are you all waiting for?
How is this even allowed?
/pcbg/ PC Building General - Dick Suckem Edition
How the hell do I get more memory, Sup Forums?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What the hell happened to the "small" phone?
Found a parental surging point. what do?
Well they finally did it. They made a video playback software that we cannot download...
Okay fa/g/gots
What will actually most likely happen when net neutrality is repealed?
Is it safe to store a bitcoin wallet in an SSD? considering that you can never fully delete an SSD
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's your criteria of a good password?
Buy a chinkphone based on Sup Forums recommendations because “chinkphones r da best”
/vst/ - Void Shill Thread
When did the emulator scene become so fucking toxic?
How to fix social networks?
Music Players
Red pill me on net neutrality, is it good for us?
TIME's #1 Gadget of the Year 2017 is the Nintendo Switch, beating out the Samsung Galaxy S8, iPhone X and Xbox One X
Post your most aesthetic video card
So I need help with what seems to be some advanced malware on my computer
He doesn't own an ssd in 2017
What hobbies are you going to pick up Sup Forums after net is killed?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
This whole Net Neutrality repeal shit is just another fucking meme by Reddit
NN and European Laws
Need help identifying hardware
Old thread: >> >>63528706
So now that fucking Firefox was kind enough to kill my addons
Future of rust?
Why is Sup Forums so full of unironical corporate worshippers all of a sudden?
Not using hackintosh
I have an XPS 15 9550 after some updates I don't have any options to connect to the internet via ethernet only wi-fi...
Bringing Windows 7 up to date with the least amount of updates
So you're telling me it's 2018 and there's still no decent styleable replacement for Windows fuckin Explorer?
Sup Forums humor
IOS supermacy
Hello fellow 4Channers from /G, remember that Sup Forums has always been pro-NN. By the way, Google is botnet...
How to make SSD my OS drive?
Dude let us build a image editing program but let us separate it into a million different small windows LMAO
What was the last good version of Firefox?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Is he the only person in tech, let alone Linux, who isn't an autistic charisma vacuum?
No time for love
Sorry to drop a truth bomb on yall...
For all you who are wondering why Sup Forums supports repealing net neutrality
Every real man should have on his desk:
Stop using harmful software Sup Forums
What are you favorite PC cases?
What a shitty combination. you have the horrible OS without the clean aluminum design
Sup Forumstant here
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Live in no-net-neutrality country
Someone gave me this iphone and iwatch for Christmas but they left a password on it, how do I reset it?
I guess net neutrality is over
What is it like to have unlimited internet?
3 more weeks
Golden ears
No shit, I don't have a VPN and I'm looking into getting one
Do BIOS update
Ausfag Internet Thread
'''screenfetch thread'''
It's fucking happening: android ROM history breakthrough
Not owning a 150" MicroLED TV
Why even bother learning a programming language in 2017?
This smug motherfucker shows up on your latest project's Github repo and decides to review your code
What browser should I use for optimal security?
DebianFa/g/gots thread
Audio converter
The Sup Forumsternet Project
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Birds are cool
This is getting out of hand
When there is a blackout and you lose an entire day's worth of coding
Can someone explain why the price of ram is so cucked right now?
How does Sup Forums feel about buying the cheapest possible chromebook, overwriting the bootloader with seabios...
With all the net neutrality stuff, I'm actually proud of my dull country, Chile...
Get in here!
Sup Forums approved news sites?
Install TempleOS !!!
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Muh 34" monitor
Why haven't IT professionals unionised? Is it because in our industry the prevalent personality types are submissive...
Users are absolutely fucking retarded
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?
MacOS = Botnet
Anyone else here hate KDE?
Get hired to manage a software dev project
He's still worried about net neutrality
Android Without Google Services
Automate things to make money
I'm going to get a new phone today
Conservatives are hell-bent on ruining the internet. This is what happens when you fuckers don't vote. Enjoy
Neet Neutrality
Assuming someone isn't a top school CS grad but is self-taught...
/BFG/ - Black Friday General
Why aren't you using the last free browser not controlled and developed by for-profit corporations?
This 64GB 2400 MT/s RAM is almost $700
How to get rid of this?
Is Xiaomi a good brand or it's just a meme?
Which would you say is better?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Need a new PC
Anyone ever replaced the thermal paste on their laptop?
Used high end server cpu vs modern current gen low end
/hpg/ - Headphone General
The Sup Forumsternet Project
Need help to decrypt USB stick
NN pre 2015
Windows 2000 was the peak of OSes
Boost wireless signal to mountain ranch
Masochist distro
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
I'm about to waste all my money on this someone please stop me
Specs / speccy thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hi Sup Forums how you?
What kind of viruses can iOS devices get? Can they get infected from websites?
Best GPU for 1080p 144FPS new AAA games
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why the hell are you using systemd?
Sell me on Linux
Internet monopolies and Net Neutrality
Let's talk certifications
Funny Net Neutrality Memes
What's the best Linux distro for women? (Straight women (not lesbians(without a feminine penis)))
It says, "Operating system: Windows." Mind explaining us why no non-MacOS Unix system appears on this list?
There is a way to unlock icloud encryption on an iPod touch 6th for free?
Is this laptop worth the price...
Dell XPS 13' or Razer Blade Stealth 13'?
What the fuck is net neutrality
Im fucking tired of looking at python code, seeing 40 different modules at the top...
My phone is broken and I have to buy a new one
Redpill me on this shit
Net neutrality
/bst/ - Battlestation General
Are solar panels a viable option for home energy?
Justin Bieber has the iphone x. why dont you?
/mkg/ Mechanical Keyboard General
What's Sup Forums getting from Santa-san this year?
This shit ain't blocking shit. At least not anymore. What do?
Let's Encrypt used to "secure" thousands of phishing sites
Best OS
A good alternative to utorrent?
We only have a 5 to 10% chance of preventing killers robots from destroying humanity
Digital Audio Players Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Currently Using the Steel Series Kana mouse (Pic Related) The right click is starting to go and I want to get a new...
The Sup Forumsternet Project
Tfw too much of a brainlet and too busy being a wageslave to build a PC
Should have shelled out more for an IPS monitor
Allow 3rd party content
Idk if it belongs here but I get no replies on /ic/. I want to make pixel art for games with my ipad pro...
Why is this allowed? It's practically false advertisement
Is an Apple laptop, Windows desktop and Samsung phone the most kino set up?
/edc/ thread - BF and conquer edition
Why is Windows such garbage?
Itt post countries that invented the computer. I'll start: America
/wt/ Watch Thread
Ptr+1 != int+1
I just moved my speakers and realised I've had the positive and negative wires mixed up for the last 8 years...
/BFG/ - Black Friday General
We should never have made fun of the poo's
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Which mobile browser is the comfiest and why is it Firefox focus...
Why are templeos threads allowed...
What if we had ram and cpus on the same cards? Like have a motherboard 8 slots for ram/CPU cards
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Java, python, or C#? first language
Why is the IT community full of trannies? Do computers mess up your endocrine system?
Decentralized Sup Forums-like system
Be me
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
FIREFOX QUANTUM ram usage!!!!!!!
Why hate on pic-related?
Lunduke on Sup Forums
Every real man should have on his bedside desk:
Does Sup Forums have an E-Reader? Like Paperwhite or someother Kindle shit. Or any other brands you use...
DPT /dpt/
GuixSD thread
Which android video player are you using Sup Forums? Mxplayer is comfy
Why would anyone buy an imac pro
Is it pure jealousy driven rage that makes Sup Forums hate apple?
The state of apple
Free market will probably work itself out..... no monopolies exist
Why are you still incrementing with ++ when += is literally 2x faster?
Well, Sup Forums, convince me that this isn't worth the price
Popular cryptocurrency drops ~20%
Why do smartphones bother with 6, 8...
Firefox 57 is already out
Hi Sup Forums, we are anti-NN here right?
How the fuck can I install pip at Python 3.6.3...
When net neutrality dies is DSL still going to be the old "free" internet...
I want to buy a cassette drive for my desktop PC that reads and writes cassette tapes
The Sup Forumsternet Project
What card do you use user?
Are ultra-wide monitors a meme or maximum comfy?
What is the most soul crushing, corporate programing language of all time
This is our world now
Its thanksgiving
Has anybody here ever tried HDMI to VGA adapter before...
History made: Mate 9 Treble
AMD GPU's age like Fine Wi-
Why aren't you using debian?
THINKPAD X60, while it was cutting edge back then now it is almost pure """GARBAGE"""
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
IPhone 8 vs LG V20
He didn't buy a 8700K
How do I be cool and survive in my IT job?
/BFDG/ - Black Friday General #2
What is the reason behind learning C#? I've never seen it implemented for anything so I'm just wondering
Once net neutrality is dead, are we going to see a rebirth of users for stuff like i2p and freenet?
Botnet Removal General
ISP shills claim the ultimate goal of net neutrality is to nationalize our Internet
Is Slackware dead?!
/csg/ Chink Shit General
M/a/scot Thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
ITT: You give me ideas so I can steal them and become the next tech multimillionaire
Immortal Computers
Tech stuff you have never used
What's a good distro for ricers other than Gentoo, Void, and Arch?
Name more beautiful speakers
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums's favorite anime is literally, LITERALLY, about women in tech
His monitor is still 60Hz
/hpg/ - Headphone General
"I'm a pythonista"
Programming languages, sectors/indutries
Sup Sup Forumsents
What could destroy Goolag?
Good drawing tablets
Android is dead
Why does r3ddit have so much hate against Sup Forums? It seems like an ok site to me. Granted...
Tfw you don't give a fuck about NN because I'm not a retarded amerimutt
Net Neutrality
Homescreen thread
How Sup Forums are you?
Why does Sup Forums hate reddit so much?
Why do freetards act so entitled?
What is the best version of this crap? 4.0.1 version started giving an i/o process couldn't write error on windows 7
-Impossible Inventions-
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Automation and future job life
Should I even bother with a screen protector? Phones use strong glass nowadays anyways...
Why aren't you using the best distro, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is this the most unixest of modern unixes?
Stop using Unix
Are you rich enough to own apple products?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why do you use systemd
F to pay respects for the bois who fell for the gaymen ram meme
Why aren't you using the best distro Sup Forums?
Intel Management Engine
Christmas time PC upgrade
What's Sup Forums's audio setup
Just bought a new laptop. It came with W10 and a bunch of bloat, so I formatted...
Why haven't you turned your raspberry pi into a botnet free smartphone?
Software Defined Radio
M.2 is pretty sweet
Coding in C
Well Sup Forums bros
Is Tesla a meme?
Why is systemd a botnet if it is open source?
Android = botnet
How fuck is this triple fucker still the wealthiest man alive?
What's your latest fuck up Sup Forums
Wtf is going on
Is Sup Forums ready for Black Friday?
C# or Java
Hooktube is kill. RIP youtube-dl in the browser
How can you make Linux more 'comfortable' ?
Intel killing the BIOS
Ajit Pai and the FCC want it to be legal for Comcast to block BitTorrent
Daily reminder that free software is inherently progressive and you should stop trying to reconcile it with outdated...
Do you agree with this?
~ Created Monday, 10 February 2014 at 17:00
Crypto miners are going to largely replace captcha and traditional online advertising in 2018...
Accidentally sent in my resume from my account
Firefox Quantum
Use command line in public
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/wt/ - The watch thread
How does one create their own internet?
Ajit Pai hate thread
I must choose between these 3 laptops. I'm a programmer (c++, Go, Python)
Are there black programmers?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Open torrent
Anyone else on Sup Forums never built a PC in their lives?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Need to do thing
What comes to mind when you see pic related?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Download atom installer
NoScript updated. /Where is my right click/ edition. Discuss how Giorgio fucked us in the ass with this unintuitive gui
Is there a non-shit non-botnet version of this app?
/BFDG/ - Black Friday General
Oh shit
Does anyone still use these anymore...
I just bought the best phon money can buy - the iPhone X
Does he have shares in ISP companies?
Dual Monitor Questions
What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?
Blocks your traffic
You don't know comfy till you have a 6+ inch screen, screen let's will NEVER understand what it means to be comfy
Picture with black circle in it
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Why are still using spaghetti code/c/c++ instead of a superior language like Ruby or Python?
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
What's up with people acting like Ryzen is some amazing second coming of AMD?
How do we invent the brain-computer interface...
Raven Ridge is 3 years late
Why do people here constantly shit on Microsoft for adding ads to Windows 10 but defend and even shill Google for...
Click to verify once there are none left
Battery Thread
I work for Comcast. Ask me anything
Why are there no good mail apps except gmail app?
Why does the US use fucked up LTE bands that aren't compatible with the rest of the world?
Tfw you realize the AMD Ryzen 7 1800X and the i7-6900K are almost identical performance wise
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Libertarians don't mind giving up their freedoms as long as corporations are the ones doing it...
Net Neutrality gets repealed
Have no food neutrality
My sister bought an iPhone X
The absolute STATE of AMD
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What is your favorite free/open source software Sup Forums? I am looking for some new softwares to download...
Cofee lake
Why do you use systemd?
What's the best way to learn programming? I should also clarify that I don't wanna be a script kiddie or w/e
Tell me again why you're suppporting Pajeet Pai on NN
Press close
How do you confirm/deny a failing power supply
Who could be behind all this anti-NN posting?
Ajit Pai
What went wrong?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Who Wants to Actually Solve a Tech Problem?
Desktops of Sup Forums
Mfw net neutrality is repealed and Sup Forums gets throttled
GApps tracks location even when GPS is turned off
What is ur favorite windows version ?
So now that we know that google spies on us, why aren't you using a Patrician combo :
Regardless of your option on net neutrality...
Last 20 years
So this is the power of AMD legacy hardware
Retro PC thread...go!
I didnt understand why people hype apple products and googled why people buy mac and all top links are ''This is why...
Is it worth getting an actual server instead of a cheap desktop pc for home use...
What sound does Sup Forums use for your Phone:
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...