Why are still using spaghetti code/c/c++ instead of a superior language like Ruby or Python?

Why are still using spaghetti code/c/c++ instead of a superior language like Ruby or Python?

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>superior language like Ruby

>stack overflow

>superior language like ... Python

I use Ruby and C++. The languages have completely different use cases. Don't be an idiot.

i hate python
>code blocks indicated with whitespaces
>lack of () for loops and if statements
>no semicolons
>is fucking unreadable without syntax highlighting
>have weak types yet can't do seamless conversion from number to string
tried to get into it several times but always felt nothing but frustration
why people keep shilling it?

Because out of all the things you listed only "have weak types" is an actual issue.

Converting number to string is literaly just str(number), what do you mean by seamless?

I meant implicit. Doing str(number) means you have to do explicit type conversion


you cant compare programming languages like that c++ / c are totally different from ruby and python
c++ is still one of the best ways to make games almost all triple A games use c++

Anyone actually comparing these languages is an idiot.

They serve very different purposes. Yes, "Python is slower". Because it's a scripting language.

Sure, better have a shitshow like JavaScript and make addition operator ambigous and behaving asymmetrically.

Semiscripting, it still compiles to some bytecode fed to interpreter. Still slow, but better than purely scripting langs, like PHP.

Ruby and Python are written in C, brainlet.

I don't get Python. Why is the default branch so fucking awkward? Stupid GIL kills solid multithreading while there are serious stackless python projects. JIT compilers for Python exits and it boosts the performance like crazy with not more modification than import and decorator tag. At least that v2 v3 split is perceived as v2 being for legacy purposes already.

It's not that simple. See:


and C is written in javascript

The only problem I have with Python is that it is slow. But it's a very good general purpose language with some very handy syntax choices.
Even though I use C++ for work, I use Python a lot for small projects.

>nobody understands gil
>1st article is 1st semester CS level on parallelism data races and synchronization
>2nd can be reduced to statement that GIL is mutex around Python objects
>it's exactly what it intuitively sounds to be

My problem with Python is that it is so much harder to read than C++.
Reading code you didnt write can always be hard, but I miss types and documentation whenever I read python code.

Uhm, no.
V8 (the best JS intrepreter) is also written in C.

The point is, paralelism and concurrency is not a simple thing. You don't just "fire and forget", but you always have trade-offs and hence you have to make design decisions.

Green threads, threadpools, shared memory, mutable values.. there's a lot of things you have to consider. And that's the reason why every programming language does things slightly different - just compare Erlang, Clojure, Java and Go on that matter.. Each of them has good anwers, but they do things totally different.

V8 (the best JS interpreter) has more Python than C.
Python confirmed better than C.