Where do I go from here now that I know python and Javascript?

Where do I go from here now that I know python and Javascript?

Make something

Arent there nudes of this girl?

go fuck yourself


I heard, how can see even show herself in public!!?

Electronjs.org and nodejs.org. Congratulations, user, you can build literally any desktop application!

Work with Blockchain tech if you want to secure your financial future.

Go isnt worth learning imo

Have you already make a Fizzbuzz implementation?

> Work with Blockchain tech

I'm interested in this. Is there recommended literature on this topic?

yes it is.
quick and easy to build some real fast back end shit.

Damn why did she retire

Its a meme lang that will be dead before you know it

I too am interested.

who is she?

it's literally on the cover of the book

She wants to settle down now. Find a good husband and have some kids.

i can't see the book ;_;

how old is she

29, also known as the typical biological clock panic age.

Any nudes?

She's an instagram model, there are no nudes, just some bikini pics.

aaaaahhh those were the days

i do that everday

and buttcoins aren't worth anything, the perfect combination!

learn perl

You have autism if you think they have anything to do with each other. Where is angular 1? Dead, google killed it. Angular 2 now is a meme no one cares about. I wont be memed again after taking my time to learn angular 1

i read like two words you just typed, my dude....you fell for my bait. i'm just shit posting. now i feel sorry for you. jesus christ you people really are a bunch of autismos.



not ded yet :-----^-----)

hurrr durrr i'm a fucking retard and fell for bait so now i use the i was only pretending to be retarded meme picture I BEAT YOU HURRRRRR

Haha jokes on you idiot i was pretending to be retarded

Why did you lie? If you are just unaware then please forgive me. Thank you for reading my question and statement. I await your response.

He's right tho

there's a difference between "hurr i was pretending to be retarded" and fucking shitposting. someone said Go was shit, i made a joke about bitcoin being shit. i was shitposting. jesus CHRIST you people are fucking dense.

when is best to insert vegen?

learn to chode with Sasha


Learn yourself some SQL (or any supertype like MSSQL, OracleSQL (I forgot the names)), learn how design patterns work and what a domain model is.

Nah. Had it right the first time.

No. She's a virgin who's saving it for her wedding night like a good Christian.