Net neutrality repealed

>net neutrality repealed
>big shithole sites like Facebook and Netflix and YouTube get fucked by ISPs
>don't have to hear normie talk about Stranger Things or YouTube """celebs""" anymore
Where's the downside?

The big site's won't get fucked at all, they have the money to pay the ISP "taxes". It's the small startup that also consumes a fair amount of bandwidth that is hurt.

For instance, a new competitor to YouTube, Facebook, or Netflix.

That is the exact opposite of what's about to happen.

>Sup has been blocked for : hate speech, piracy, heterosexual pornography, free software

>Where's the downside?
You will still hear about those things, but they will be owned by the ISPs and there will be very little chance for new sites to compete.

You're a fucking idiot who has no idea what it going on.

I hope you like Hulu, because Comcast owns part of it.

>when trump wins everything will be better
>when net neutrality wins everything will be better

thank god we're not a real democracy. you people are serious fucking morons.

>heterosexual pornography
>Sup Forums

Pajeets and chinks will be replacing burgerstanis

>burgerstan gassed out of the internet
no downsides

Trump hasn't made anything better but nothing is worse either

Giant sites like those are the ones that won't be affected much though.

>ISP "taxes"

This is really all it is.

Internet companies make mad money.
And ISP's want a piece of that.

It's a jealousy tax, nothing more.

oh look, another one.

at the moment you pay them for using their roads and you can pay more to get access to a faster(biger) road but no one would stop you and ask to pay extra tariff just because you have a red car, it shilly argument that you defending there

I'm not defending anything.

I'm just pointing out that ISP's don't want to block/slow down big companies like Facebook or YouTube as OP suggests.
They just want a piece of the pie.

If you own a toll road and billionairs make use of it then it make sense to charge them extra. It's not fair, it's maximizing profits.

listening to the extreme left relentlessly bawl there eyes out will get tiring


im gonna maximize my profits by enslaving and whoring out ur mom

I think user was making a joke about state enforced homosexuality

never thought Sup Forums would be happy about being outright jewed

fortunatly this board is becoming more redpilled

it used to back sjwfox, for example

>I'm not defending anything.

well then we where defining what they want to do and i added whats not fair abut that tax.
>If you own a toll road and billionairs make use of it then it make sense to charge them extra. It's not fair, it's maximizing profits.
No man that's unfair and discriminatory behavior prohibited by any modern rulings derived by modern constitutions, you cant charge them extra money for their looks or just because they have more money that's unfair. They may be able to charge them for extra installations to maintain their demand for example in case of creating big infrastructures crossing very expensive places like under water cables or stuff like that,but even if that's required the government would come in and finance those infrastructures.

>ISPs can sell normies a normie package with reddit, youtube, facebook

>they don't feel like wasting the money for the tism package and don't shit up Sup Forums

How is this bad again?

if this isn't a perfect sign for you to run I don't know what is. The contrarianism that runs through Sup Forums is such a poison it is literally turning people into retards.

>ISP's target streaming sites because its hurting the tube ratings.
I really do hate everything about this. fucking pajeets

I pay for server colocation. The colocation company pays the ISP for peering. I pay the ISP for internet access. Then I pay again for fast access to my own server.

That's fucked. Shouldn't be allowed.

That is gross

Fake news. He's already been bringing jobs back

>talk about refugees online
>my government trojan in my computer gets a whiff of it and sees my everyone move
>go too jail and ahmed gets my wife

gas yourself you fucking faggot.

>2 anons with websites
>user A has a lot of money and can afford to have a high speed internet connection with unlimited data
>user B is a NEET and has little money so can only afford to get a slower connection

This is how it should be.

Literally what the fuck did I just read
Why do ameristanis speak English like 3rd world people

>free software

That's not what beer neutrality is about. That's still allowed under net neutrality. It just can't be slower or faster for only some websites. They all need to be treated the same.

you have to go back

>economy slowly recovering under the entirety of obama
>it's not because of him, it's actually because of x y and z

>economy at record highs
>it's all gerumph's doing! he is maga!
cant have it both way bub

the ratio maybe small but there is straight porn in this site.

this board has gone down the shitter since Ryzen release (i don't have anything against AMD for those with shit reading comprehension)
this is literally Sup Forums but worse, Console Wars (AMD vs Intel), pepe.jpg, and the occasional Sup Forums dump

Struggling to see one tbqh

Smart people will always find ways to evade it, the internet will have a barrier for entry again,


>speak English like 3rd world people
english is the world language in modern time, deal with it bitch.

This isn't a "smart people can avoid it" sort of issue. You can't send or receive a packet on the internet without marking it with an IP address. Without Net Neutrality, ISPs could just have a whitelist of "approved" high speed IPs, with no way to get around it.

What happened to Sup Forums?

No ISP enforced homosexuality. OP asked for downsides of the NN repeal

>stock market increases 22% since election day
>yeah that was obama
Not it wasnt

>implying stock prices have anything to do with how well the president is doing
>implying Trump policies went into effect on election day
imagine being this retarded

>too dumb to realize the promise of tax reform boosted the economy

>stock prices have anything to do with how well the president is doing
Nigger what.
Stocks are largely and nearly solely influenced by people of power and events.

You can rightly claim the president has very little effect on the economy itself but to claim the president has no effect on the stock market is so immensely wrong its baffling someone could actually believe that.

If normies get affected in any way and gtfo of my websites and stay in kikebook, etc.
I'm for it.

Someone give me an intelligent rundown on what NN is, the pros and cons too.

No REEEEing.

Google it you idiotic fuck

this is a US only thing right?


>implying normalfags won't pay up to use Netflix, Youtube, and Facebook
boy, you're in for a rude awakening

Kek, you don't think Canada and the EU will follow suit within a few years?

no we are not retarded.

In the end, these liberal tears are really worth it. Reminds me of when SHE lost.

>net neutrality repealed
>faggot e-celeb youtubers/twitch cunts lose like 50% of their american audience which is where the real admoney is
>profits are slashed by at least half for every faggot youtuber/streamer

good lord I cannot fucking wait

>internet companies make a lot of money
>ISP's want that money
>charge people who use the internet instead

"bringing jobs back" is not a universal good thing, you turbo brainlet

Retarded, no. But your politicians can be bought as easily as their American colleagues.

>everyone acting like we wont just bypass the laws

who cares. It's not going to change anything for the tech savvy.

Sup Forums gets blocked for "controversial content" and "copyright violations".

Sup Forums gonna get rekt because of muh hate speech site and without net neutrality companies can do whatever they want.

Enjoy paying 100 bucks of an ISP to let you browse le hate speech site.

I wouldn't mind of Sup Forums got shut down.

we get it, you don't like pol. Now try to actually post something that adds to the conversation.

>he thinks Sup Forums getting shut down wouldn't result in all of Sup Forums migrating to other boards
you won't escape it, so minimize it, retard

>insults Sup Forums
>Sup Forums-ack get's buttblasted
I wouldn't mind if Sup Forums got shutdown

I can't wait until your mom refuses to pay extra for Sup Forums.

Doesn't matter. They'll stop discussing retarded topics that are completely onesided and topics that aren't even related to politics. They can't migrate their circlejerk to any boards without getting banned.

You must be 18+ to post on this site.


>the ISP's will fuck over the mega-corporations who can now pay for special treatment because reasons
You don't understand the core principal behind net neutrality, do you?

>tfw living in switzerland
>tfw not in EU
>tfw real democracy and freedom
feels fucking fantastic man

I came to this board to see what concrete steps I could take to circumvent these gold-digging ISPs. Not having frequented Sup Forums before, I had no idea that the Sup Forums rot had set in even here. This is depressing.

Is it bad that I'm starting to yearn for the days of Nvidia vs AMD, 3.5 memes, and desktop threads? Maybe things got worse, maybe I'm just better at seeing the flaws.

Youtube, netflix, etc... will pay to get premium access over the infrastructure. they're entrenched. they have billions of dollars sitting around in offshore accounts doing nothing. this will annoy them but that's it.

Sup Forums is fucked. basically every internet service that doesn't have major backing is fucked.

and you can assume that even the services that will make it out alive - like netflix - will end up with this setup where if you want 4k you'll need to pay netflix for the 4k service and your ISP for the service to stream 4k. if somewhere between netflix and your living room you haven't made the requisite payments, you won't get the content you've otherwise paid to stream.

thank god for stream rippers

My God you Trump faggots are so fucking stupid. Now Comcast can throttle access to this site.

>The big site's won't get fucked at all, they have the money to pay the ISP "taxes"
Goddamn this. My ISP routes Netflix directly from their servers, so Netflix has some deal with them to do so.

>Sup Forums is fucked. basically every internet service that doesn't have major backing is fucked.
Chinese Moot will just move the Mac Minis to Chingchong Dingdong and we won't have to deal with Americans on the board anymore.