Who follows this...

Who follows this? Am I seriously going to hit the spacebar FOUR TIMES for every indentation (and count in my head like a retard)?

Giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's not bait:
Your text editor is supposed to introduce an indentation level (in this case, 4 spaces) when you press Tab, or automatically put you on the right indentation level when you go into a new line.

In Vim you achieve this with :expandtab

You're right, that would be retarded since most editors have auto indentation

Not even IDLE does this.

No, you're going to hit 'tab' and let your editor convert it to 4 spaces for you m80

>Not even IDLE does this.
You're not supposed to use IDLE.

It feels like tab isn't very consistent in my default vim.
try this: on a blank file, go into insert mode and do this.
hit j, hit tab, hit j, hit space four times, hit j, hit tab, hit j
The first tab goes way the fuck out there, and he second one is rather short.

Do you configure your spacebar to make tabs, too, faggot?

Your indentation level is set to 8 spaces. Tab takes you to the next indentation level. By pressing space four times you're manually traveling half the way to the next level, the next tab completes the travel.

No, I use spacebar as the leader key.

Any decent editor lets you choose between tabs or N number of spaces whenever you press tab or employ autotab.

>muh whitespace is significant
What a shit tier language

Ok trying to piece this together:
I press tab, it tabs 8 spaces
I press j once and tab, it tabs to the same distance,
I press it 2 times and tab, it tabs to that same distance
I press it 6 times and tab, it moves forward only 2 spaces
I press it 7 times and tab, only one space.
I press it 8 times and tab, it goes the full 8 spaces this time.

So what i'm getting here is that tab does not go a set number of spaces, but instead has a predefined segments that are 8 long, and the tab goes up to the end of the current segment, and if you're already at the end of it, it will go all 8 to get to the end of the next segment.

>Am I seriously going to hit the spacebar FOUR TIMES
Are you actually retarded?

consider picking up carpentry or plumbing user. pls stay away from electricity.

I think you should code in any style you want. Brackets, spaces, tabs, it's all retarded bullshit and a matter of preference. Code should be auto-formatted to your company style on commit and auto-formatted to your own style as soon as you open a file.

That is correct. In other words tab will just take you after the next line character number that is divisible by your indentation level.

> Having to modify your text editor to replace tabs with spaces (assuming it even supports this) and thus fuck up all your other code
> All because some idiots feels they need to wave their dicks around and make "style guides" to feel important in their otherwise bland lives
> Meanwhile I'm just going to use tabs because I like not having to switch editors and I like not having to press spacebar (4*depth) times

I wonder how long it'll take until someone starts calling me sexist for refusing to conform to 4xStupid.

And stored in a minified compressed binary language-aware indexed code model format for instant searching and verification!

wow ok turns out MS word and Libreoffice Writer do the same thing, with word being 13 spaces, and writer being 11 spaces
I've been using and working with computers for my whole life, and I just figured how how the fucking tab key works...

It would be such a great language if the designers didn't pull stupid shit like this

just bind Tab to print four spaces

I like tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment.
In reality, all I have to do is keep an .editorconfig file at the root of the project I'm working on and the plugin will do the rest.

I never notice what setting I have on and that's even with a setting that shows whitespace.

Most text editors probably support setting the behaviour of the tab key on a per-language basis, and you can use whatever style you want in your personal projects anyway. It only matters when you contribute to someone else's project.

On a side note anyone knows why NPP is such a piece of shit and doesn't indent Python code automatically without a plugin?