Accidentally sent in my resume from my account

Accidentally sent in my resume from my account.
Are my chances over?

depends on domain, is pretty neutral

Ouch. I hope you're looking for another job already.

>not putting noko in the email field.


Not so bad. I accidentally sent one from my cianigger email I used to spam Terry with. I had a follow up call and they asked me what email I used and they couldn't find it then they asked what did I put into the subject field then the lady reads out cian-igger and asks me if it's pronounced chian or cyan... I log onto the email account and see it show my name as Nig Nigger. Then she asks me to come in Monday (few weeks ago) to start...

Admin DoSd me and deleted my account cuz I pissed him off on his shitty voice server lmaoo

>spam Terry
Kill yourself.

off topic but why the fuck can't I log into cockmail? Just made an account and It says login failed every fucking time.


I sent a job application to nokia and in the field about the salary i used shekels as a currency.
Many times when i want to give the email I give the or or most frequently
I love it.
Getbackintothekitchen is great to and tfwnogf is superb to pass it to secretaries.
Someone might think that ppl won't call me or fw my application...but it already happens woth the normiemails because I have in my cv that i served in the greek special forces... So already I have been selfbanned by sjw human resources

Whoa, THAT'S waht I call EDGY!!

Damn, you are a prankster if I ever saw one..

At least you gave me a proper chuckle, OP.

you are not the first

>Implying you didn't get promoted off the bat

>I have in my cv that i served in the greek special forces... So already I have been selfbanned by sjw human resources

>Fucking serve country.
>SJW's won't hire you.
What the fuck is wrong with your country user. That's pretty fucked up.

Well, i don't give a shit. It actually filters out all those fart sniffing(see southpark) faggots and niggers.
I had a couple serious callbacks from one serbian company and one greek company. The first one, I got rejected because I had a "bad" attitude against the psychologist who did some "personallity" test(which is illegal),on the secondone i told them that I don't write python, i am counter-productive when it comes to stupid languages, i was honest with them and they told me that if the project is going to be in c++ they will call me back, else if it's in python they won't(they mentioned c++ in their post).
I've worked in places where faggots could express themselves and I couldn't (obviously not sieg heiling in front of eveyone, i am greek, not german). I've worked at cern and the first time i've encountered with the rainbow flag was when i saw it as a table sheet and faggots were eating on it...and i was thinking wow nice table sheet... Later on i learnt that it was from the lgbt group at cern.
This hit me hard with some slavs larping as macedonians and i said that's it. Fuck this shit, i'll do what i want.

What kind of company would hire programmers before they decide what language to use?

>What the fuck is wrong with your country user.
It's almost every euroshiet country. I had to send a special cv to a U.K.ucks (sorry anglons) to explain explicitly why I was in the army and especially in the green berets (it's mandatory to serve the army in greece and if you feel like it you can become a green beret).
Last week it hit the news that in u.k. they kick veterans out of public housing to house illigal aliens.
We are losing our countries bro. It's not one, it's all of them

The one that does outsourcing to some cheap labour country.
"We got that new contract for ip/sw verification. Quick let's hire programmers with the most complex widespread language there is."
Next thing you know, "c++ programmers wanted".

>tfw can't buy because it's owned a mom-and-pop store that's been in business since 1949

it would increase chances with me, normies will probably not notice unless it's in cv itself

God damn that pisses me off so much, you didn't serve in my country as a burger but still you shouldn't be treated that way. Military service should be respected. But that's typical sjw bullshit. Maybe when all of them are dead from massive crime from illegals the world can recover.

Get out reddit.

>sent in my resume from my account

I love it.

I used and sent my CV to T-Mobile and they interviewed me. They haven't hired me, because i thought it's just a part time job. Anyway they would hire me.

But that leads to chaos and disaster. Remember Rome? Cradle of civilization gone.

Mom made me apply for job at sawmill
-Do you have any physical condition that might impair your ability to perform physical labor?
--When I'm really drunk I fall down.
Called for work next day.

Is there any risk from using a account?
(Besides the obvious fact he can read our emails if he felt like it.)

No password recovery

Zero, some even print out your form with the email on the page.