What programs/tools does Sup Forums use for development?

What programs/tools does Sup Forums use for development?

Atom for text editing
Hyper + powershell on Windows, zsh on Linux
Rust for large projects, node for small projects
Vue for front end

notepad++ for editing my lua files

Vim for text editing. (Was a little hard to get used to but love it now that i know what to do with it.)

Codeblocks for my IDE when making big projects.

C++ is the best.

VS Code for everything.

Way to make a thread catering to the 0.1%, OP.

vim + gcc.

Vim for Python, Pycharm for large projects/Django
Vim for C, CLion for large projects
IntelliJ for Java/Clojure

>not eclim with headless eclipse for pooinloo
One job, user.


no joke, got a student license

everything just works, using it on my linux laptop

sublime because i can't write anything large.

nvim with deoplete/neosnippet/neomake, and clang. it's perfection

Visual studio for my c# bullshit
SQL server management studio for my sql bullshit
VS code for looking at separate code snippets I'm not running

vim, ctags, gdb, gcc, make

Vim mode on IntelliJ

Netbeans, VSCode, HeidiSQL, Sourcetree.

>Vim for text editing
>Codeblocks for my IDE when making big projects.

typical claim of a person who never really learned vim, cmake + vim its a fucking great IDE even for huge projects.

People who get shit done:
Emacs+GNU toolchain
Visual Studio

People who maybe get something done, and nothing too great because their brains were filled with vim commands and arguments about "bloat" instead of useful thoughts:
Vim/Nu-vim, clang, anything recommended by suckless/uriel

> nothing too great

tell us friend, whats the meaning of too great project for you?

Why neosnippet or minisnip?

Fuck over not or

Rslogix 5000

Lol, Im a snowflake

I have to use netbeans for college and I absolutely hate it. The fucking autocompletion prompts are so fucking distracting, and the default indentation is pure garbage.

I don't understand why most java IDEs are so cancerous

Vim, because I want to be productive rather than busy

No particular reason other than I didn't know minisnip existed until just now

You're supposed be a programmer you jackass. You said yourself it's the default indentation, so change it. Disable the autocompletion prompts.
Or switch to eclim or Intellij (You are a student so it is free)

>I don't understand why most java IDEs are so cancerous

yes , what I did is some scripts to generate gradle projects and I use vim to code, debug and build faster than my coworkers (well two of them adopted my workflow).

I use neovim with very few plugins. I use fugitive, vinegar, unimpaired and minisnip
I use makeprg and the quickfix list instead of a plugin like ale. I use grepprg=ag instead of fzf or ack.vim for searching. I don't use an autocomplete plugin and instead use the built in omnicompletion. Vim and neovim actually do a lot of what so called 'essential' plugins do out of the box or with very little configuration.

GCC + vim + zsh


You sound like a highly efficient individual I would like to punch in the face.