Alternate Flag Thread

Alternate Flag Thread

Post your alternate flags and rate other people's.

I'll start with the reinvention of a classic, with some extra flourish for an old country.

Galiza Optional, had History have had a different course.

And with the traditional colour order.


A little too detailed, it would hard to recognize at distance.

This is what I imagine our flag would look like if we were an American state.

ooh, I really like that idea

yeah, but we have some flag rules we can't really avoid. the large CoA is there so it aligned with the galician sash, and distanced itself from the monarchy flag

coat of arms is cool but the flag is too complicated
A simply white and blue flag with no stripes is better

the stripe is Galiza's symbol. How about removing the CoA from the flag and make it just D. Afonso Henriques's cross with the galician sash behind it?


You realize Galicians would annex you all to Spain?

Here's a flag of Carniola I found on the internet that someone proposed to be the flag of Slovenia.

In 1931, Galicia declared its independence. The next day, Galicia rejoined Spain.

Here is first re-done flag as the coat of arms was gold instead of silver for a long time.


>Wanting to be an American state

Version 2 where white on the flag is replaced as well. Probably too much resemblance to favela country flags.

Why doesn't portugal change that shitty flag? it doesn't seem ot be very popular in portugal either

KEK Slovombia

And another design with the original two colours (red was added later).

I like our old flag better

A variant of the current flag used by the navy

As Galician I approve of this thread. Looks amazing, OP.

Good job.

t. el CataloniANO

Face it lads, all tricolour flags are alternates of ours

Spain must be 1, 1 people, 1 culture, 1 leader, time to completely unify all of Iberia.

Ours came from the colours of Carniola. See /.

Inertia. It has a fake meaning that spread and stuck. I think it's ugly as fuck.

Maybe, but it was meant as an Alternative History type of flag, I'm not suggesting a union.

Waaay too busy. Spanish barbed wire flag + D. Afonso Henriques cross would look better, Union Jack style.

Cheers. Think of all the fish we'd be eating.

Me too. It woudln't be confused with Luxembourg.

A FUCKING WINDMILL. Although it looks great.

ok now dumping the rest of my flags

korea with 2 variants of aspect ratio

Such better ! Amazing comparing to the terrible current.


I know ;_;

Fucking 1st republic fucking everything up and chosing shitty colours.

These are awfully complex and hard to read at a distance. I guess I shouldn't be complaining, but at least mine would just blur into a yellow centre from a distance.

javanese flag



>One suggested redesign of the Union Jack with the red dragon from the flag of Wales added in the centre

don't like it

How about Braztugal?

And the reverse. I'm not sure which I like more.

Yeah, looks like Wales is the boss of everything. Union Jack is pretty much perfect as is.

White and red bicolor was the official flag of Czechoslovakia between 1918 and 1920, and official flag of Czech Republic between 1990 and 1992.

The white box around the dragon kills the whole flag

No offense. May I ask why do you care?

I am racially Spaniard.

1/12878 spanish


He's a Greater Aztlan nationalist



Alternative flag for Wales. Some christian fundies want it made the official flag because the dragon is apparently a pagan symbol, kek



Wtf is with that thumbnail? The Yellow and Black one doesn't look too good either. Looks like a traffic sign.

wat teh fugg


No idea why it came out like that, got it from wikipedia

and when born those flags? i doubt that the dutch were the first

more like 99.9% Spaniard shit skin, all of the Americas belongs to Spaniards.


Far better



Jesus Christ, what happened to your thumbnail!?



It was, only the top was orange not red.
It's from the late 16th century



I really like the concept of the tricolours, but they lose impact since there are so many of them.

Estonia is the best one, followed by the old Dutch one.

hahaaha that fucking filename



How is that alternate?

it isn't used

Isn't it the flag of Northern Ireland?

northern ireland doesn't have a flag

this used to be the flag until the 1970s

Uh, I assumed it had used the Saltire.

That just looks like the English Queen is telling the jews to stop immediately.


While inspiration are possible I suppose, the French flag is actually about the white, color of Paris (insert joke here) being watched over by both nobilty (blue) and dirty commies (red)

>official flag of Czech Republic between 1990 and 1992.
I didn't know

I love our colors, objectively one of the best looking flags without ornaments in the world. White and red fits together perfectly.
But our flag is missing something
It needs a redesigned coat of arms with a golden ornament.

Beat ya to it.

Vertical Poland doesn't make sense, also these castles are just dumb. What do they mean?

7 Castles conquered from the moors.

There were more at some point, but then it retracted to the original 7. Each king changed the shield/flag, almost, and tried to contain the previous one in some way, like pic related.

why is horseman dressed like a chicken?

He's a black cock, about to rape his enemy.

I like the colors from the first posts, they are calm, this "grey blue" is great. White and blue would fit perfectly to the country with a big sea related history.
Hello, it's 1605 already, do you even $WAG?

>White and blue would fit perfectly to the country with a big sea related history.
Yeah, that's my thinking, hence why I gave the larger field the blue colour (despite the Sea being to the West for us). Oddly enough it was our colours since 1143, way before we went to sea. That and separating it from the monarchy flag, which was blue on the other side, since some people don't like it, for some reason.

Green and Red colourblind test fucking sucks.

>Green and Red colourblind test fucking sucks.
Yeah unfortunately objectively they don't match

Makes it look like an African country, desu. It is meme-funny, but still.

You're racially a worthless turd ;^)

Clean and simple.

It's a bit too close to Ukraine's, isn't it?

That combination of colours is ugly as fuck 2bh



You dissing the green and gold mate?

What are you gonna do about it mate?

Probably vote for some garbage aboriginal shit instead desu

Remove all the stars and it should look okay.

What's the obsession with southern hemisphere countries and stars?


Number of original settlements on the island I think?

its the star formation above the area, something like that

Hate the Armilar sphere on top of white. This is better, and closer to D. João VI's flag, from the United Kingdom of Portugal and Brazil days.

Constelation, yeah. Aussies, Kiwis and Brazilians all have it. Probably some other countries.

The 7 pointed star at the bottom is for the number of states and territories
> Southern cross
> Crux Australis
> Australia
Geddit? Most of the English colonies in the southern hemisphere had it at one point or another