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International #636
What went wrong?
Guess her Nationality
There's this new fashion trend among blacks and Streetwear kids which involves wearing russian/Soviet memorabilia...
Why do Swedes in paritcular drink wine?
Russia, please, explain
Way to go USA
Who here /fat and depressed/?
Is San Francisco the cultural capital of western civilisation?
/ita/ - il filo
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do you have any Muslim friends?
Why do Asian Women love Black Men?
Norwegian and Danish
Why anglos (american etc), slav people and asian people love so much money ?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What other boards do you browse Sup Forums?
I did an english vocabulary test and it said i have the vocabulary of a grade schooler
I wanna fucc black grills but no black grills in my vicinity. Sweden and Estonia steal all the black grills
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Why is Turkey such a terrible place?
卐 /deutsch/ 卐
I'm traveling to Turkey in the next couple of months to study dentistry...
What are the best kind of immigrants in your country? What are the worst?
All confirmed leaders of Civ 6 so far
Why do Finns own so many guns?
Latin Americans of Sup Forums what parts of your countries culture can be attributed to white people?
Do eastern Europeans actually believe this?
What cunt is this guy from
I am an astrophysicist for the CNES (National Centre for Space Studies) at CSG (Guiana Space Centre)
Who was the worst colonizing European power and why is it Spain?
What is this shop and why do americans go there to poo their pants?
What does Sup Forums think of others' languages?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Do these countries even like each other?
Is Estonia the logical conclusion of human civilization?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Top 10 rudest flags on Sup Forums
We are all human after all
You enter the bathroom and see this
/deutsch/ auch bekannt der angesagteste /club/ in der ganzen Republik
Is Spain the only European country that is alpha and uncucked?
How do we help italians with their infertility problem?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why do Russians think of this man as a faggot?
Why are German women so ugly?
Country has monarchy
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
Why does that country suck so much?
How do I get a French girlfriend?
Bon apettite, Sup Forums
Why japanese are so weak ?
What are your thoughts on Canadian cuisine?
Trying to live in France by becoming a male au pair or something similar...
Is alcoholism a problem in your country?
What is the best and worst state in the US
1.your cunt
Can we have a Nordic Folk thread?
Sverigetråden - Upplagan för fredagsmys med svensk 2d
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
B-b-but Mexican food is nothing more than tacos or tortillas stuffed with something
Be French
Which country is the most comfy one in South-America?
Greek 101 - Vocaroo
I'm not a self hater but I have a problem
Serious question: would Sup Forums (mostly Europe I guess) mind immigrants/refugees if they integrated?
Can we just annex South Korea already? They're a puppet to us...
Tell me about separatist movements in your country
You have 10 seconds to act as Irish as possible
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
Faces of Sup Forums
ITT we make a language for shitposting
Do you believe Russia should join the EU eventually?
Frenchman Yohann Diniz shits self at Olympics
Estimates of the National Institute of Statistics say that in less than a year the population of British reach a...
/ita/ - il filo
This disgusting shithole is getting worse by every month
Do Asian people actually have souls or are they just humanoid insects?
Walking down the street in your city
ITT: We subtly trigger the french
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why all the Polish - Finnish hate lately?
Why USA is so shit at sport ?
Please classify me but no hitting on me, k thanks
Do you think national European identities and cultures will disappear in favour of a single European identity and...
How does Japanese language sound to you?
Red = Countries that you care if they hate or love your country
/fr/ Fil francophone
Wahhhhhhhhhhhh why are people allowed to express their Non-PC opinions on the internet...
Sverigetråden - Fredagsmys
Which theory about humain creation is the most spreaded in your country ?
You're cunt
In conclusion USA
Which country has best sausage/kolbasa? power...of...german...cuisine
Visit ossetia!
Is French a less flexible language than English?
France try to copy America
Whats penis in ur languages? :DDD
Is this true?
How can we make Europe great again?
You guys from the Northern Hemisphere don't really hate South America for real, right?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post some folk music from your country
Any muslims here? I want to kick your asses
Is this
ITT: International "villains" who are actually the good guys
Busco un intercambio de idiomas. Soy danés, pero hablo también el inglés como un nativo...
Why is Russian food so horrendous?
Tim und die Neger-Ausgabe.. von /deutsch/ natürlich
Were Jews actually welcome in USA during WWII like refugees today in Europe?
What does make a city look "European"?
If your president doesn't have a hot daughter then your president is fucking shit
Goodbye you Asshole
Is your country eat octopus?
Does Turkey still make Top Keks?
Do you think that islam should be banned by law from Europe as any other destructive cult or sect?
How safe is Spain, really?
Australians in the UK
Interesting facts about Poland
/cum/ Canada-USA-Mexico
Wtf, i love canada now!
Are Africans white?
What went wrong?
Yfw you're gonna study at a Finnish university and will shitpost here with a Finnish flag
Who said you can't trigger the French and Italians at the same time? :^)
Come to Finland, foreigner
Guapo, you look weird, let's go to the police station...
Life in Brazil is relatively easy
One chance at life
Go to tumblr
When will Argentina finally take back their land for fucks sake?
"Hey Daddy, this is Suk Sum Dong and we're getting MARRIED!"
His country doesn't have a coastline
Hello darkness my old friend
Are your ancestors smiling at you?
Roll Sup Forums
Are Slavs white?
It's that time again: post music from your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post countries that cause worldwide butthurt by simply existing
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What happens in orange?
Do Americans really think other first world countries look like this? This is not what developed countries look like
A aggressive citizen of Finland attacked random women at a bus stop in Warsaw
How can we fix middle east as europe-tier?
South Korea vs. Japan
All of Poland's sins are forgiven by making this game
American tourists
It's cold even though it's summer
/MeNa/ - La-ila-ila-Khawlat edishaan
So it's agreed?
Tfw you realize the Mexican government is literally sending their worst here in attempts to use some form of...
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
How the fuck do we solve the manchild-problem? I mean...
If your country were a woman, how would you describe her?
Why the fuck was Poland allowed into the EU?
You wake up in Italy
Be American
I want to know
Meme languages
1.Your cunt
/deutsch/ Domian Ausgabe
/balk/ + /gr/
Ideal Europa
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
This is my house. Do you think its comfy?
Kurva anyátok
He fell for the STEM meme
I want U.S. citizenship
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What went right with these countries?
Is this the final solution?
Post what usually happens 5 minutes after meeting an American in your country
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Is this allowed in your country?
Are you as sociable in real life as you are in Sup Forums?
So I was browsing reddit(my website of choice), as I usually do... and I came across this post
Hi /int. I've been here since 2010 and love you all. If you have time...
Are picky eaters common in your country? Almost every American has some irrational hatred of a particular food...
How do we fix Mexico?
Does everyone here pray to Allah?
You're cunt
So have you ever or do you currently have a girlfriend/boyfriend from another country (culture)?
Why don't you have a gf?
France is not white!!!
Someone in a country outside of the US tries to release a hip-hop/rap album
HOW do white men compete with this?
You are country
Irish American General
ITT: Post the CWC of your country. Pic related is Fabiano Honorato...
>Be Brazilian visiting the US
What's life like in Canada?
TFW no 16 year old gf
Are you afraid of the Japanese navy? I live in Hawaii and I hope Abe is voted out of power soon
I grew up reading Stephen king books, is America as spooky as he makes it seem?
/ita/ - il filo
Mcmansion discussion thread
Why don't Europeans have pic related?
The difference between American and European responses to terrorism:
You're in Bangkok's hottest nightclub having the time of your life when these three babes come and ask if they can hang...
What's my ethnicity?
What does Sup Forums think of this cunt?
How come most of you are single ?
Mom is angry because i drink coca cola in the night
Some costa rican killed himself to be with his waifu. How common are these things in your country?
Was Spain the shittiest colonizing power?
/nachtschicht/ - Komfortable Ausgabe
Guess the country. Winner goes next
Guess what state i'm in
No, seriously USA, why did you invaded Iraq in 2003?
His country has lost territory
You may only post ITT if your country is higher in the medal table than brazil
He doesn't feel the Johnson
What happens to the surname of married women in your country? In the US...
Can we save them from themselves, Sup Forums?
No Colombian gf
Why do Eastern Europeans love garlic so much? It's not only in all their food...
Wait. Does this mean Finns are actually the chosen white people of Europe?
/fr/ - le Francofil des joyeux francophones
Argentine Degeneracy
I want to hug and smell a Mexican
Would you date a Mexican girl? Please be honest
Why do italians have such big noses?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Hilo Latino /lat/
Jello r u drunk?
Could i pass as local in you're country?
In 6 hours I will be flying to Funland as a erasmus student
One shot at being alive
Do you like American girls?
/slav/ - Hyperborea Edition
What's your height int?
Chinese Thread - 中文主題
We can all agree that celts are the definition of subhumans, right? How can you fuck up this badly?
Blue is internet explorer
What's wrong with this? why were Germans so salty? seems like fine borders to me
Why do italian women hate their men so much?
/deutsch/ Stammtisch - Letzte Ausgabe vor der /nachtschicht/
Are curries popular in your cunt...
Why Germany is our best ally?
1. Your cunt
I really like using Brit slang worlds like Lads,Mates, Slags, and innit
One in six people in the Eurozone is a NEET
Are all finns based like Kimi?
American will defend this
What do you think about Ancient Finnish empire?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1935
Red = Countries that you care if they hate or love your country
/ita/ il filo
What part of Bongland does your family cum from?
DNA of men whose forebears probably were Etruscans show they weren't local, but migrated, study says
Wtf is this language?
1. you're country
1. ur cunt
ITT: Letters from your language/Dialect that most people don't know how to pronounce
ITT write gibberish that sounds like the language of the poster above you...
Sverietråden - Flygplansupplagan
Tell me about Americans!
Do you love your country?
This map is perfect. everyone should be happy with this
Green are those who recognized Palestine
Post your results
Why is America so emotional? And the Phillipines?!
Is Portuguese food common/easy to find where you live?
What are the most difficult words to say, to you, in English?
Finns are mongols meme
/Luso/ - Fio Lusófono
you're cunt
Culture Pals
Does anybody else like to be bullied by first worlders on Sup Forums? I love when they remind me of my place...
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Russians moved in next door
ITT: we say our 3 favourite and worst countries
Tell me what you like about Germany
I hate the english term "Germany", because it sounds like a fucking bacteria colony
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
A sister is objectively superior to a girlfriend in everyway
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Do you support an independent Kurdistan? why or why not?
Preventing booing in the Olympics is Cultural Imperialism
Hey Sup Forums I am Georgian, and i am very proud about this. I am originial aryan...
Italian thread
The irony when the War on Terror created more terror
Vocaroo Thread
Is this a perfect EU?
Are you happy?
Vacation to UK almost over
This is a 6/10 in the Ukraine
Why is Russia such a terrible place?
What do you call "a tiny leaf of grass" in your language? In Polish we call it "Źdźbło"
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
The term European hereafter refers to non-Finnish European individuals
The ''Asians are more intelligent'' meme
/ita/ - il filo senza lambrenedetto
Sup Sup Forums
Russians: apologize, now!
German family stole 1000 bicycles in Poland, vlaue ca. 250.000€
Why are Bulgarians and Romanians considered European while Turks are not?
You have 10 seconds to act as French as possible
Why aren't Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland part of the European Union?
ITT- post porn stars you like from your country. Pic related is one of my favorites. Redheads get me every time
5,771,337 million people live in wisconsin usa
Getting a (You) from an American vs. getting a (You) from a Mexican
White people is alchemist
Post Sup Forumseresting facts
French women can't resist the BTC
Do you know that there are bananas growing in Greece?
Italians are waking up
/nezh nutai/ - The Sup Forums Language Project
Visit Germany as a tourist
Lads, why are the most loved countries in the world the most hated countries on Sup Forums?
Sverigetråden - Bullfestupplagan
Japanese girl is very easy!
Finns had agriculture at least 7000 years ago
Is Sweden finally waking up?
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Muslim man accidentally served bacon while being detained at Japanese immigration office
Worst US president
Have you ever met a black person in your country?
/ausnz/ + /balt/
Merkel blames white Europeans for rise in terror attacks
Really makes you think
British with French are why hate each other ?
I have a question for Israelis
I understand you mexicabros
1. Your cunt
Masterrace thread
/ita/ - Tomoko edition
This is a child from Syria, he got injured in Aleppo bombings
Why don't Italians eat breakfast?
1. Ur cunt
Is smoking common in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
IS anyone else really worried about the Netherlands disappearing in a flood caused by climate change?
One shot at life
What's wrong with this map?
Sverigetråden - Sveriges fana-upplagan
Why do other countries not use duvets? Like, really, sleeping under a blanket? That shit is hella uncomfortable
Why does everyone shit on British cuisine? This looks delicious
My gf is just a 8/10
How do you call these in your cunt?
Why is gay so oppressed in Japan
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/Baltia/ + /Anzac/
How does tea work? I've never seen it in real life
Why didn't we get the fantastic future we were promised?
Are Slavs white?
How do people feel about whites dating asians in your cunt?
In generally, How long dick is regarded as big dick by people in your cunt?
"Nu, you tэll me now littlэ western man..."
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /v4/
Why are Shitalians such manbabies?
Qts from your cunt
Why do americans love Obama now?
The Olympics gave me a huge jungle fever
Fucking love these so much
1. you're country
Men are the:
Tfw 18yo virgin
Hilo latino
It's that time again
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
So what happens here????
What the fuck? I love Eire now
Hey Japan, what are your thoughts on whaling, cutting the fins off sharks and throwing them back in the water...
When was the last time you had sex?
Post your town city flag
Muslims can't eat this
Military serving
Why are Koreans so fake?
/balk/ + /gr/
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
How comes vietnam doesnt hate america?
Let's see if anyone can pass the Canadian citizenship test. Post yours countrys test too if possible
Americans are now forced to learn Spanish in school
In this thread we say compliments about Finland. I will start:
What are witches like in your country? Are they populous and hold positions of power? Are they an active threat...
How do you call this in your country?
I'm in love with a Serbian girl. What can you tell me about Serbians and Serbia?
Kurva anyátok
Hilo latino
Whats wrong with the West?
Who else here on Sup Forums has an average sized penis?
Why do americans are fat?
ITT: Best Sup Forumsernational sex
Why the fuck are Canadians so looked down upon on flag boards? What did we do?
One chance at life
You're a big spender, buying dinner for all these Thai girls, what are you up to?
The Allies win yet again
1-your country
Why do the Japanese type like autists? I mean their fucking grammar sucks massive dick...
So the memes are true
Louisiana flooding is the country’s ‘worst natural disaster’ since Hurricane Sandy, Red Cross says
Holy shit bros does anyone have have brown fever? I need latina gf QUICK
Why are Finnish people so cute? Online they act like autists, bully others a lot and meme about...
I hate Spain. Do you hate Spain?
Chinese man said "I tried to kill Elizabeth"
My dinner: 10 mcdonalds burgers for $10...
Are chavs still a thing? They are probably my favorite part of British culture
Wanna learn polish. I can say hi,how i'm doing,i'm hungry.. Some basic stuff
Why is Ireland so fucking stupid?
"let's check what international discussion is going on!"
Fucking loud pieces of shit, I though these niggers were only anime background noise...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Mfw our culture is so strong to the point of booing arrogant french pricks into crying
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
The Mexico of your region
France is dead who will be its successor?
What's your least favourite country?
No Colombian gf
Guess the map
Why is Estonia so gay lol
So, what do you think? Was the 2016 Summer Olympics a success or a failure?
If your country has no fighting/shooting game characters it is shit
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: Countries you haven't got a (You) from yet
4 year old raped by Afghan migrant in Cuckmany
In your country/language, how do you rate others' accents?
Sverigetråden Nattupplagan 2
Sverigetråden - Mysupplagan
Do you believe in god?
People who hate each other but who are essentially the same
Virgins of the 1st world, does virgin-shaming happen in your cunts?
Why can't americans invent anything?
/nachtschicht/ - tagsüber wieder /deutsch/
Go out
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Which European country has the most attractive women?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Attention portugal bros or any of my fellow Sup Forumsellectuals that have been to Portugal
Guess my ethnicity
Russia thread
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /v4/
Mom knows im going to kill myself someday
20 (twenty) generals
Does Sup Forums still like her?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Mfw a t*rk talks shit about you
How free is your state?
Implying Americans are fat and lazy
For non-Americans: how many US presidents can you name?
What did he mean by this?
You are a huge, insufferable cunt
Recently, I watched the "Making a murderer" documentary. And today...
ITT: Sup Forums in 1999
/ita/ il filo - Tomoko edition
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. Your country
How is metal viewed in your country?
What keeps you going in life?
We oppose the burkini because is is wrong to tell women what the can and can't wear
Which language is easiest for a native english speaker to learn...
American police shoot criminals with no remorse
What's your opinion on french language?
Why is it that everybody who has lived under communism say it was utter shit but college liberals praise it endlessly?
Hello Sup Forums. Like every Serb I was a volounteer in the Kebab removal force but then I met Anzu...
How did we go from this
Why is brazil so fucking terrible place?
Be American
Why have you not converted to Islam?
Are Japanese schools hard as fuck or why do they always show anime characters studying all day long?
Sup Forums VERY SPECIAL EDITION of How do you say in your language?
"people" on this board are butthurt at Mexicans because "they aren't white"
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Bolivia will never EVER get a coastline
Memes aside, what can Sup Forums tell me about Turkic peoples?
Alternate Flag Thread
Tfw born a Swedish male in Sweden
Face of superior human being
Why do most people end up with kids ? I don't wanna sound edgy or anything...
Can't wait lads
/al-almanni/ formerly and never again known as /deutsch/
Is Venezuela doing ok? I haven't heard much in a long time; I'm getting worried!
You can only post here when your country can destroy g*rmany
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...