Is Spain the only European country that is alpha and uncucked?

Is Spain the only European country that is alpha and uncucked?

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No it's just poor as shit so no Rapefugee wants to go there.

feels good man

thanks nigel I love you too

There is full of brits and german refugees.

it is cucked economically. that is no better.

This, kek, as soon as they arrive they go to countries like Holland.


>sleep all day long
>don't work
>get money from silly Germans
>cucked economically

The eternal anglo

Poland's whole history is a rape marathon from Russia and Germany

no one lives that close to africa and escape the enrichment

Absolutamente asqueroso

Just to elaborate, I love you guys.

I hope you can get out of your economic slump.

Only 16 refugees in Spain and they escape to france.

Thanks germany for spanish crisis

They're being cucked by old British expats as we speak


>implying you can penetrate anything with that small mongol dick
It was more like a leg humping from Russia LOL

i want to live in spain for a summer or something

is ibiza overrated?

Luckily I have Ukrainian ancestors, who are the most hung among Slavs unlike you, Poopland XD



>posting meme maps


I'm not gay, but I would massage his whole body and feel those muscles and tan skin fuarrrk

le france

>Genetic maps and surveys show Romania and Hungary are genetic neighbors
>Somehow are on opposite ends of penis size spectrum for no reason
>Self-reported independent microstudies with different metrics

Pop-nationalism normie shit is cancer

good.. good. fight , puppets

>My ancestors died for this


you say mongol maps yet hungary has the biggest cocks in europe

>polish intellectuals

Don't come here you fucking disgrace.

I don't see much difference between them and every other western cuck. They're cut from the same cloth.


But they are essential to the Spanish economy. Britain brings prosperity wherever it goes

Also he'd do fine, Spanish love Canada and love beautiful Anglos

Muslims wash toilets there unlike Cucknada, where they live on your taxes

Can I come? XD

Not really.

I hope you enjoy drugs, hookers and Dutch sluts

>Muslims wash toilets there unlike Cucknada, where they live on your taxes

Don't remind me, Vladamir

They're fucking complaining about 10k a month not being enough to live on. Our state media even did an entire so story on it

sob story*

That's exactly why this has to stop. As long as they still come here we'll never be anything else than a shitty touristic country with shit jobs and no industry.

Fuck off, we already have enough eastern european criminals.

Hey, is love tourism but read this He is welcome here of course but I hate spanish economic model

Yes, hot girls from germany, uk, France poland Italy etcétera visit ibiza... Is pretty good

>implying we all are criminals and iceniggers


No, Latin American men are also alphas and uncucked.
>yes, sir, I was a bad girl, pls handcuff me >


>muh dick
Literal nigger


It amounts to ~7% of our GDP. Don't think the percentage is much different in USA, #1 country in guiri reception actually.

With the caveat that you charge them a nice bill for healthcare, pharms and shit whereas here...

Brexit pls, enable yourself soon.

Kinda true.

The metro station that i get out to college is full of guarda ha look like models.

Yo espero que se cambie el modelo económico, la gente está muy cansada de ser un país de pandereta, lo que no podemos es estar dependiendo de cuanta gente visita el país.

Si vienen touristas pues muy bien, pero antes de eso hay que tener una economía productiva cosa que no tenemos

Spanish and Italian cops are hotter

>this one Russian that keeps starting threads about muscular Spanish policemen
Am I seriously the only person that doesn't recognize this shit on sight?

. An estimated 88,764 people in Norway are either first or second generation immigrants from Africa.[1]

>be gay spanish cop
>be lynched by Polish neo nazis tourists



Pero es un meme. Un 7% de la economia no es exactamente "depender de que venga gente".

Hablo como pais, claro. Otra cosa es que haya zonas especificas alla por las islas o algunas puntos específicos de la costa mediterranea donde se han montado el chiringuito turista y viven exclusivamente de eso.

Y viven de puta madre, por cierto, pero solo los dueños de esos hoteles y tal. El resto, el user de a pie empleado o con su bareto, simplemente tira palante. Eso si, los costes sociales y demas no van a la cuenta de los que viven de puta madre.

>Poland was partitioned several times and did not exist for long periods of time
>j-just a leg humping

>leaving to study in spain in a couple weeks
>mfw Spaniards will be forced to be nice to me because I'm the only one that leaves 2 euro after a meal


Lel, it's Romanians, Marrocans and Latins

>implying anyone can tell the difference looking at them

>will be forced to be nice
But waiters are usually very nice, no matter what.
And they are actually nice for free.

this, we love siesta and german welfare.

I feel pretty good

Spanish men are so hot and unforgettable.
Better avoid them or they'll break your cold Eastern/Northern euro heart.

I'm Russian, I have no heart nor soul

Remember Anatoly that being gay is haram in Ruskiland.

Don't make me report you to the Lubyanka.

What, by pumping money into the Spanish economy instead of into Britain?

Lel, Russia is a wild capitalistic Sodom, nobody cares what you're doing at home, they even don't call the police when neighbors are fighting loud. Anti-homosex hysteria is used by the government to distract attention from the economic catastrophe.

>how many niggers in u country pick

> ibiza.

Oh dear....


You know they do.

Post handsome lads.

also southern italy.
northern italy is cuckhold central though.

I'm proud of having christian arab/spanish blood

Kill yourself fucking andalusian

>latino languages
>literally just add an 'a' or an 'e' after american nouns


american education lads

Now, that wasn't nice.
Not andalusian by the way.

Super, 10/10

Just economically and a little bit by migrants.

We are secretely rich and politically stable but we dont tell anyone.

if I wasn't gay already he would've turned me for sure
