ITT we make a language for shitposting

ITT we make a language for shitposting
pinai nezh
everything you need - grammar guide/dictionary

a week ago some anons on Sup Forums decided to attempt to create a language for shitposting
what we currently have
> approximately 300 words
> basic grammar structure which allows for flexible words order but also allows a large amount of complex sentences to be created
> simple but unique verb conjugation system
> number system

summary of previous thread
> dictionary and grammar guide are updated and now semi organized
> we have imported kekkish words
> some anons are attempting to create their own dialect

Other urls found in this thread:

what we need
> we need to make words for nations/languagrs
> we need a name
- tri
nation of
niptri - japan

- mak
person of/ citizen of

- nat
language of

possible names taken from previous threads and language vocab
> kakak - kokok will mean to speak in kakak, conjugated form of kakak means we speak to ourselves in kakak
> Sup Forumsish
> 4tran - named after mythical figure Dr. Tran
> yotsubanat
> kädz
> meme cant
> poshokat bobol - meme speak
> poshokok'hem nat - shitposter's language
> intrinat - intish
> nutai kektrinat - new kekkish
> nad der poshok - language for shitposting
> nuchnat - chan language
> nuchtrinat - chanish

So has pole's dialect been decided on? The german has to agree with it too.

this is nice

If you wanna learn read the OP's pastebin and also this the alternate dialect.
Go through some of the previous threads and look at speaking attempts people have made

> reasons for block marker system

some say that the marker system seems awkward or repetitive
here are some reasons why this system is a good fit for an Sup Forums language

> gives a flexible word order
a shitposting language needs to be flexible
> gives unique grammar which is easy to learn yet also able to make complex sentences
no need to memorize rules about word order
> gives ability to say a sentence in several ways while keeping the same meaning
this will allow speakers to communicate with others while using the word order from their native language making this equally as easy for anyone to use and a truly international language which not just a variation of an existing language or language family

This is really exciting to read through! I don't know about linguistics enough to contribute, but I'd like to help by picking up the language.

Alright here's a quick question. I see that there's a lot of use of vowels with two dots over them. My computer doesn't have a keypad, so what's the best way to type that easily?

People have just been typing both of the same letter.
bavot = I kill
bavöt/bavoot = I killed

That's the OP dialect anyway. Things are a bit different in I don't think we've decided on which to use, I'm waiting for more people that were here previous threads to show up and talk about it

> vote for language name

> vote for your favorite
> new strawpoll will be created tomorow with the top five names

if you cant use accents you can capitalize the vowel

you can contrubute by helping create cunt names

This is pretty much why people voted against the german's.
But all of these advantages still exist in the pole's dialect, it also uses the marker system, it's just not as verbosely written.

I think the second one seems simpler, but I haven't had the chance to make a full read through. Neither one seems incredibly difficult. Whatever it is, it really ought to be decided quickly. As soon as that happens, we can make Quizlet type things so people can train wth vocab.
I'll try!

Hey, wie geht's?

So things like this:?





I'm not too great with country memes.


thats good

> jutri
> israel

> rochtri
> turkey

> liftri
> canada


Now we can't have too many consonants, right?
So America can't be
How do double consonants work?
Something simple like


Is there a place where we're compiling country names?

pupu. be tapen fa def nogai nat. I'd like to make some pictures with the words to remember them.

list of possible consonant groups
z, n, f, l, v, b, s, t, k, y, w, h, d, ch, m, p, ng, sh, bl, ts, vr, gr, tr, kt, ks, mp, sk, st, nd, gl, sn, sp, rt, kr, tr pronounced like how they would be in english
g pronounced like english gift
j pronounced like english jam
r not sure how it will be pronounced
kh pronounced in throat like bach or loch
th pronounced like th in english thunder or three
dh pronounced like th in engish the or that
zh would be pronounced like j in French Jean

we can add more if needed

there can be a maximum of two consonant groups next to eachother

i tried organizing the dictionary by putting related nouns next to eachother

i also added several words from kekkish
see bottom for dictionary

Proposing the adjective okay = ogai

needs a consonant
> kogai

how about mogai

Is anyone seriously going to memorize all this?

sounds good

no need to memorize every word
just the basics and grammar and the rest will probably be picked up as people use the language

Is these a good manual on conlang creation that doesn't boil down to copying existing language and replacing it with a wacky font? I have some ideas, but I'm no linguist so I need guidance

I'm no linguist either, and seeing as I'm monolingual you're probably inherently better at this sort of thing than I am, but I'd say learn or at least become sort of familiar with the grammar of some weird and unique conlang like lojban just for some perspective and then make your own


Lel very nice

> stozai

im not a linguist either but i think that the best way to make a unique conlang is to have a unique grammar and limit the similarities between real language words


Ok so the max two consonant groups next to each other.

Do we pronounce double consonants differnetly, or glottally like some English dialects do?

Be pastin

To yam be pasten


Be sarer, be gatof zhe be naroz zhe. Gonai nalit/ salit!

To yam be hatit ta nasemok zhe be poshok def yam zhe.

Do we have personal object pronouns?


But you just got here!

double consonants dont really mean anything

inttrinat = intrinat

I made a quick one to train for vocab. Should I make more? I mean, I probably will for myself, but would you like me to post them?

use the object marker

So, would be ?

can you make one for verbs

Sure thing. I'll be working on them.

First 30 verbs

I'll keep making them from the pastbin, and they'll all be on the account.

it depends on the sentence
everything goes after markers so it will be ta def yam

how ever prepositions like with, for, about usually go after the indirect marker fa so it will be fa def yam

if you want you can also put def yam directly after the verb

> she goes to school with me
to asit be gihin ta sonosis fa def yam
to asit be gihin def yam ta sonosis

both are correct
there are multiple ways to write a sentence

Thanks for the explanation. I like how flexible it is.

Bumping with the next quizlet.

del be grepor let!

Be bapip to yam.

Last one of the verbs from the paste bin

I'm making the noun ones now. I'm thinking later on I'll go through and sort the nouns by what type of things they are, but for now, they'll just be in the order of the paste bin.

there is a group of nouns that are derived from verbs which are all next to each other
> knowledge - mouth

animals are also next to eachother
> bear - whale

you can make separate quizlets for these if you want to keep them short

Oh, I see the logic in it now. I started noticing how they were derived as I was making them and added a few.

I'll keep them shorter to be manageable for me and for people using them alike. If we put them in a spreadsheet or something at some point, we could probably very easily alphabetize and put them into a dictionary.

I'm just a simple memer posting my meme language

>tfw no conlang gf to speak a meme language with
Play with nouns, ochan

word suggestions










does it have genders of obejcts

I'll add them to the noun set I'm working on now.

No, but some things change. Like to go from child (chan) to boy you make it (ochan) or (achan) for girl. There isn't an object gender like Spanish where bandera is female and pelo is male.

Language has to use IT'S OWN diacritis/digraphs.

I mean since it's a shitposting language it has to be something we can type.

In case whoever makes the next thread wants to add this, this is the account under which I've posted all of the study sets I've made. Even if I disappear or someone else makes more as we develop more words (especially country names!!), they should still hopefully be useful.

if you want you can try to make a script

be bapon

fuck, this is good

I know complex tenses aren't really necessary at this point, but some things might be helpful, like gerunds. Any ideas? Perhaps accent both vowels?

I still like poledialect desu but if we're going by the pastebin I'll learn that too, just hope the pole does as well

To mot nezh be ne diikon zhe be ripop zhe tsi inalit!

To yam be gaakin ta pastebin, sas be daken zhe be gakes zhe ta poledialect.

we can use the time marker to say things like now, still, again

creating history...

Ah, I see. That makes sense.
Foog, to be miskon tsi uul 'hem topokat

So some words that we'll need and my suggestions, if there are no oppositions:



>Phrase / Clause





Not Dhet.

will this actually catch on or will this just be another kekkish

I hope it catches on, but if not, it can at least be a language for half a dozen of us and slowly more in a general for a while.

Once it matures and I get used to it I'll write all my posts with it

I'll try and do the same.

You're all autistic

we should count how much we have right now



new zealand



Nice to see you guys still at it.

I know, right? Every board has it's own thing: Sup Forums has its plunderphonic albums, /lit/ has its meme literature and Sup Forums that Jojo Adventure pastiche, it's Sup Forums's time.

I'm a complete illiterate, so I don't know if and how to edit the paste bin. Anything new I see I'll add to the Quizlets as far as vocabulary.

I'm ready to be a part of this meme.

I think you mean

>Be zejon to vir tosotokai

>Americans cba to learn someone else's language
>still want to learn a language but need to be in charge
>make up their own fake one to learn instead
>get posters from other countries (most of whom are actually billingual) to join in learning their gibberish just because

Please carry on. This is literally how the real world works.

To mot postonat be zijon pa poshokat gonai pa

But really, this is a lot of fun. It's like the evolution of the coded languages or the made-up scripts for your native language that you made as a kid. I can learn another "real" language in class. I can participate in the creation of one here, even if it doesn't last that long. Isn't that exciting?