One chance at life

>One chance at life
>Born in clapistan with no say in the matter
>No immigrant family so no foreign citizenship or ethnicity to fall back on

Other urls found in this thread:,_1946

Move to Canada negro

That or live in Washington where it's top comfy.

It's not that hard to migrate as an American

That's amazing.

You do know people pay $100,000's for greencards, right?

American citizenship is the best you could have been possibly born with. you won the lottery, grats.

American passport is a huge advantage, you can go to most developed countries without visa

>parents are fluent in four other languages
>they don't bother to teach you ANYTHING
okay this is too much

Btw is it more expensive and long to get Canadian citizenship or at least permanent residency?

>born in US
Kill yourself.

You're the only one to blame for this tbqh

Not really sure.

I haven't experienced it nor am I familiar with the immigration policies of America and Canada. Just read it online, there's lots of info

I am a pleb who came from ukraine

no they need to start him on those languages young, kids have a magical ability to learn languages, its lost at puberty

if you actually wanted to move instead of blaming your failures on things outside of your control you could easily migrate anywhere as a US citizen, but as i've already pointed out youre a loser with no motivation to do anything

That's bullshit I didn't give a fuck about english until I was 16, became fluent at 18 on my own.
Blaming your parents is literally saying "if only someone else have done this for me, there's no hope how, god I hate everybody else"

>but as i've already pointed out youre a loser with no motivation to do anything

that's because you grew up with american media lodged up in your ass

this tbqh it's not impressive especially when a lot people who know english really struggle to speak it irl

What american media? The ones that come here dubbed and translated? Then why can't he just go use media on the language he wants to learn?
You don't learn an entire language just by watching foreign media for a couple of years, I had english at school since 1st grade, failed nearly everything and never did homework

>complaining about being born in a first world Western country
End yourself negro

Getting citizenship was fucking hard

Wew, this is a nice meme.

> a lot people who know english really struggle to speak it irl
> spics hop a border and after a couple of months speak normally, their thick accent is the only problem.
HOW ???? The magic of immersion ?

>first world Western country
this literally doesn't exist, only being born in a white country.

> a white country
I challenge you to find one

Kazakhstan come home to Canada

We need more slavs here


>First world
Pick only one!

How is it not first world?

Why do people pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for greencards? Why is american citizenship so in demand pretty much by everyone?

>This post
>The flag that posted it
>Not the Faroe Islands
>D*nish imperialism status: Defeated.

On it, just wait 6-7 years

Learn another language and emigrate.

I learned Chinese and became a naturalized Taiwanese citizen (currently in the US for a few days to visit my parents).

Is it better there ?

k fixing the request. Find a white country that isn't a a town in denial.


I like it better, especially because Taiwan has real cities and the population density to support great public transportation across the country

Great culture, friendly people, not surrounded by ignorant people like I was in the US, food is amazing


In a few years though I need to serve in the Taiwanese military because of conscription (it applies to all citizens, even naturalized ones).

Death to D*nish imperialist scum!!

Spanish and English are a little similar to each other.

its funny that people who were rich immigrate to this country and are now poor or middle class

citation needed

Yeah, nah. I've seen American ambassadors that have worked on spanish speaking countries for ten years and somehow struggle with basic stuff like word gender and to be verbs


Because Spanish is more complex than English. Ser vs estar, gendered nouns, more than 2 forms of a verb in Present Simple tense.

And by the way, how the hell do you call a group of people that are not of the same sex? Ellas or ellos?



Liberal arts degree... in political science. I'm doomed

Is there any way I could prostitute out my citizenship like that? Like shady marriages or let people buy me time to host them? Would love to make money bringing immigrants in, seems like the only good use for this crap


Isn't that "you" ?

iirc ustedes is a form of respect
like "thou" in old english

>how the hell do you call a group of people that are not of the same sex? Ellas or ellos?
if it's like french, then it's ellos
masculine takes priority here

I got no idea, I took Spanish once in high school and quit when I realized I had to learn that usted meant both you and him/her

>This D*nish Imperialist propaganda

>Liberal arts degree... in political science

Who's fault is it that you're a retard?

> quit when I realized I had to learn that usted meant both you and him/her
Is that a hardship for you?
kek, thanks non-existent God I'm a native speaker of Russian, not English

Just learn Cantonese. He she it are all just 佢

>immigrant family
>ethnic country is a 3rd world shithole

i would like to move to america so i can make guns in my garage and earn 100k a year, my mom is a professor and she earns like 50k a year.