How did we go from this

How did we go from this...

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To this?

droop snoot

too much fat food


You are saved a lot of lifes by scraping them.


Not true the crash in 2000 was result of metal debris on the runway which would have effected any plane if hit. It was really expensive and not really financially any good, it cost too much to keep running for what it was worth. Still amazing none the less at what we and the frogs achieved.

Never gonna fly because of my myopia.

But I fix aircraft. Ask me anything.

Both of our countries should have done a military version (bomber or interception with huge missiles).

remember, always blame the french

something going so fast would probably outrun the missiles themselves

Idk.. the French?

>Still amazing none the less at what we and the frogs achieved.
yeah especially when neither of you are known for your proves in engineering

>yeah especially when neither of you are known for your proves in engineering
We've made some revolutionary shit in our history mate.

tbqh blimps are financially more profitable than faster than sound travel.

Peak oil and OPEC shenanigans.

>neither of you are known for your proves in engineering
But we both are

>yfw supersonic bizjet flying by 2019
>yfw it's American

Feels good man.

concord looks as a slim american eagle desu


They aren't even remotely comparable. They exist(ed) for entirely different reasons.

Pretty pointless. Can only be used for transoceanic flights.

They absolutely are.

Go back to your potatoes slaveshit.

Anything is more profitable than supersonic travel

Fuck off pepik

/a levels/


Just a wee reminder that British and French planes are the best and there are no good slav planes


Mexicans couldn't build a good hang glider ha ha


that plane looked sad :(

Fuck off pirate Falklands are British


>The frogs
>Not known for their proves in engineering
Literally what mate? I think you need to step out of your cave once in a while.


it's not even a real blimp, it's a heavier than air hybrid airship

p.s. here is a better look at that thing

muh dick